CMIP Rapid Evaluation Framework (REF)#
Here ESMValTool recipes are collected which will be used in the CMIP Rapid Evaluation Framework (REF).
Available recipes#
Recipes are stored in recipes/ref
- recipe_ref_cre.yml:
Maps and zonal means of longwave and shortwave cloud radiative effect
Example plots:#

Fig. 7 Geographical map of the climatological mean longwave cloud radiative effect from MPI-ESM1-2-LR and CERES-EBAF Ed4.2 and their difference.#

Fig. 8 Zonal averages of the climatological mean longwave cloud radiative effect from CERES-EBAF Ed4.2 (solid black), ESACCI-CLOUD (dashed black), ISCCP-FH (dotted black) and the MPI-ESM1-2-LR model (blue).#