3. ESMValTool namelists

The ESMValTool namelists are the “control centers” acting as interfaces between the user and the various scripts and configuration files that make up the ESMValTool. A namelist specifies a list of diagnostics to run, global flags and a list of models and observations that are used within the diagnostics. Namelists are text files written in XML (EXtensible Markup Language) [XML]. As a simple text file, the XML-namelist can be easily modified by the user.

For any given namelist “namelist.xml”, the ESMValTool is invoked from the command line via (see also Section 6):

python main.py nml/namelist.xml

The Python “workflow manager” main.py will parse the namelist (namelist.xml) and call all diagnostic scripts listed in the namelist. This sequence is schematicallypython main.py nml/namelist.xml depicted in Figure 3.1 and involves the following steps:

  1. Parse the namelist
  2. Identify the input files on the file system
  3. Run an NCL script to check and reformat the input files
  4. If needed, run a NCL script to compute derived variables such as, for instance, climate indices
  5. Run the diagnostic script (NCL/Python/R/etc.)
  6. Repeat previous steps until all diagnostics listed in the namelist are processed

Figure 3.1 ESMValTool control flow.

The script main.py processes the information in the XML namelist to be used by each of the supported programming languages (currently NCL, Python and R) used for the diagnostic scripts. This means that different diagnostics, even if implemented in different programming languages, can be called within the same namelist. Any changes to the settings of the namelist will passed to each diagnostic script.

Note that the coupling between the namelist and the diagnostic scripts is “loose”. The Python workflow manager main.py passes all information in the namelist to the target diagnostic script, e.g., via intermediate files or environment variables, but it is up to the diagnostic script to act on that information.

Basic structure of a namelist


controls the general settings (see Table 3.1) ; see Section 3.1, “More on the <GLOBALS>-tag” below for details



defines the models/observations and years to be processed and their pathnames; see Section 3.2, “More on the <MODELS>-tag” below for details



defines which diagnostics are run (see Table 3.5); each diagnostic is enclosed in an opening <diag> and closing </diag>-tag; see Section 3.3, “More on the <DIAGNOSTICS>-tag” below for details


Please note that the “loose coupling” described above applies particularly to the settings defined in the two elements <GLOBAL> and <DIAGNOSTIC>.

3.1. More on the <GLOBAL>-tag

Table 3.1 summarizes the tags defined in the <GLOBAL> section of the namelist. Some of these tags (e.g., regridding_dir) are specific to some diagnostics and not generally defined in all namelists.

Table 3.1 Tags of the <GLOBAL> section of the namelist. Note that not all tags might be used by a diagnostic.
Name Type Description
climo_dir string Path for intermediate files (netCDF)
exit_on_warning boolean Stop on warnings
force_calc boolean Force diagnostic specific files to be recreated
force_gradecalc boolean Force recalculation of model grading (perfmetrics)
force_processing boolean Force certain intermediate files (netCDF) to be recreated instead of using cached files
force_taylorcalc boolean Force recalculation of data for Taylor plot (perfmetrics)
max_data_blocksize integer Currently not used
max_data_filesize integer Limits internal memory handling in some core NCL scripts
output_file_type string File format of plots (ps, pdf, eps, png); not all formats supported by all diagnostic scripts
plot_dir string Output path for plots
read_from_vault boolean Retrieve computed diagnostic fields from netCDF
regridding_dir string Path for intermediate files used by NCL regridding routines
show_debuginfo string Generate a second version of each figure with explanatory text overlayed
tags string Comma separated list of tags used for reporting and visualization (see Section 2.3 for details)
verbosity integer Verbosity level (0 = minimum output, 4=maximum output)
write_netcdf boolean Write results to netCDF file
write_plot_vars boolean Currenntly not used
write_plots boolean Produce plots
wrk_dir string Output path for data (netCDF, acknowledgements)

3.2. More on the <MODELS>-tag

Each data set is specified by a <model> line with the first entry of each model line being the “project specifier” (see Table 3.2). The project specifier refers to a Python class that is used to parse the model line in the namelist. For example, a model line with the “CMIP5” specifier looks like:

<model> CMIP5 name mip experiment ensemble start-year end-year path </model>
  • Optionally, the element “mip” can be replaced with “MIP_VAR_DEF” if the tag “MIP” is specified in the <variable> tag (see Table 3.4), e.g.:

    <variable MIP =”cfDay”> rlut </variable>

    <model> CMIP5_ETHZ MPI-ESM-LR MIP_VAR_DEF amip r1i1p1 1980 1985 @{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5/ </model>

  • The element “experiment” can be replaced with “EXP_VAR_DEF” if the tag “EXP” is specified in the <variable> tag (see Table S4), e.g.:

    <variable MIP=”Omon” EXP =”esmHistorical”> fgco2 </variable>

    <model> CMIP5_ETHZ NorESM1-ME MIP_VAR_DEF EXP_VAR_DEF r1i1p1 1960 2005 @{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5 </model>

The project specifier “CMIP5” will search for files in “path” with filenames matching the pattern


Here, the leading asterisk is a placeholder for the variable, which is defined in the <DIAGNOSTICS>-tag (see below), the trailing asterisk is a placeholder for the start/end date of the data set. This naming convention conforms to the syntax used for CMIP5 DRS filenames (as implied by the project specifier name). By implementing their own project specifier classes into the Python code (interface_scripts/projects.py), the user can handle data sets that follow different file naming conventions or require additional information to be passed along in addition to the filename. Table 3.2 gives a summary of the available project specifiers and arguments to be used in each <model> line.

[Note: Examples for the most commonly used project specifiers CMIP5, CMIP5_ETHZ, OBS, and obs4mips as well as downloading instructions and information on the required local directory structure for the model / observational data can be found in Section :numref:`diag_avail`.]

The <model>-tag may also take the optional attribute “id”:


<model id =”ERAINT”> OBS ERA-Interim reanaly 1 2003 2004 @{OBSPATH}/Tier3/ERA-Interim </model>

The attribute id specifies a string that can be used to refer to the model in other places of the namelist. Table 3.3 gives a summary of valid attributes in <model>-tags.

Table 3.2 Project specifiers and corresponding arguments.
project specifier argument 1 argument 2 argument 3 argument 4 argument 5 argument 6 argument 7 argument 8
ana4mips Name table experiment ensemble realm start year end year path
CCMVal CCMVal1 CCMVal2 name name name case-name case-name case-name ensemble ensemble ensemble start year start year start year end year end year end year path path path    
CMIP5 CMIP5_ETHZ CMIP5_gridfile CMIP5_SMHI name name name name mip mip mip mip experiment experiment experiment experiment ensemble ensemble ensemble ensemble start year start year start year start year end year end year end year end year Path path path frequency gridfile path
ECEARTH Name experiment ensemble start year end year path    
EMAC name ensemble start year end year path      
GO GO_gridfile name name table table experiment experiment ensemble ensemble start year start year end year end year path path  
MiKlip MiKlip_baseline0 name name table table experiment experiment ensemble ensemble realm realm start yea start yea end year end year path path
OBS OBS_gridfile name name case-name case-name (insitu, sat, ground reanaly) ensemble ensemble start year start year end year end year Path path gridfile  
obs4mips Name process level ensemble start year end year path    
Table 3.3 Optional attributes of the <model> tag.
Name Type Description
id String Define a name used to refer to the model data in other parts of the namelist
Table 3.4 Optional attributes of the <variable> tag.
Name Type Description
exclude String Model (id) to exclude from processing
EXP String Define a name used to the CMIP5 experiment, e.g., historical
MIP String Define a name used to refer to the CMIP5 data stream, e.g., “Amon”, “Omon”, “day”, “fx”; to be used in combination with “MIP_VAR_DEF” replacing the CMIP5 stream in the definition of a <model> tag.
ref_model String Define a reference model (model id)

3.3. More on the <DIAGNOSTICS>-tag

Each <diag> entry refers to one or several scripts in the folder diag_scripts/ complemented by a variable name (see Table 3.8 for a list of variables) and the corresponding (input) field type (see Table 3.7). Optionally the <diag>-tag may contain additional <model>-tags; these data sets will be processed only by the diagnostic(s) listed in the current <diag> entry. In this way it is possible to define a set of models to be analyzed by all diagnostics in the namelist (in the <MODELS> section) and a set of models to be analyzed only by specific diagnostics (in the <diag> section). Available <diag>-tags are listed in Table 3.5, their optional attributes in Table 3.6.

Table 3.5 Tags of the <diag> section within the <DIAGNOSTICS> section of the namelist. There are no default values.
Name Type Description
description string 1-line description / title of the diagnostic
variable_def_dir string Path for the variable-specific configuration file (usually variable_defs)
variable string Variable name: a script with the same name (variable_defs/<variable>.ncl) defines the variable to process see Table S8 for a list of variables) including possible preprocessing (e.g., calculating derived variables). Variable scripts should be located in the local folder variable_defs and written in NCL. Even though the variable scripts are written in NCL all meta data defined in the scripts are passed on to the target diagnostic script regardless of the used language (via variable attributes). If multiple variables need to be passed on to a diagnostic script, multiple <variable>-tags have to be defined.
field_type string Type of input field (see Table S7) that can be used by the diagnostic scripts. If multiple <variable>-tags are defined a single (which is then applied to all) or an equal number of <field type>-tags has to be defined.
diag_script_cfg_dir string Path for diagnostic script configuration file
diag_script string Name of diagnostic script; the script can be written in any language currently supported by ESMValTool (NCL, R and Python) and has to be located in the local folder diag_scripts. The settings defined in the diagnostic script configuration file defined by the diag_script cfg attribute is loaded at the beginning of the diagnostic script.
model (optional) string Additional data sets specific for this <diag>-section. Data sets defined here will be processed in addition to the ones defined in the MODELS section (see above) but will be ignored by other <diag>-sections.
tags string Comma separated list of tags used for reporting and visualization (see Section 2.3 for details)
Table 3.6 Optional attributes of selected tags in the <diag> section.
Name Type Parent tag Description
ref_model string <variable> Defines this data set as the reference data set within the diagnostic. The string ref_model refers to either the model name, as specified in Table S2, or the model attribute id as specified in Table S3. Note that because both model and observational data sets are specified via the <model>-tag any of them can be used as a reference data set.
exclude string <variable>

When using more than one variable corresponding to different observational data sets (e.g., precipitation and skin temperature), it is necessary to use this attribute to match which variable goes with which data set, e.g., pr with TRMM and ts with HadISST using,

<variable ref_model=”trmm” exclude=”hadisst”> pr … <variable ref_model=”hadisst” exclude=”trmm”> ts …

cfg string <diag_script> Configuration file for the diagnostic script
Table 3.7 Field types.
Name Description
T2Ms Monthly-mean 2d atmosphere or land surface data (longitude, latitude, time:month)
T3M Monthly-mean 3d atmosphere data (longitude, latitude, pressure, time:month)
T2Mz Monthly-mean zonal mean 2d atmosphere or land surface data (longitude, pressure, time:month)
T1Ms Monthly-mean 1d atmosphere or land surface data on a certain pressure level (latitude, time:month)
T2Ds Daily-mean 2d atmosphere data (longitude, latitude, time:day)
T3D Daily-mean 3d atmosphere data (longitude, latitude, pressure, time:day)
T2Dz Daily-mean zonal mean 2d atmosphere data (latitude, pressure, time:month)
T2Is Daily instantaneous 2d atmosphere data for all years (longitude, latitude, time:day)
T3I Daily-instantaneous 3d atmosphere data for selected years (longitude, latitude, model level, time:day)
T2Iz Daily instantaneous zonal mean 2d atmosphere data for all years (latitude, pressure, time:day)
T1Iz Daily instantaneous 1d field for all years (latitude-pressure, time:day)
T0I Daily instantaneous 0d field for all years (time:day)
T0As Annual-mean 0d atmosphere or land surface data on a certain pressure level (latitude, time:year)
F2Ms Constant 2d land surface data (latitude, longitude)
TO2Ms Monthly-mean 2d ocean or sea ice data (longitude, latitude, time:month)
TO3M Monthly-mean 3d ocean or sea ice data (longitude, latitude, model level, time:month)
Table 3.8 Variable definition scripts.
Script name Description
abs550aer.ncl Absorption optical depth (550 nm)
albisccp.ncl ISCCP-like cloud albedo
baresoilFrac.ncl Fraction of bare soil (land cover variable)
burntArea.ncl Burned area (land cover variable)
chl.ncl Chlorophyll mass concentration at the surface (ocean)
clcci.ncl CCI Cloud Area Fraction
clhmtcci.ncl CCI High Level Medium-Thickness Cloud Area Fraction
clhmtisccp.ncl ISCCP high level medium-thickness cloud area fraction
clhtkcci.ncl CCI High Level Thick Cloud Area Fraction
clhtkisccp.ncl ISCCP High Level Thick Cloud Area Fraction
clhtncci.ncl CCI High Level Thin Cloud Area Fraction
clhtnisccp.ncl ISCCP High Level Thin Cloud Area Fraction
clisccp.ncl ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction
clivi.ncl Vertically integrated cloud ice
cllmtcci.ncl CCI Low Level Medium-Thickness Cloud Area Fraction
cllmtisccp.ncl ISCCP Low Level Medium-Thickness Cloud Area Fraction
clltkcci.ncl CCI Low Level Thick Cloud Area Fraction
clltkisccp.ncl ISCCP Low Level Thick Cloud Area Fraction
clltncci.ncl CCI Low Level Thin Cloud Area Fraction
clltnisccp.ncl ISCCP Low Level Thin Cloud Area Fraction
clmmtcci.ncl CCI Middle Level Medium-Thickness Cloud Area Fraction
clmmtisccp.ncl ISCCP Middle Level Medium-Thickness Cloud Area Fraction
clmtkcci.ncl CCI Middle Level Thick Cloud Area Fraction
clmtkisccp.ncl ISCCP Middle Level Thick Cloud Area Fraction
clmtncci.ncl CCI Middle Level Thin Cloud Area Fraction
clmtnisccp.ncl ISCCP Middle Level Thin Cloud Area Fraction
cl.ncl Cloud area fraction (3d)
clt.ncl Total cloud fraction
cltcci.ncl CCI Total Cloud Fraction
cltisccp.ncl ISCCP-like total cloud fraction
cltStderr.ncl Standard error of total cloud fraction (observations)
clwcci.ncl CCI Liquid Cloud Area Fraction
clwtcci.ncl CCI Liquid Cloud Area Fraction
clwvi.ncl Vertically integrated total cloud water (ice + liquid)
co2flux.ncl Sum of land and ocean carbon fluxes
conccnd10.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
conccnd5.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
conccnd14.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
conccnmode.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
conccnSTPd120.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
conccnSTPd14.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
conccnSTPd3.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
conccnSTPd5.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
conccnSTPmode.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
cropFrac.ncl Fraction of crop (land cover variable)
cSoil.ncl Carbon mass in soil pool
cumnbp.ncl Cumulated NBP
cVeg.ncl Carbon mass in vegetation
diamcnmode.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
dos.ncl Degree of saturation
dosStderr.ncl Degree of saturation standard error (observations)
ec532dust.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
et.ncl Evapotranspiration
evspsbl.ncl Evaporation
fgco2.ncl Surface downward CO2 flux (ocean)
gpp.ncl Carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to gross primary production on land
grassFrac.ncl Fraction of grass (land cover variable)
grassNcropFrac.ncl Fraction of grass + crop (land cover variable)
hfds.ncl Downward heat flux at sea surface
hfls.ncl Surface upward latent heat flux (includes both evaporation and sublimation)
hfss.ncl Surface upward sensible heat flux
hus.ncl Specific humidity
huss.ncl Surface specific humidity
intpp.ncl Carbon cycle variable
ita.ncl Depth weighted temperature (ocean, 730 m)
iwpStderr.ncl Ice water path standard error (observations)
lai.ncl Leaf area index
LW_CRE.ncl Longwave cloud radiative forcing
lwp.ncl Vertically integrated cloud water (liquid only)
lwpStderr.ncl Vertically integrated cloud water standard error (observations)
mlotst.ncl Ocean mixed layer thickness
mmraer.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
mmrbcfree.ncl EMAC aerosol variable
mmrbc.ncl BC mass mixing ration
mrro.ncl Total runoff
mrso.ncl Soil moisture content
mrsos.ncl Surface soil moisture content
msftmyz.ncl Ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction
MyVar.ncl Template
nbp.ncl Carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to net biospheric production on land
NET_CRE.ncl Net cloud forcing
o2.ncl O2 (ocean)
o2_onelev.ncl O2 (ocean) on a single level
od550aer.ncl Aerosol optical depth (550 nm)
od550aerStderr.ncl Aerosol optical depth (550 nm) standard error (observations)
od550lt1aer.ncl Fine mode aerosol optical depth (550 nm)
od870aer.ncl Aerosol optical depth (870 nm)
od870aerStderr.ncl Aerosol optical depth (870 nm) standard error (observations)
pastureFrac.ncl Fraction pasture (land cover variable)
pctcci.ncl CCI Mean Cloud Top Pressure
pctisccp.ncl ISCCP-like cloud top height
phacci.ncl CCI Cloud Top Phase
prc-mmh.ncl Convective precipitation in mm per hour
pr-mmday.ncl Precipitation (total) in mm per day
pr-mmh.ncl Precipitation (total) in mm per hour
pr.ncl Precipitation (total)
prStderr.ncl Precipitation (total) standard error (observations)
prw.ncl Water vapor path
prwStderr.ncl Water vapor path standard error (observations)
psl.ncl Surface pressure
rldscs.ncl Surface downwelling longwave flux (clear sky)
rlds.ncl Surface downwelling longwave flux (all sky)
rlns.ncl Surface Net downward Longwave Radiation
rlus.ncl Surface upwelling longwave flux
rlutcs.ncl TOA outgoing clear-sky longwave radiation
rlut.ncl TOA outgoing all-sky longwave radiation
rsdscs.ncl Surface downwelling shortwave flux (clear sky)
rsds.ncl Surface downwelling shortwave flux (all sky)
rsdt.ncl TOA Incoming Shortwave Radiation
rsns.ncl Surface Net downward Shortwave Radiation
rsnt.ncl TOA Net downward Shortwave Radiation
rsuscs.ncl SWupSFCclr
rsus.ncl SWupSFC
rsutcs.ncl TOA outgoing clear-sky shortwave radiation
rsut.ncl TOA outgoing all-sky shortwave radiation
rtns.ncl Surface Net downward Total Radiation
rtnt.ncl TOA Net downward Total Radiation
sconcbc.ncl BC surface concentration
sconccl.ncl Cl- surface concentration (aerosol)
sconcna.ncl Na+ surface concentration (aerosol)
sconcnh4.ncl NH4 surface concentration
sconcno3.ncl NO3 surface concentration
sconcoa.ncl Organic aerosol (OA) surface concentration
sconcpm10.ncl PM10 surface concentration
sconcpm2p5.ncl PM2.5 surface concentration
sconcso4.ncl SO4 surface concentration
sfcWind.nc Near-surface wind speed
sftlf.ncl Land fraction
shrubFrac.ncl Fraction shrub (land cover variable)
shrubNtreeFrac.ncl Fraction shrub and tree (land cover variable)
sic.ncl Sea ice area fraction
sicStderr.ncl Sea ice area fraction standard error (observations)
sit.ncl Sea ice thickness
sm.ncl Volumetric moisture content of soil layer
smStderr.ncl Volumetric moisture content of soil layer standard error (observations)
snc.ncl Fraction of grid cell covered by snow on land
snd.ncl Surface snow thickness
snw.ncl Mass of snow on land
so.ncl Sea water salinity
sos.ncl Sea surface salinity
spco2.ncl pCO2 (ocean)
stratospheric_column.ncl Stratospheric ozone column
SW_CRE.ncl Shortwave cloud radiative forcing
talk.ncl Total alkalinity (ocean)
ta.ncl Air temperature
tas.ncl Near-surface air temperature
tas-degC.ncl Near-surface air temperature in degrees Centigrade
tauu.ncl Surface eastward wind stress
tauv.ncl Surface northward wind stress
tauw.ncl Surface wind stress
theta-850.ncl Potential temperature at 850 hPa
theta.ncl Potential temperature
to.ncl Sea water temperature
tos.ncl Sea surface temperature
total_column.ncl Total ozone column
toz.ncl Total ozone column (alternative name)
tozStderr.ncl Total ozone column standard error (observations)
treeFrac.ncl Fraction tree (land cover variable)
tro3.ncl Ozone volume mixing ratio
tro3_NHext.ncl Ozone volume mixing ratio restricted to northern hemisphere extra tropics
tro3prof.ncl Vertical profile of zonally averaged ozone mixing ratio
tro3_SHext.ncl Ozone volume mixing ratio restricted to southern hemisphere extra tropics
tro3_Trop.ncl Ozone volume mixing ratio restricted to tropics
tropospheric_column.ncl Tropospheric ozone column
tropoz.ncl Tropospheric ozone column (alternative name)
ts.ncl Skin temperature
tsStderr.ncl Skin temperature standard error (observations)
ua-1000.ncl Wind u-component at 1000 hPa
ua-200-850.ncl Wind u-component at 200 hPa and at 850 hPa (monsoon diagnostics)
ua-200.ncl Wind u-component at 200 hPa
ua-700.ncl Wind u-component at 700 hPa
ua-850.ncl Wind u-component at 850 hPa
ua-925.ncl Wind u-component at 925 hPa
ua.ncl Wind u-component
uo.ncl Sea water x velocity
va-200-850.ncl Wind v-component at 200 hPa and at 850 hPa (monsoon diagnostics)
va-200.ncl Wind v-component at 200 hPa
va-700.ncl Wind v-component at 700 hPa
va-850.ncl Wind v-component at 850 hPa
va-925.ncl Wind v-component at 925 hPa
va.ncl Wind v-component
vmrc2h4.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrc2h6.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrc3h6.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrc3h8.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrch3coch3.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrco_alt.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrco_azr.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrco_chr.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrco_eic.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrco_gmi.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrco_hpb.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrco_lef.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrco_mlo.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrco.ncl CO volume mixing ratio
vmrco_nwr.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrh2o.ncl EMAC chemistry variable
vmrnox.ncl NOx volume mixing ratio
vo.ncl Sea water y velocity
wfpe-mmday.ncl Water flux from precipitation and evaporation in mm day-1
wfpe.ncl Water flux from precipitation and evaporation
xch4.ncl Column averaged CH4 mixing ratio
xch4Stderr.ncl Column averaged CH4 mixing ratio standard error (observations)
xco2.ncl Column averaged CO2 mixing ratio
xco2Stderr.ncl Column averaged CO2 mixing ratio standard error (observations)
zg.ncl Geopotential height

Naming convention for ESMValTool namelists:

Typically, all namelists are stored in the folder nml, the naming convention is namelist_xxx.xml with “xxx” being the name of the diagnostic and/or a description of the purpose of the namelist:

  1. For papers:

    xxx = SurnameYearJournalabbreviation (e.g., stocker12jgr, stocker12sci1, stocker12sci2).

  2. For copies of reports that are not publicly available:

    xxx = OrgYearTitleabbrev (e.g., unep10water, unep11gap, roysoc09geoengineering).

  3. For grouped sets of diagnostics and performance metrics that do not follow a published paper or report:

    xxx = an intuitive name describing the scientific topic (e.g., aerosol, MyDiag, SAMonsoon, SeaIce)

3.4. Namelist configuration file

The user can define base path names in a namelist configuration file and refer to them in the actual namelist file. The configuration file such as, for instance, config_private.xml has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <usrpath category="userDirectory" type="output" id="WORKPATH">
         <description>working directory</description>
      <usrpath category="userDirectory" type="output" id="PLOTPATH">
         <description>directory for output plots</description>
      <usrpath category="userDirectory" type="output" id="CLIMOPATH">
         <description>directory for output files</description>
      <usrpath category="simulation" type="input" id="MODELPATH">
         <description>root directory of model data</description>
      <usrpath category="observation" type="input" id="OBSPATH">
         <description>root directory of observational data</description>
      <usrpath category="auxiliary" type="input" id="AUXPATH">
         <description>root directory of auxiliary data</description>

A version-controlled template exists (config_private_template.xml). The workflow for setting up a repository is to copy config_private_template.xml to config_private.xml and then to adapt the path names within config_private.xml to the user’s system structure. config_private.xml is ignored by version control (.gitignore) and should be backed up elsewhere for reuse.

Inside the namelist file the configuration file can be included in the following way:

<include href="config_private.xml"/>

and referred to with the syntax:


Note: alternatively, explicitely defined pathnames can be used at any time.

3.5. Standard header for the namelist

For the sake of documentation, standard headers are defined and applied to all namelists and scripts in the ESMValTool. This is a template of the standard header for the main namelist. The parts in red are the ones to be modified by the author.


A one-sentence description of the namelist content and purpose.

Name Surname (Affiliation, Country - e-mail@address)

Name Surname (Affiliation, Country - e-mail@address)


Reference to the paper(s) considered by this namelist (if available).
Author, N. et al., Journ. Abbrev., NN, P1-P2, doi: (YEAR)

This namelist is part of the ESMValTool.

3.6. Example namelist

<include href="config_private.xml"/>
# namelist_clouds.xml
# Description
# Diagnostics of clouds and hydrological cycle.
# Author(s)
# Axel Lauer (DLR, Germany - axel.lauer at dlr.de)
# Contributor(s)
# Project(s)
# Reference(s)
# This namelist is part of the ESMValTool.

    <write_plots type="boolean">        True         </write_plots>
    <write_netcdf type="boolean">       True         </write_netcdf>
    <force_processing type="boolean">   False        </force_processing>
    <wrk_dir type="path">               work/        </wrk_dir>
    <plot_dir type="path">              work/plots/  </plot_dir>
    <climo_dir type="path">             work/climo/  </climo_dir>
    <max_data_filesize type="integer">  100          </max_data_filesize>
    <verbosity  type="integer">         1            </verbosity>
    <exit_on_warning  type="boolean">   False        </exit_on_warning>
    <output_file_type>                  ps           </output_file_type>

    <model>  CMIP5_ETHZ CESM1-CAM5   Amon  historical  r1i1p1  2000 2004  @{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5/   </model>
    <model>  CMIP5_ETHZ GFDL-ESM2G   Amon  historical  r1i1p1  2000 2004  @{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5/   </model>
    <model>  CMIP5_ETHZ MIROC5       Amon  historical  r1i1p1  2000 2004  @{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5/   </model>
    <model>  CMIP5_ETHZ MPI-ESM-MR   Amon  historical  r1i1p1  2000 2004  @{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5/   </model>
    <model>  CMIP5_ETHZ NorESM1-M    Amon  historical  r1i1p1  2000 2004  @{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5/   </model>

       This is an example of a comment in XML

<!-- Please do not change anything below this line,
     unless you want to modify the standard diagnostic settings. -->
        <description> Cloud diagnostics                     </description>
        <variable_def_dir>     ./variable_defs/             </variable_def_dir>
        <variable>             lwp                          </variable>
        <field_type>           T2Ms                         </field_type>
        <diag_script_cfg_dir>  ./nml/cfg_clouds/            </diag_script_cfg_dir>
        <model> OBS UWisc sat v2 1988 2007 @{OBSPATH}/UWisc </model>
        <diag_script cfg="cfg_clouds.ncl"> clouds.ncl       </diag_script>
