Portrait Plot#
Portrait Plot Diagnostic.
Plot performance metrics of multiple datasets vs up to four references
A documented example recipe to use this
diagnostic is provided as recipes/recipe_portrait_CMIP.yml
This diagnostic provides plot functionalities for performance metrics,
and is written to be as flexible as possible to be adaptable to further use
cases. X and Y axis, grouping parameter and splits for each rectangle can be
configured in the recipe. All *_by
parameters can be set to any metadata
key. To split by ‘reference’ this key needs to be set as extra_facet in recipe.
Configuration parameters through recipe:#
- axes_properties: dict, optional
Dictionary that gets passed to
. Subplots can be widely customized. E.g. xlabel, ylabel, yticklabels, xmargin… By default {}.- cbar_kwargs: dict, optional
Dictionary that gets passed to
. E.g. label, ticks… By default {}.- default_split: str, optional
Data labeled with this string, will be used as main rectangles. All other splits will be plotted as overlays. This can be used to choose the base reference, while all references are labeled for the legend. If None, the first split will be used as default. By default None.
- dpi: int, optional
Dots per inch for the figure. By default 300.
- domain: str, optional
Domain for provenance. By default ‘global’.
- figsize: tuple of float, optional
[width, height] of the figure in inches. The final figure will be saved with bbox_inches=”tight”, which can change the resulting aspect ratio. By default [7.5, 3.5].
- group_by: str, optional
Split portrait groups into multiple groups (one matrix per group). By default ‘project’.
- legend: dict, optional
Customize, if, how and where the legend is plotted. The ‘best’ position and size of the legend depends on multiple parameters of the figure (i.e. lengths of labels, aspect ratio of the plots…). Might require manual adjustment of
to fit the figure layout. Keys (each optional) that will be handled are:- position: str or None, optional
Position of the legend. Can be ‘right’ or ‘left’. Or set to None to disable plotting the legend. By default ‘right’.
- size: float, optional
Size of the legend in Inches. By default 0.3.
- x_offset: float, optional
Manually adjust horizontal position to save space or fix overlap. Number given in Inches. By default 0.
- y_offset: float, optional
Manually adjust vertical position to save space or fix overlap. Number given in Inches. By default 0.
- matplotlib_rc_params: dict, optional
used to customize matplotlib plots. Options given here will be passed tomatplotlib.rc_context()
and used for all plots produced with this diagnostic. Note: fontsizes specified here might be overwritten by the plot-type-specific optionfontsize
(see below).- nan_color: str or None, optional
Matplotlib named color or hexcode for NaN values. If set to None, no triangles are plotted for NaN values. By default ‘white’.
- normalize: str or None, optional
(‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘centered_mean’, ‘centered_median’, None). Divide by median or mean if not None. Subtract median/mean afterwards if centered. By default ‘centered_median’.
- plot_kwargs: dict, optional
Dictionary that gets passed as kwargs to
. Colormaps will be converted to 11 discrete steps automatically. Default colormap iscmap='RdYlBu_r'
with limitsvmin=-0.5
.- plot_legend: bool, optional
If True, a legend is plotted, when multiple splits are given. By default True.
- split_by: str, optional
The rectangles can be split into 2-4 triangles. This is used to show metrics for different references. For this case there is no need to change this parameter. Multiple variables can be set in the recipe with
assigned as extra_facet to label the different references. Data without a split assigned will be plotted as main rectangles, this can be changed by setting default_split parameter. By default ‘split’.- x_by: str, optional
Metadata key for x coordinate. By default ‘alias’.
- y_by: str, optional
Metadata key for y coordinate. By default ‘variable_group’.