2. Scientific documentation of a diagnostic script or metrics set

2.1. Basics

An important part of the implementation of a new diagnostic script is the documentation of the diagnostic itself as well as the documentation of the observational data sets (see also Section 1). The former should comply with the standard template for new diagnostics (see Section 1.2 below) and the latter should include instructions how to download the observational data and, if necessary, scripts to convert it to the format required in ESMValTool (see Section 2.4 below).

The documentation of a diagnostic requires the following steps:

  • creating a documentation in reStructuredText format (see, e.g., http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html) following the structure defined in the template doc/sphinx/source/namelists/namelist_template.rst (see also Section 1.2)
  • the new documentation file is saved as doc/sphinx/source/namelists/namelist_<yourdiag>.rst
  • all image files are stored in the directory (to be created) doc/sphinx/source/namelists/figures/<yourdiag>
  • the new documentation file is added to the alphabetically sorted list of all namelists in the main document doc/sphinx/source/index.rst (under “Annex C - namelists”)


Example image files are usually in the format .png and should have a maximum file size of a few hunderd kb or less.

2.2. Standard template

When implementing a new diagnostic script or metrics set, it should be documented starting from the standard template given below. Examples can be found in Part annex_c (Annex C - namelists):

Title of diagnostic/performance metric


Provide a brief scientific description of the diagnostic including references.

Available namelists and diagnostics

Namelists are stored in nml/

* namelist_mydiag_1.xml
* namelist_mydiag_2.xml

Diagnostics are stored in diag_scripts/

* mydiag_1.py
* mydiag_2.ncl

User settings

List and describe all settings and input parameters used by your diagnostic.


* variable 1 (...)
* variable 2 (...)

Observations and reformat scripts

* observational dataset 1, reformat script: reformat_scripts/obs/reformat\_obs\_mydata1.py


* reference 1
* reference 2

Example plots

.. figure:: /namelists/figures/mydiag/myexample1.png
   :scale: 50 %
   :alt: xxxx

Caption can go here.

2.3. Provenance (tagging)

In order to ensure provenance of the ESMValTool results a set of tags is added to all namelists and diagnostics. These tags are written as meta data to all figures produced by the ESMValTool and can be used for reporting and visualization. There are two kinds of tags: tags included in the namelist (“namelist tags”) and tags in the individual diagnostics (“diagnostic tags”). Namelist tags include global tags such as “main reference” and “project” as well as diagnostic specific tags for each individual diagnostic block such as “theme” and “realm”. Diagnostic tags include “domain”, “plot type” and “statistics”.


All available standard tags are defined in doc/MASTER_authors-refs-acknow.txt:

  • D_xxxx (reference),
  • P_xxxx (project),
  • R_xxxx (CMIP6 realm),
  • T_xxxx (theme),
  • DM_xxxx (domain),
  • PT_xxxx (plot type),
  • ST_xxxx (statistics).

In addition to the namelist and diagnostic tags, also the name of the actual namelist, variable name(s), model name(s), contibuting author(s) and tracking IDs of the input files are collected as meta-data to be written into the EXIF header of all figure files (.png).


For tagging to work properly, all plots must be written to individual output files, i.e. no multi-page (.ps) files are supported.

2.3.1. Example namelist tags in <GLOBAL>

All available tags are defined in doc/MASTER_authors-refs-acknow.txt.

<tags> D_righi15gmd, P_cmug </tags>

2.3.2. Example namelist tags in <diag>

All available tags are defined in doc/MASTER_authors-refs-acknow.txt.

<tags> R_ocean, R_land, T_phys </tags>

2.3.3. Example diagnostic tags (NCL)

Header section

; this include defines the procedure ESMValMD used to write the
; meta-data to the image file(s)

load "./diag_scripts/lib/ncl/meta_data.ncl"

Example code after writing figure

; the field 'tags' is generated by the ESMValTool framework and contains
; all tags defined in the namelist;

; add diagnostic specific tags e.g., domain (DM_xxxx), plot type (PT_xxxx),
; statistics (ST_xxxx)
; (all available tags are defined in doc/MASTER_authors-refs-acknow.txt)

alltags = array_append_record(tags, (/"DM_global", "PT_geo", "ST_mean"/), 0)

; define caption for the plot produced by the ESMValTool

caption = "This is an example caption. Model: " + models@name(0) + ", \
          variable: " + variables(0)

; define an arbitrary but unique id for the image file

id = diag_script + "_example_id"

; generate list of all input files processed for this particular figure

climofiles = interface_get_inpaths(imod) + "/" \
             + interface_get_infile(variables(0), field_types(0), imod)

; define list of contributing authors for this diagnostic script

contrib_authors = (/"A_gott_kl", "A_eval_ma"/)

; =============================
; write meta-data to image file
; =============================

; parameters for procedure ESMValMD
; ---------------------------------
; outfile: filename of image file created
; alltags: concatenated list of all tags (from the namelist + diagnotic specific)
; variables: list of all variables pocessed
; models@name: list of all model/dataset names processed
; climofiles: list of all input files processed
; diag_script: name of diagnostic script (generated by the ESMValTool framework)
; contrib_authors: list of contributing authors for this diagnostic script

ESMValMD(outfile, alltags, caption, id, variables(0), models@name(0), \
         climofiles, diag_script, contrib_authors)

delete([/alltags, caption, id, climofiles/])

2.3.4. Example diagnostic tags (Python)

Header section

# this include defines the procedure ESMValMD used to write the
# meta-data to the image file(s)

from ESMValMD import ESMValMD

Example code after writing figure

E = ESMValProject(project_info)
diag_script = E.get_diag_script_name()

# filename of plot
plot_type = project_info['GLOBAL']['output_file_type']
oname = plot_dir + 'ww09_metric_multimodel.' + plot_type

# tags from the ESMValTool framework (namelist)
basetags = [x.strip() for x in project_info.get('GLOBAL')['tags']]

# create list of model names
models = []
for model in E.project_info['MODELS']:

# variable name(s)
variables = project_info['RUNTIME']['currDiag'].get_variables()

# all variable tags must be preceeded by "V_"
vartags = ['V_' + item for item in variables]

# all model tags must be preceeded by "M_"
modeltags = ['M_' + item for item in models]

# define caption for the plot produced by the ESMValTool
caption = 'Cloud Regime Error Metric (CREM) following Williams and Webb (2009, Clim. Dyn.).'

# list of all input files processed
tmp = []
for variable in variables:
model_filelist = [item for sublist in tmp for item in sublist]

# list of contributing authors
authors = 'A_will_ke'

# define an arbitrary but unique id for the image file
plot_id = '#ID_ww09_crem'

# =============================
# write meta-data to image file
# =============================

# parameters for procedure ESMValMD
# ---------------------------------
# oname: filename of image file created
# tags: concatenated list of all tags (from the namelist + diagnotic specific
#       + model tags + variable tags)
# model_filelist: list of all input files processed
# diag_script: name of diagnostic script (generated by the ESMValTool framework)
# authors: list of contributing authors for this diagnostic script

         basetags + ['DM_global', 'PT_bar'] + modeltags + vartags,
         model_filelist, diag_script, authors)

2.4. Model and observational data

2.4.1. Overview

When possible, observations from the obs4MIPs/ana4MIPs archives are used in the model evaluation (see Section 6.1). These data are freely available from the ESGF in the same format as the CMIP simulations and can be directly used in the ESMValTool using the obs4mips or ana4mips class in the namelist (see also Section 6.2).

Important links


Nightly scan across nodes


Observational data sets not available in these archives need to be reformatted according to the CF/CMOR standard before they can be used (see guidelines in Section 4). In this case a reference to the official URL is provided such that a user can get the latest version of the data set as well as a description and a script how to convert the data set to the format required by the ESMValTool. These conversion scripts are collected in reformat_scripts/obs/reformat_obs_<NAME>.ncl. The reformatting routines must be documented with a standard header providing all information required to retrieve and process the data, as well as their availability (Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3).

All observations are tiered as follows:

  • Tier 1: data sets from the obs4MIPs and ana4MIPs archives
  • Tier 2: other freely available data sets
  • Tier 3: restricted data sets (e.g., license agreement required)

For Tier 2 and 3 data, the developer shall also provide links and helper scripts through the reformatting routines, following the template for the standard header described in section for the reformatting routines. An example can be found here:


An overview on the available reformatting scripts for Tier 2 and 3 data is given in Table 6.1. The reformatted observational data (Tier 2 and Tier 3) must be named according to the OBS class defintion, which considers the following naming convention:



<name> is the name of the satellite, instrument, campaign, network, model, etc. (e.g., ERA-Interim, AERONET, AURA-MLS-OMI, etc.)

<case> is the observation type (insitu, ground, sat, reanaly, campaign, etc.)

<ensemble> is the version number, processing level or station code (for ground-based networks), use 1 if not available.

It is also possible to split the output in multiple files, like in the CMIP5 class, e.g. _200101-200512.nc, 200601_201012.nc, 201101-201512.nc, etc. This is particularly useful for daily data, which are usually too large to be collected in a single file covering the whole time period.


When adding new observational datasets, these datasets have to be added to Table 6.1 (in doc/sphinx/source/running.rst).

2.4.2. Standard header for the reformatting routines for observational data

This is a template of the standard header for the reformat_obs routines. The parts in red are the ones to be modified by the author. The modification history is given in reverse chronological order (i.e., most recent on top) and the last entry always contains the written statement. The author of each entry in the modification history shall be indicated with the author tag, as given in the master reference file (doc/MASTER_authors-refs-acknow.txt), e.g., A_surn_na = surname, name. All lines should be limited to a maximum of 79 characters.

;; Tier
;;    [Information on data availability, possible options are:]
;;    Tier 1: obs4MIPs or ana4MIPs
;;    Tier 2: other freely-available data set
;;    Tier 3: restricted data set
;; Source
;;    [URL to the data source or the reference]
;; Last access
;;    [YYYYMMDD]
;; Download and processing instructions
;;    [Short explanation on how to download and process the data]
;; Caveats
;;    [List possible caveats or limitations of this script]
;;    [Features to-be-implemented shall also be mentioned here]
;; Modification history
;;    [YYYYMMDD-A_xxxx_yy: extended...]
;;    [YYYYMMDD-A_xxxx_yy: written.]
;; #############################################################################

load ...
load ...