Source code for esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared.plot._plot

"""Common plot functions."""
import logging
import os
from copy import deepcopy

import as ccrs
import dask.array as da
import iris.quickplot
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import yaml

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _process_axes_functions(axes, axes_functions):
    """Process axes functions of the form `axes.functions(*args, **kwargs)."""
    if axes_functions is None:
        return None
    output = None
    for (func, attr) in axes_functions.items():
        axes_function = getattr(axes, func)

        # Simple functions (argument directly given)
        if not isinstance(attr, dict):
                out = axes_function(*attr)
            except TypeError:
                out = axes_function(attr)

        # More complicated functions (args and kwargs given)
            args = attr.get('args', [])
            kwargs = attr.get('kwargs', {})

            # Process 'transform' kwargs
            if 'transform' in kwargs:
                kwargs['transform'] = getattr(axes, kwargs['transform'])
            out = axes_function(*args, **kwargs)

        # Return legend if possible
        if func == 'legend':
            output = out
    return output

def _check_size_of_parameters(*args):
    """Check if the size of (array-like) args is identical."""
    if len(args) < 2:
        logger.warning("Less than two arguments given, comparing not possible")
    arg_0 = args[0]
    for arg in args:
            if len(arg_0) != len(arg):
                raise ValueError("Invalid input: array-like parameters need "
                                 "to have the same size")
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("Invalid input: some parameters are not "

[docs] def get_path_to_mpl_style(style_file=None): """Get path to matplotlib style file.""" if style_file is None: style_file = 'default.mplstyle' if not style_file.endswith('.mplstyle'): style_file += '.mplstyle' base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filepath = os.path.join(base_dir, 'styles_python', 'matplotlib', style_file) logger.debug("Using matplotlib style: %s", filepath) return filepath
[docs] def get_dataset_style(dataset, style_file=None): """Retrieve the style information for the given dataset.""" if style_file is None: style_file = 'cmip5.yml' logger.debug("Using default style file {style_file}") if not style_file.endswith('.yml'): style_file += '.yml' base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) default_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'styles_python') # Check if style_file is valid filepath = os.path.join(default_dir, style_file) if os.path.isfile(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as infile: style = yaml.safe_load(infile) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot open style file {filepath}") logger.debug("Using style file %s for dataset %s", filepath, dataset) # Check if file has entry for unknown dataset default_dataset = 'default' options = ['color', 'dash', 'thick', 'mark', 'avgstd', 'facecolor'] if default_dataset not in style: raise ValueError(f"Style file {filepath} does not contain section " f"[{default_dataset}] (used for unknown datasets)") for option in options: if option not in style[default_dataset]: raise ValueError( f"Style file {filepath} does not contain default information " f"for '{option}' (under section [{default_dataset}])") # Check if dataset is available if not style.get(dataset): logger.warning( "Dataset '%s' not found in style file, using default " "entry", dataset) return style[default_dataset] # Get compulsory information for option in options: if option not in style[dataset]: default_option = style[default_dataset][option] logger.warning( "No style information '%s' found for dataset '%s', using " "default value '%s' for unknown datasets", option, dataset, default_option) style[dataset][option] = default_option return style[dataset]
def _check_cube(cube): """Check if cube is 2D and contains latitude and longitude.""" if cube.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( f"Expected 2D cube, got {cube.ndim:d}D cube: " f"{cube.summary(shorten=True)}") required_coords = ['latitude', 'longitude'] for coord_name in required_coords: if not cube.coords(coord_name, dim_coords=True): raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError( f"Cube {cube.summary(shorten=True)} does not contain " f"necessary dimensional coordinate '{coord_name}' for " f"plotting global map plot") def _truncate_colormap(cmap_name, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n_colors=100): """Truncate colormaps.""" cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap_name) new_cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( f'trunc({cmap_name},{minval:.2f},{maxval:.2f})', cmap(np.linspace(minval, maxval, n_colors))) return new_cmap def _get_centered_cmap(cmap_name, vmin, vmax, center, n_colors=100): """Get centered colormap.""" if not vmin < center < vmax: raise ValueError( f"Expected monotonic increase vmin < center < vmax, got vmin = " f"{vmin}, vmax = {vmax}, center = {center}") if center - vmin > vmax - center: minval = 0.0 maxval = 0.5 + (vmax - center) / (center - vmin) / 2.0 else: minval = 0.5 - (center - vmin) / (vmax - center) / 2.0 maxval = 1.0 return _truncate_colormap(cmap_name, minval, maxval, n_colors)
[docs] def global_contourf(cube, cbar_center=None, cbar_label=None, cbar_range=None, cbar_ticks=None, **kwargs): """Plot global filled contour plot. Note ---- This is only possible if the cube is 2D with dimensional coordinates `latitude` and `longitude`. Parameters ---------- cube : iris.cube.Cube Cube to plot. cbar_center : float, optional Central value for the colormap, useful for diverging colormaps. Can only be used if ``cbar_range`` is given. cbar_label : str, optional Label for the colorbar. cbar_range : list of float, optional Range of the colorbar (first and second list element) and number of distinct colors (third element). See :mod:`numpy.linspace`. cbar_ticks : list, optional Ticks for the colorbar. **kwargs Keyword argument for :func:`iris.plot.contourf()`. Returns ------- matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet Plot object. Raises ------ iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError Input :class:`iris.cube.Cube` does not contain the necessary dimensional coordinates ``'latitude'`` and ``'longitude'``. ValueError Input :class:`iris.cube.Cube` is not 2D. """ kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs) logger.debug("Plotting global filled contour plot for cube %s", cube.summary(shorten=True)) _check_cube(cube) # Adapt colormap if necessary if cbar_center is not None: if cbar_range is None: raise ValueError( "'cbar_center' can only be used if 'cbar_range' is given") cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', plt.get_cmap()) n_colors = cbar_range[2] if len(cbar_range) > 2 else 100 cmap = _get_centered_cmap(cmap, cbar_range[0], cbar_range[1], cbar_center, n_colors) kwargs['cmap'] = cmap # Create plot if cbar_range is not None: levels = np.linspace(*cbar_range) kwargs['levels'] = levels axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson(central_longitude=10)) # see # and kwargs['transform_first'] = True npx = da if cube.has_lazy_data() else np map_plot = iris.plot.contourf( cube.copy(, np.nan)), **kwargs, ) # Appearance axes.gridlines(color='lightgrey', alpha=0.5) axes.coastlines() axes.set_global() colorbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', aspect=30) if cbar_ticks is not None: colorbar.set_ticks(cbar_ticks) colorbar.set_ticklabels([str(tick) for tick in cbar_ticks]) elif cbar_range is not None: ticks = np.linspace(*cbar_range[:2], 10, endpoint=False, dtype=type(cbar_range[0])) colorbar.set_ticks(ticks) colorbar.set_ticklabels([str(tick) for tick in ticks]) if cbar_label is not None: colorbar.set_label(cbar_label) return map_plot
[docs] def global_pcolormesh(cube, cbar_center=None, cbar_label=None, cbar_ticks=None, **kwargs): """Plot global color mesh. Note ---- This is only possible if the cube is 2D with dimensional coordinates `latitude` and `longitude`. Parameters ---------- cube : iris.cube.Cube Cube to plot. cbar_center : float, optional Central value for the colormap, useful for diverging colormaps. Can only be used if ``vmin`` and ``vmax`` are given. cbar_label : str, optional Label for the colorbar. cbar_ticks : list, optional Ticks for the colorbar. **kwargs Keyword argument for :func:`iris.plot.pcolormesh()`. Returns ------- matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet Plot object. Raises ------ iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError Input :class:`iris.cube.Cube` does not contain the necessary dimensional coordinates ``'latitude'`` and ``'longitude'``. ValueError Input :class:`iris.cube.Cube` is not 2D. """ kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs) logger.debug("Plotting global filled contour plot for cube %s", cube.summary(shorten=True)) _check_cube(cube) # Adapt colormap if necessary if cbar_center is not None: if not ('vmin' in kwargs and 'vmax' in kwargs): raise ValueError( "'cbar_center' can only be used if 'vmin' and 'vmax' are " "given") cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', plt.get_cmap()) cmap = _get_centered_cmap(cmap, kwargs['vmin'], kwargs['vmax'], cbar_center) kwargs['cmap'] = cmap # Create plot axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson(central_longitude=10)) map_plot = iris.plot.pcolormesh(cube, **kwargs) # Appearance axes.gridlines(color='lightgrey', alpha=0.5) axes.coastlines() axes.set_global() colorbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', aspect=30) if cbar_ticks is not None: colorbar.set_ticks(cbar_ticks) colorbar.set_ticklabels([str(tick) for tick in cbar_ticks]) if cbar_label is not None: colorbar.set_label(cbar_label) return map_plot
[docs] def quickplot(cube, plot_type, filename=None, **kwargs): """Plot a cube using one of the iris.quickplot functions.""" logger.debug("Creating '%s' plot %s", plot_type, filename) plot_function = getattr(iris.quickplot, plot_type) fig = plt.figure() plot_function(cube, **kwargs) if filename: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
[docs] def multi_dataset_scatterplot(x_data, y_data, datasets, filepath, **kwargs): """Plot a multi dataset scatterplot. Notes ----- Allowed keyword arguments: * `mpl_style_file` (:obj:`str`): Path to the matplotlib style file. * `dataset_style_file` (:obj:`str`): Path to the dataset style file. * `plot_kwargs` (`array-like`): Keyword arguments for the plot (e.g. `label`, `makersize`, etc.). * `save_kwargs` (:obj:`dict`): Keyword arguments for saving the plot. * `axes_functions` (:obj:`dict`): Arbitrary functions for axes, i.e. `axes.set_title('title')`. Parameters ---------- x_data : array-like x data of each dataset. y_data : array-like y data of each dataset. datasets : array-like Names of the datasets. filepath : str Path to which plot is written. **kwargs Keyword arguments. Raises ------ TypeError A non-valid keyword argument is given or `x_data`, `y_data`, `datasets` or (if given) `plot_kwargs` is not array-like. ValueError `x_data`, `y_data`, `datasets` or `plot_kwargs` do not have the same size. """ # Allowed kwargs allowed_kwargs = [ 'mpl_style_file', 'dataset_style_file', 'plot_kwargs', 'save_kwargs', 'axes_functions', ] for kwarg in kwargs: if kwarg not in allowed_kwargs: raise TypeError("{} is not a valid keyword argument".format(kwarg)) # Check parameters _check_size_of_parameters(x_data, y_data, datasets, kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', x_data)) empty_dict = [{} for _ in x_data] # Create matplotlib instances'mpl_style_file'))) (fig, axes) = plt.subplots() # Plot data for (idx, dataset) in enumerate(datasets): style = get_dataset_style(dataset, kwargs.get('dataset_style_file')) # Fix problem when plotting ps file facecolor = style['color'] if filepath.endswith('ps') else \ style['facecolor'] # Plot axes.plot(x_data[idx], y_data[idx], markeredgecolor=style['color'], markerfacecolor=facecolor, marker=style['mark'], **(kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', empty_dict)[idx])) # Customize plot legend = _process_axes_functions(axes, kwargs.get('axes_functions')) # Save plot savefig_kwargs = dict(kwargs.get('save_kwargs', {})) if legend is not None: savefig_kwargs['bbox_extra_artists'] = [legend] fig.savefig(filepath, **savefig_kwargs)"Wrote %s", filepath) plt.close()
[docs] def scatterplot(x_data, y_data, filepath, **kwargs): """Plot a scatterplot. Notes ----- Allowed keyword arguments: * `mpl_style_file` (:obj:`str`): Path to the matplotlib style file. * `plot_kwargs` (`array-like`): Keyword arguments for the plot (e.g. `label`, `makersize`, etc.). * `save_kwargs` (:obj:`dict`): Keyword arguments for saving the plot. * `axes_functions` (:obj:`dict`): Arbitrary functions for axes, i.e. `axes.set_title('title')`. Parameters ---------- x_data : array-like x data of each dataset. y_data : array-like y data of each dataset. filepath : str Path to which plot is written. **kwargs Keyword arguments. Raises ------ TypeError A non-valid keyword argument is given or `x_data`, `y_data` or (if given) `plot_kwargs` is not array-like. ValueError `x_data`, `y_data` or `plot_kwargs` do not have the same size. """ # Allowed kwargs allowed_kwargs = [ 'mpl_style_file', 'plot_kwargs', 'save_kwargs', 'axes_functions', ] for kwarg in kwargs: if kwarg not in allowed_kwargs: raise TypeError("{} is not a valid keyword argument".format(kwarg)) # Check parameters _check_size_of_parameters(x_data, y_data, kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', x_data)) empty_dict = [{} for _ in x_data] # Create matplotlib instances'mpl_style_file'))) (fig, axes) = plt.subplots() # Plot data for (idx, x_vals) in enumerate(x_data): plot_kwargs = kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', empty_dict)[idx] # Fix problem when plotting ps file if 'markerfacecolor' in plot_kwargs and filepath.endswith('ps'): plot_kwargs.pop('markerfacecolor') # Plot axes.plot(x_vals, y_data[idx], **(kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', empty_dict)[idx])) # Customize plot legend = _process_axes_functions(axes, kwargs.get('axes_functions')) # Save plot fig.savefig(filepath, bbox_extra_artists=[legend], **kwargs.get('save_kwargs', {}))"Wrote %s", filepath) plt.close()