Diagnostics of stratospheric dynamics and chemistry#


This recipe reproduces the figures of Eyring et al. (2006) The following plots are reproduced:

  • Vertical profile climatological mean bias of climatological mean for selected seasons and latitudinal region.

  • Vertical and latitudinal profile of climatological mean for selected seasons this figure and setting is valid for figure 5 (CH4) figure 6 (H2O) figure 11 (HCL) figure 13 (tro3).

  • Total ozone anomalies at different latitudinal band and seasons.

Available recipes and diagnostics#

Recipes are stored in esmvaltool/recipes/

  • recipe_eyring06jgr.yml

Diagnostics are stored in esmvaltool/diag_scripts/eyring06jgr/

  • eyring06jgr_fig01.ncl

  • eyring06jgr_fig05a.ncl

  • eyring06jgr_fig05b.ncl

  • eyring06jgr_fig15.ncl

User settings in recipe#

  1. Preprocessor

    • regrid_interp_lev_zonal: Regridding and interpolation reference_dataset levels used by eyring06jgr_fig01 and eyring06jgr_fig05

    • zonal : Regridding and zonal mean used by eyring06jgr_fig15

  2. Script <eyring06jgr_fig01.ncl>

    Required settings for script

    • latmin: array of float, min lat where variable is averaged, i.e. [60., 60., -90., -90. ]

    • latmax: array of float,and max lat where variable is averaged, i.e. [90., 90., -60., -60. ]

    • season: array of string., season when variable is averaged, i.e. [“DJF”, “MAM”, “JJA”, “SON”]

    • XMin: array of float, min limit X axis [-30., -30., -30., -30.]

    • XMax: array of float, max limit X axis [20., 20., 20., 20.]

    • levmin: array of float, min limit Y axis [1., 1., 1., 1.]

    • levmax: array of float, max limit Y axis [350., 350., 350., 350.]

    Optional settings for script

    • start_year: int, year when start the climatology calculation [1980] (default max among the models start year).

    • end_year:int, year when end the climatology calculation [1999] (default min among the models end year).

    • multimean: bool, calculate multi-model mean, (i.e. False/True) (default False).

    Required settings for variables

    • preprocessor: regrid_interp_lev.

    • reference_dataset: name of the reference model or observation for regridding and bias calculation (e.g. ERA-Interim”).

    • mip: Amon.


  • ta (atmos, monthly mean, longitude latitude level time)

Example plots#


Fig. 33 Climatological mean temperature biases for (top) 60–90N and (bottom) 60–90S for the (left) winter and (right) spring seasons. The climatological means for the CCMs and ERA-Interim data from 1980 to 1999 are included. Biases are calculated relative to ERA-Interim reanalyses. The grey area shows ERA-Interim plus and minus 1 standard deviation (s) about the climatological mean. The turquoise area shows plus and minus 1 standard deviation about the multi-model mean.#