Spatially resolved evaluation of ESMs with satellite column-averaged CO2#


This recipe reproduces the figures of Gier et al. (2020). It uses satellite column-averaged CO2 data to evaluate ESMs by plotting several quantities such as timeseries, seasonal cycle and growth rate in different areas.

Available recipes and diagnostics#

Recipes are stored in esmvaltool/recipes/

  • recipe_gier20bg.yml

Diagnostics are stored in diag_scripts/

Diagnostics are stored in esmvaltool/diag_scripts/xco2_analysis/

  • carbon_plots.ncl: plot script for panel plots

  • delta_T.ncl: IAV of growth rate against growing season temperature - Figure C1

  • global_maps.ncl: global maps for seasonal cycle amplitude - Figures 5, 6

  • main.ncl: Timeseries and histogram - Figures 3, 4

  • panel_plots.ncl: scatter plot of SCA/GR vs variable - Figures 7, 9, B1, B2

  • sat_masks.ncl: data coverage of input data - Figures 1, 8

  • stat.ncl: auxiliary functions for GR, SCA computation

  • station_comparison.ncl: - comparison of surface and column data - Figure 2

User settings in recipe#

  1. Preprocessor

    • conv_units: converts units to plot-units

    • mmm_ref: calculates multi-model mean and regrids to ref dataset

    • mmm_2x2: computes multi-model mean on 2x2 grid

    • mmm: computes multi-model mean for 3D variable, 5x5 grid with specific pressure levels

  2. Script xco2_analysis/delta_T.ncl

    • Required diag_script_info attributes:
      • region: region to average over

      • masking: the kind of masking to apply prior to region average (possible options: obs, land, sciamachy, gosat, none)

      • var_order: First main variable, then temperature variable to compare

    • Optional diag_script_info attributes:
      • styleset: styleset for color coding panels

      • output_file_type: output file type for plots, default: png

      • var_plotname: NCL string formatting how variable should be named in plots defaults to short_name if not assigned.

  3. Script xco2_analysis/global_maps.ncl:

    • Required diag_script_info attributes:
      • contour_max_level: maximum value displayed for seasonal cycle amplitude contour plot

    • Optional diag_script_info attributes:
      • output_file_type: output file type for plots, default: png

  4. Script xco2_analysis/main.ncl:

    • Required diag_script_info attributes:
      • styleset: styleset to use for plotting colors, linestyles…

      • region: latitude range for averaging

      • masking: different masking options are available to use on dataset: (possible options: none, obs)

      • ensemble_mean: if true calculates multi-model mean only accounting for the ensemble member named in “ensemble_refs”

    • Optional diag_script_info attributes:
      • output_file_type: output file type for plots, default: png

      • ensemble_refs: list of model-ensemble pairs to denote which ensemble member to use for calculating multi-model mean. required if ensemble_mean = true

      • var_plotname: String formatting how variable should be named in plots defaults to short_name if not assigned

  5. Script xco2_analysis/panel_plots.ncl:

    • Required diag_script_info attributes:
      • styleset: styleset to use for plotting colors, linestyles…

      • region: latitude range for averaging

      • masking: different masking options are available to use on dataset: (possible options: obs, land, sciamachy, gosat, none)

      • obs_in_panel: True if observations should be included in plot

      • area_avg: Type of area averaging: “full-area” normal area-average “lat-first” calculate zonal means first, then average these

      • plot_var2_mean: If True adds mean of seasonal cycle to panel as string.

    • Optional diag_script_info attributes:
      • output_file_type: output file type for plots, default: png

      • var_plotname: String formatting how variable should be named in plots defaults to short_name if not assigned

  6. Script xco2_analysis/sat_masks.ncl:

    • Optional diag_script_info attributes:
      • output_file_type: output file type for plots, default: png

      • var_plotname: String formatting how variable should be named in plots defaults to short_name if not assigned

      • c3s_plots: Missing value plots separated by timeseries of c3s satellites

  7. Script xco2_analysis/station_comparison.ncl:

    • Required diag_script_info attributes:
      • var_order: in this case xco2, co2, co2s - column averaged with obs dataset first, then 2D variable, followed by surface stations

    • Optional diag_script_info attributes:
      • output_file_type: output file type for plots, default: png

      • var_plotnames: String formatting how variables should be named in plots defaults to short_name if not assigned

      • overwrite_altitudes: Give other altitude values than the ones attached in the station data. Valid if altitude changes and timeseries spans range with different sample altitude. Caveat: If used, need to give altitude values for all stations.

      • output_map: boolean if stations to be displayed on map. As this requires finetuning, currently only implemented for station set of (ASK, CGO, HUN, LEF, WIS) following the paper. Change for different plot inset locations, if others are desired.


  • xco2 (atmos, monthly, longitude, latitude, time)

  • co2s (atmos, monthly, longitude, latitude, time)

  • co2 (atmos, monthly, pressure, longitude, latitude, time)

  • tas (atmos, monthly, longitude, latitude, time)

  • tasa (atmos, monthly, longitude, latitude, time)

Observations and reformat scripts#


  • Gier, B. K., Buchwitz, M., Reuter, M., Cox, P. M., Friedlingstein, P., and Eyring, V.: Spatially resolved evaluation of Earth system models with satellite column-averaged CO2, Biogeosciences, 17, 6115–6144,, 2020.

Example plots#


Fig. 35 Mean fractional coverage of monthly satellite data.#


Fig. 36 Comparison of time series from satellite, in situ, and models sampled accordingly. Caveat: inset plot positions are hardcoded.#


Fig. 37 Timeseries with panels depicting growth rate and seasonal cycle.#


Fig. 38 Barplot of the growth rate, averaged over all years, with standard deviation of interannual variability.#


Fig. 39 Panel plot of spatially resolved seasonal cycle amplitude for all models, including a zonal average sidepanel.#


Fig. 40 Seasonal cycle amplitude map comparing influence of sampling, and difference to observations.#


Fig. 41 Panel plots showing seasonal cycle amplitude against XCO2, includes regression line and p-value.#


Fig. 42 Mean spatial data coverage for different satellites.#