6. Running the ESMValTool

The following section gives a brief description of the steps required by a user to run an existing diagnostic. As an example, the toy diagnostic MyDiag is chosen to illustrate the basic steps:

  1. Copy the template for the “namelist configuration file” (config_private_template.xml) to config_private.xml and adapt the path names within config_private.xml to your system structure (see Section 3.4). If needed, set/change the base path names for the input data (model and observations) and the output data. config_private.xml is ignored by version control (.gitignore) and should be backed up elsewhere for reuse. Note: the use of a “namelist configuration file” is optional in order to allow for machine specific standard search paths for input (and output) data without having to change the actual namelists. Alternatively, explicit path names can be used in the namelists.

  2. Check/edit the main namelist nml/namelist_MyDiag.xml:

    1. Set/check the file name of the “namelist configuration file” (defining the base path names) to be used by the ESMValTool (typically, this is the second line in the namelist, e.g., <include href=”./config_private.xml”/>).

    2. If needed, set the pathnames in the <GLOBAL> section for the “work” directory (wrk_dir), the directory for the plots (plot_dir) and the directory for reformatted files (climo_dir). See Section 3.1 for details and Table 3.1 for a complete list of variables in the <GLOBAL> section.

    3. In the <MODELS> section, define the model(s) to be used, including the root path for the actual model data, e.g.,

      CMIP5_ETHZ MPI-ESM-LR Amon historical r1i1p1 2000 2004 @{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5/

      (see step 1 and Section 3.4 for details on how to set base path names such as @{MODELPATH}; alternatively, explicit path names can be used). See Section 3.2, Table 3.2 and Table 3.3 for details. The first year (here: 2000) and last year (here: 2004) of the model data processed for each model is specified in this section.

    4. Optionally, change variable and the field type in the <DIAGNOSTICS> section. See Section 3.3, Table 3.5 and Table 3.6 for details. An overview of the available “field types” is given in Table 3.7, Table 3.8 lists the available variables. Please note that the diagnostic section may include additional models and/or observational data.

  3. Check/edit the configuration file nml/cfg_MyDiag/cfg_MyDiag.ncl. In case of the toy diagnostics MyDiag, you can for example change the map projection for the contour plot by changing the value of the attribute diag_script_info@projection.

  4. Run the ESMValTool (in the ESMValTool root directory): python main.py nml/namelist_MyDiag.nml

  5. The output will be written to a subdirectory named like the diagnostics package (e.g., MyDiag) in the directories specified in the <GLOBAL> section of the namelist (see step 1 and also Section 3.4). The default directories are: work/MyDiag for the NetCDF output and work/plots/MyDiag for the plot(s) (see also Figure 6.1). Acknowledgements and references are written to the file work/refs-acknows_MyDiag.txt.


Figure 6.1 Example plot created by the toy diagnostic MyDiag showing the 5-year annual mean temperature at 200 hPa from the CMIP5 historical run (r1i1p1) with the MPI-ESM-LR model.

6.1. Available diagnostics and metrics

An introduction to the available diagnostics and metrics packages implemented into the ESMValTool v1.1 including a description of the user settings, observational data used, references, and example plots is given in Part annex_c.

6.2. Model and observational data

6.2.1. Model data

The project specifier (see Table 3.2) used in the <MODELS> section of the namelist (see Section 3.2 for details) determines the directory structure and file naming convention expected by the ESMValTool. The two most commonly used project specifiers are CMIP5 and CMIP5_ETHZ. Both are used to process CMIP5 data available from the Earth System Federation Grid (e.g., http://esgf.llnl.gov/). In order to download CMIP5 data, registration and creation of an “openID” is required. Instructions can be found here: http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cmip5/data_getting_started.html.

Besides downloading files individually, the CMIP5 data portal is capable of generation a script for automated download of model data using GNU wget (https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/). The wget script generation is recommended for downloading a large number files and/or large data volume.

Any CMIP5 files downloaded to a single directory can be moved to a CMIP5 like directory structure using the NCL script util/CMIP5_sort/CMIP5_sort.ncl. The script CMIP5_sort.ncl expects all files to be moved to the CMIP5 like directory structure in the current directory (“.”). The root directory for creating the CMIP5 like directory structure is specified in the script CMIP5_sort.ncl via the variable “outpath”. The script is run via:

ncl <path of the ESMValTool>/util/CMIP5_sort/CMIP5_sort.ncl

The CMIP5 files will be moved into the directories outpath/experiment/mip/variable/name/ensemble/ for direct usage with the roject specifier CMIP5_ETHZ (see below). “experiment”, “mip”, “variable” and “name” (= model name) are automatically extracted from the filename.

The project specifier CMIP5

Syntax of the CMIP5 specifier in the <model>-tag (see Section 3.2 and Table 3.2 for details):

<model> CMIP5 name mip experiment ensemble start_year end_year path </model>

The project specifier CMIP5 will search for files in “path” with filenames matching the pattern


Note: “variable” is specified in the <diag>-section (see Section 3.3 for details). If “variable” is a derived quantity, all variables needed to calculate the derived quantity are processed automatically.

The project specifier CMIP5_ETHZ

Syntax of the CMIP5_ETHZ specifier in the <model>-tag (see Section 3.2 and Table 3.2 for details):

<model> CMIP5_ETHZ name mip experiment ensemble start_year end_year
path </model>

The project specifier CMIP5_ETHZ will search for files in “path/experiment/mip/variable/name/ensemble” with filenames matching the pattern


This directory structure resembles the ESGF CMIP5 directory structure.

Note: “variable” is specified in the <diag>-section (see Section 3.3 for details). If “variable” is a derived quantity, all variables needed to calculate the derived quantity are processed automatically.

6.2.2. Observational / reanalysis data

When possible, observations from the obs4MIPs/ana4MIPs archives are used in the model evaluation. These data are freely available from the ESGF in the same format as the CMIP simulations and can be directly used in the ESMValTool using the obs4mips or ana4mips project specifiers (see Table 3.2) in the namelist.

A collection of all observational data used by the diagnostics of the ESMValTool (MASTER BRANCH) is hosted at DLR and can be made available (restrictions by the data owner permitting) on request (see Table 6.1). The reformatted observational data can be read using e.g., the OBS class in the namelist (see below).

All observations are tiered as follows:

  • Tier 1: data sets from the obs4MIPs and ana4MIPs archives
  • Tier 2: other freely available data sets
  • Tier 3: restricted data sets (e.g., license agreement required)

Observational data sets not available in the obs4MIPs/ana4MIPs archives need to be reformatted according to the CF/CMOR standard before they can be used (see Section 6.2.3 for more details).

The project specifier OBS

Syntax of the OBS specifier in the <model>-tag (see Section 3.2 and Table 3.2 for details):

<model> OBS name case_name ensemble start_year end_year path

The project specifier OBS will search for files in “path” with filenames matching the pattern


Note: “variable” and “fieldtype” are specified in the <diag>-section (see Section 3.3 for details). If “variable” is a derived quantity, all variables needed to calculate the derived quantity are processed automatically.

The project specifier obs4mips

Syntax of the obs4mips specifier in the <model>-tag (see Section 3.2 and Table 3.2 for details):

<model> obs4mips name process_level ensemble start_year end_year path

The project specifier obs4mips will search for files in “path/name/” with filenames matching the pattern


Note: “variable” is specified in the <diag>-section (see Section 3.3 for details). If “variable” is a derived quantity, all variables needed to calculate the derived quantity are processed automatically.

6.2.3. Downloading and creating observational data sets

obs4MIPS and ana4MIPs data sets (“tier 1”, see above) are freely available from the ESGF. These data sets can be used directly with the ESMValTool without the need for reformatting. Examples of such data sets include:

  • AIRS
  • CFSR
  • CloudSat-L3
  • IFS-Cy31r2
  • MISR
  • TES

For the required file naming conventions and the expected directory structure see Section :numref:`obs_data`

For all other (non-obs4MIPs and non-ana4MIPs) data sets, reformatting routines are provided with downloading and processing instructions in the header of the scripts. These reformatting scripts can be found in:


These reformat scripts can be specified in a namelist-file (e.g. namelist_reformat_obs.xml) and executed by calling the main.py script with the option “-r”:

python main.py -r namelist_reformat_obs.xml

This reformat namelist file contains the tag <REFORMAT> that can hold multiple <reformat_script>-tags specifying the reformat scripts to be called:

<reformat_script> /PATH/TO/REFORMATSCRIPT</reformat_script>

An example reformat namelist file is listed below:

<include href="./config_private.xml"/>

Special namelist for reformatting observational data.
The currently available reformat scripts are stored in reformat_scripts/obs/
To run this namelist the -r option must be given:
  python main.py -r nml/namelist_reformat_obs.xml

This namelist is part of the ESMValTool

<reformat_script id=obs_1>./reformat_scripts/obs/reformat_obs_1.ncl </reformat_script>
<reformat_script id=obs_2>./reformat_scripts/obs/reformat_obs_2.ncl </reformat_script>
<reformat_script id=obs_3>./reformat_scripts/obs/reformat_obs_3.ncl </reformat_script>

<reformat_script id=obs_N>./reformat_scripts/obs/reformat_obs_N.ncl </reformat_script>


A list of available data sets and their corresponding reformatting routines are given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Observational data for use with the ESMValTool. See headers of the reformatting routines for downloading and processing instructions.

Name Tier Description Variables Type Time range Script name
ACCESS 3 Aerosol vertical profiles mmrbc Campaign reformat_obs_ACCESS.ncl
ACCESS-2 3 Aerosol vertical profiles conccnd5, conccnd10 Campaign 2014-2014 reformat_obs_ACCESS-2.ncl
AERONET 2 Aerosol optical depth at 550nm od550aer Ground 1992-2012 reformat_obs_AERONET.ncl
AIRS 1 relative humidity, temperature hur, hus, ta Satellite 2003-2010 none (obs4MIPS)
Asmi11 2 Aerosol size distributions sizecnSTP Ground 2009-2010 reformat_obs_Asmi11.ncl
AURA-MLS-OMI 2 Tropospheric column ozone tropoz Satellite 2005-2013 reformat_obs_AURA-MLS-OMI.ncl
AURA-TES 2 Ozone mixing ration vmro3 Satellite 2005-2009 reformat_obs_AURA-TES.ncl
BDBP 3 zonally averaged ozone profiles tro3prof Ozone sondes 1979-2007 reformat_obs_BDBP.ncl
CARSNET 2 Aerosol optical depth at 550 nm od550aer Ground 2002-2013 reformat_obs_CARSNET.ncl
CASTNET 2 Aerosol surface level concentration concso4, concso3, concnh4 Ground S1987-2012 reformat_obs_CASTNET.ncl
CERES 3 CERES synoptic data (radiative fluxes at surface, toa) rsuscs, rsus, rsdscs, rsds, rluscs, rlus, rldscs, rlds, rsutcs, rsut, rlutcs, rlut Satellite 2004 reformat_obs_CERES-SYN1deg -SFC.bash, reformat_obs_CERES- SYN1deg-TOA.bash
CFSR 1 Surface pressure psl Reanalysis 2013 none (obs4MIPs)
CIRRUS 3 Aerosol vertical profiles mmrbc, mmrbcfree Campaign late Nov. 2006 reformat_obs_CIRRUS.ncl
CLARA-A2 2 Cloud cover clt Satellite 1982-2015 contact ESMValtool development team
CloudSat 1 Cloud cover clt Satellite 2006-2010 reformat_obs_cloudsat.bash
CMAP 2 Precipitation pr merged analysis 1980-2013 reformat_obs_CMAP.ncl
Concert 3 Aerosol vertical profiles mmrbc, conccnSTP14 Campaign reformat_obs_CONCERT.ncl
CR-AVE 3 Aerosol vertical profiles mmrbc Campaign reformat_obs_CR-AVE.ncl
CRU 3 Surface temperature, precipitation tas, pr Reanalysis 1901-2006 reformat_obs_CRU.ncl
DC3 3 Aerosol vertical profiles mmrbc Campaign reformat_obs_DC3.ncl
Dong08-ARGO 2 Derived ocean mixed layer depth mlotst Campaign 2001-2006 reformat_obs_Dong08-ARGO- monthly.ncl
EANET 3 Aerosol surface level concentrations concso4, consco3, concnh4 Ground 2001-2005 reformat_obs_EANET.ncl
EMEP 2 Aerosol surface level concentration concso4, concno3, concnh4, concnh4, concpm2p5, concpm10 Ground 1970-2012 reformat_obs_EMEP.csh
Emmons 2 Vertical profiles of gases various Campaign variable reformat_obs_Emmons.csh
ERA-40 3 essential climate variables ta, ua Reanalysis 1960-2001  
ERA-Interim 3 Basic climate parameters ta, ua, va, zg, hus, tas, tos, ps, psl, tauu, tauv, clwvi, clivi, sftif Reanalysis 1979-2012 reformat_obs_ERA-Interim.ncl, reformat_obs_ERA-Interim- surffluxes.ncl
ERA-Interim fluxes 3 Basic climate parameters, surface fluxes pr, evspsbl, hfls, hfss, rsns, rlns Forecast 2000-2005 reformat_obs_ERA-Interim-surffl uxes.ncl
ESACCI-AEROSOL 2 Aerosol optical depth at 550 nm od550aer, od870aer, od550lt1aer, abs550aer, od550aer-Stderr, od870aer-Stderr Satellite 1997-2011 reformat_obs_ESACCI-AEROSOL.ncl
ESACCI-CLOUD 2 Total cloud fraction, Liquid water path, Ice water path clt, clwvi, clivi, lwpStderr, iwpStderr , cltStderr Satellite 2007-2009 reformat_obs_ESACCI-CLOUD.ncl
ESACCI-GHG 2 column averaged CO2and CH4 xco2, xco2Stderr, xch4, xch4Stderr Satellite 2003-2014 reformat_obs_ESACCI-GHG.ncl
ESACCI-OZONE 2 Total ozone column, Tropospheric column ozone, Ozone mixing ratio toz, tro3prof, tozStderr, tro3Stderr Satellite 2007-2008 reformat_obs_ESACCI-OZONE.ncl, reformat_obs_ESACCI-OZONE- PL.ncl
ESACCI-SIC 2 Sea ice concentrationtoz sic, sicStderr Satellite 2003-2010 reformat_obs_ESACCI-SIC.ncl
ESACCI- SOILMOISTURE 2 Degree of saturation dos, dosStderr, sm, smStderr Satellite 1988-2008 reformat_obs_ESACCI- SOILMOISTURE.ncl
ESACCI-SST 2 Sea surface temperature (saved as skin temperature) ts, tsStderr Satellite/ Analysis 1992-2010 reformat_obs_ESACCI-SST.ncl
ESRL 2 CO2 surface level concentrations co2 Ground 1973-2012 reformat_obs_ESRL.ncl
ETH-SOM-FFN 2 pCO2 ocean surface spco2 1998-2011 reformat_obs_ETH-SOM-FFN.ncl
GCP 2 CO2 exchange co2flux, fgco2, nbp Reanalysis 1959-2011 reformat_obs_GCP.ncl
GLOBAL-VIEW 2 CO surface level concentrations vmrco Ground 1991-2008 reformat_obs_GLOBAL-VIEW.ncl
GPCC 2 Precipitation pr Reanalysis 1901-2010 reformat_obs_GPCC.ncl
GPCP 1 Precipitation pr, prStderr 1979-2013 none (obs4MIPs)
GTO-ECV 3 Total column ozone toz Satellite 1996-2010 reformat_obs_GTO-ECV.ncl
HadCRUT 2 Near-surface air temperature tas Ground 1850-2013 reformat_obs_HadCRUT.ncl reformat_obs_HadCRUT4.ncl
HadISST 2 Sea ice concentrations and sea surface temperatures sic, ts Reanalysis 1870-2014 reformat_obs_HadISST.ncl
HALOE 2 Water vapour mixing ratio vmrh2o Satellite 1991-2002 reformat_obs_HALOE.ncl
HIPPO 3 Aerosol vertical profiles mmrbc Campaign reformat_obs_HIPPO.ncl
HWSD 2 Soil carbon content cSoil Ground 2000  
IFS-Cy31r2 1 Surface pressure psl Reanalysis 1979-2013 none (obs4MPIs)
IMPROVE 2 Aerosol surface level concentrations concso4, concno3, concnh4, concbc, concoa, concpm2p5, concpm10 Ground 1988-2011 reformat_obs_IMPROVE.ncl
INCA 3 Aerosol vertical profiles conccnSTP5, conccnSTP14, conccnSTP120 Campaign reformat_obs_INCA.ncl
ISCCP 1 Cloud properties albisccp, clisccp, cltisccp, cttisccp Satellite 1984-2007 none (obs4MPIs)
ISCCP-FD-SRF 2 Clear-sky radiative fluxes rsdscs, rsuscs Satellite 1984-2009  
JMA-TRANSCOM 3 CO2 exchange nbp, fgco2 Reanalysis 1985-2008  
LACE 2 Aerosol size distributions sizecn Campaign reformat_obs_LACE.ncl
LAI3g 3 Leaf area index LAI Reanalysis 1982-2010  
LandFlux-EVAL 3 Evapotranspi-ration et, et-sd Synthesis product (model + observa- tions) 1989-2005 reformat_obs_landflux-eval.ncl
MERRA 1 Precipitation pr Reanalysis 1979-2011 none (obs4MPIs)
MISR 1 Aerosol optical depth od550aer Satellite 2001-2012 none (obs4MPIs)
MLS 1 humidity, temperature hus, husStderr, ta, taStderr Satellite 2005-2010 none (obs4MPIs)
MODIS-CFMIP 2 Ice water path clivi Satellite 2003-2014 reformat_obs_MODIS-CFMIP.ncl
MODIS_ L3_C6 2 Ice water path, liquid water path, total cloud cover, aerosol optical depth clivi, clwvi, clt, od550aer Satellite 2003-2014 reformat_obs_MODIS-L3-C6.ncl
MTE 2 Gross primary productivity of carbon gpp Reanalysis 1982-2008  
NCEP 2 Essential climate variables ta, ua, va, zg, hus, tas Reanalysis 1948-2012 reformat_obs_NCEP.ncl, reformat_obs_NCEP-daily.ncl
NDP 2 Vegetation carbon content cVeg Ground 2000  
NIWA 3 Total column ozone toz Reanalysis 1980-2010 reformat_obs_NIWA.ncl
NOAA interpola- ted OLD 2 Interpolated outgoing longwave radiation rlut Satellite 1975-2013 reformat_obs_NOAA-PSD- Interp.ncl
NSIDC 2 Sea ice concentrations sic Satellite 1978-2010 reformat_obs_NSIDC.ncl
PATMOS 2 Cloud cover clt Satellite 1982-2014 contact ESMValtool development team
Putaud 2 Aerosol size distributions sizecn Campaign reformat_obs_Putaud.ncl
SALTRACE 3 Aerosol vertical profiles mmrbc Campaign reformat_obs_SALT-RACE.ncl
SeaWIFS 2 Ocean biochemistry chl   1997-2010 reformat_obs_SeaWIFS.csh
SOCAT 2 Ocean surface CO2 spco2   1970-2011 reformat_obs_SOCAT.csh
SRB 2 Radiative fluxes rsut, rlut, rlutcs Satellite 1983-2007 reformat_obs_SRB.ncl
SSMI-MERIS 1 Water vapour path prw, prwStderr Satellite 2003-2008 none (obs4MIPs)
takahashi14 2 Ocean biogeochemistry talk   2005 reformat_obs_takahashi14.csh
TC4 3 Aerosol vertical profiles mmrbc Campaign reformat_obs_TC4.ncl
TES 1 Ozone tro3   2006-2009 reformat_obs_TES.ncl
Texas 3 Aerosol vertical profiles mmrbc, mmraer Campaign reformat_obs_Texas.ncl
Tilmes 2 Ozone mixing ratios vmro3 in-situ 1995-2009 reformat_obs_Tilmes.ncl
TOMS 2 Total ozone column toz Satellite 1990  
TRMM-3B42 2 Precipitation pr Satellite 1998-2014 reformat_obs_TRMM-3B42- daily.ncl, reformat_obs_TRMM- 3B42-3hourly.ncl
UCN-Pacific 3 Aerosol vertical profiles conccnSTP3 Campaign reformat_obs_UCN-Pacific.ncl
UWisc 3 Liquid water path clwvi, lwpStderr Satellite 1988-2007 reformat_obs_UWisc.ncl
WHOI-OAFlux 2 Global ocean heat flux and evaporation hfls, hfss Analysis 1958-2013 reformat_obs_WHOI-OAFlux.ncl
WOA09 2 Climatological ocean fields so, sos, to, tos Analyzed climatology reformat_obs_WOA09.ncl
woa2005 2 Ocean biogeochemistry o2   2005 reformat_obs_woa2005.csh

6.3. The acknowledgements log file

Each diagnostics in the tool automatically generates a log file containing a list of authors/contributors, details on the projects to be acknowledged and the reference papers to be cited. It also provides a list of the used model and observational data with the corresponding references.

The log is created automatically when running the ESMValTool. The log file is named refs-acknow_<diagnostics>.txt and written to the directory defined in the <GLOBAL> section of the namelist (variable wrk_dir, see Section 3.1), e.g., work/refs-acknows_MyDiag.txt (see also Section 6, step 4).

An example excerpt of an acknowledgements log file is provided below.


+++++++++++++ ESMValTool REFERENCES and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LOG ++++++++++++++

Namelist file: namelist_perfmetrics_CMIP5.xml
Creation date: Wed Dec 16 22:58:29 CET 2016
ESMValTool version: 1.1.0
Host name: ###
User name: ###

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Please acknowledge the use of the ESMValTool.
Please cite Eyring et al., ESMValTool (v1.0) -- a community diagnostic and
performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth System Models in
CMIP, Geosci. Model Dev., 2016.
For the specific diagnostics, see below.

=== perfmetrics_main.ncl ===

-A- ###

-C- ###
-C- ###
-C- ###

-R- Please cite Righi et al., Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 733-768
doi:10.5194/gmd-8-733-2015, 2015.
-R- Please cite Gleckler et al., J. Geophys. Res., 113, D06104,
doi:10.1029/2007JD008972, 2008.

-R- NCEP - Kalnay et al., Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 437-470, 1996.
-R- ERA-Interim

-P- EU FP7 project EMBRACE
-P- DLR project ESMVal


   Variable: ta

   Model: ERA-Interim
   Input file(s):
     (1) OBS_reanaly_ERA-Interim_1_T3M_ta_2000-2001.nc
     Original source file(s) of all input file(s):
     -S- (1)
     Fixes applied to original source file(s): none
     Reference(s) of original source file(s):
     (1) Dee, D. P. et al., Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 137, 553-597,
     doi:10.1002/qj.828, 2011.

   Model: MPI-ESM-LR
   Input file(s):
     (1) CMIP5_ETHZ_Amon_historical_MPI-ESM-LR_r1i1p1_T3M_ta_1998-2002.nc
     Original source file(s) of all input file(s):
     -S- (1) \@{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5/historical/Amon/ta/MPI-ESM-LR/r1i1p1/
     (tracking_id: ea695cd3-6234-4ddf-a68e-b4d82a2e7305)
     -S- (2) \@{MODELPATH}/ETHZ_CMIP5/historical/Amon/ta/MPI-ESM-LR/r1i1p1/
     (tracking_id: f9134520-0445-4461-9a48-14d8663dab74)
     Fixes applied to original source file(s):
