Quick Start Guide#

  • Clone the ESMValTool repository (which contains the RTW):

    git clone git@github.com:ESMValGroup/ESMValTool.git
  • Configure the RTW:

    cd ESMValTool/esmvaltool/utils/recipe_test_workflow
    rose edit
  • Run the RTW:

    • at the Met Office:

      export CYLC_VERSION=8
      cylc vip -O metoffice
    • on JASMIN:

      • add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file to ensure the Cylc and Rose executables can be found:

        export PATH=/apps/jasmin/metomi/bin:$PATH
      • SSH to the Rose and Cylc server:

        ssh -X cylc
      • run the RTW on JASMIN:

        cd ESMValTool/esmvaltool/utils/recipe_test_workflow
        export CYLC_VERSION=8
        cylc vip -O jasmin
  • Browse the logs using Cylc Review, a web service for browsing logs via an HTTP interface.