Fixing data#

The baseline case for ESMValCore input data is CMOR fully compliant data that is read using Iris’ iris.load_raw(). ESMValCore also allows for some departures from compliance (see Customizing checker strictness). Beyond that situation, some datasets (either model or observations) contain (known) errors that would normally prevent them from being processed. The issues can be in the metadata describing the dataset and/or in the actual data. Typical examples of such errors are missing or wrong attributes (e.g. attribute ‘’units’’ says 1e-9 but data are actually in 1e-6), missing or mislabeled coordinates (e.g. ‘’lev’’ instead of ‘’plev’’ or missing coordinate bounds like ‘’lat_bnds’’) or problems with the actual data (e.g. cloud liquid water only instead of sum of liquid + ice as specified by the CMIP data request). As an extreme case, some data sources simply are not NetCDF files and must go through some other data load function. ESMValCore can apply on-the-fly fixes to such datasets when issues can be fixed automatically.

In addition, some datasets are supported in their native (i.e., non CMOR-compliant) format through fixes. This is implemented for a set of Datasets in native format. A detailed description of how to include new native datasets is given below.

The following sections provide details on how to design such fixes.


CMORizer scripts. Support for many observational and reanalysis datasets is also possible through a priori reformatting by CMORizer scripts in the ESMValTool, which are rather relevant for datasets of small volume

Fix structure#

Fixes are Python classes stored in esmvalcore/cmor/_fixes/[PROJECT]/[DATASET].py that derive from esmvalcore.cmor._fixes.fix.Fix and are named after the short name of the variable they fix. You can also use the names of mip tables (e.g., Amon, Lmon, Omon, etc.) if you want the fix to be applied to all variables of that table in the dataset or AllVars if you want the fix to be applied to the whole dataset.


Be careful to replace any - with _ in your dataset name. We need this replacement to have proper python module names.

The fixes are automatically loaded and applied when the dataset is preprocessed. They are a special type of preprocessor function, called by the preprocessor functions esmvalcore.preprocessor.fix_file(), esmvalcore.preprocessor.fix_metadata(), and esmvalcore.preprocessor.fix_data().

The Fix class provides the following attributes:

  • Fix.vardef: VariableInfo object that corresponds to the variable fixed by the fix.

  • Fix.extra_facets: dict that contains all facets of the corresponding dataset fixed by the fix (see esmvalcore.dataset.Dataset.facets).

  • Fix.session: Session object that includes configuration and directory information.

Fixing a dataset#

To illustrate the process of creating a fix we are going to construct a new one from scratch for a fictional dataset. We need to fix a CMIPX model called PERFECT-MODEL that is reporting a missing latitude coordinate for variable tas.

Check the output#

Next to the error message, you should see some info about the iris cube: size, coordinates. In our example it looks like this:

air_temperature/ (K) (time: 312; altitude: 90; longitude: 180)
    Dimension coordinates:
        time                                     x              -              -
        altitude                                 -              x              -
        longitude                                -              -              x
    Auxiliary coordinates:
        day_of_month                             x              -              -
        day_of_year                              x              -              -
        month_number                             x              -              -
        year                                     x              -              -
        {'cmor_table': 'CMIPX', 'mip': 'Amon', 'short_name': 'tas', 'frequency': 'mon'})

So now the mistake is clear: the latitude coordinate is badly named and the fix should just rename it.

Create the fix#

We start by creating the module file. In our example the path will be esmvalcore/cmor/_fixes/CMIPX/ If it already exists just add the class to the file, there is no limit in the number of fixes we can have in any given file.

Then we have to create the class for the fix deriving from esmvalcore.cmor._fixes.Fix

"""Fixes for PERFECT-MODEL."""
from esmvalcore.cmor.fix import Fix

class tas(Fix):
     """Fixes for tas variable."""

Next we must choose the method to use between the ones offered by the Fix class:

  • fix_file: should be used only to fix errors that prevent data loading. As a rule of thumb, you should only use it if the execution halts before reaching the checks.

  • fix_metadata: you want to change something in the cube that is not the data (e.g., variable or coordinate names, data units).

  • fix_data: you need to fix the data. Beware: coordinates data values are part of the metadata.

In our case we need to rename the coordinate altitude to latitude, so we will implement the fix_metadata method:

"""Fixes for PERFECT-MODEL."""
from esmvalcore.cmor.fix import Fix

class tas(Fix):
    """Fixes for tas variable."""

    def fix_metadata(self, cubes):
        Fix metadata for tas.

        Fix the name of the latitude coordinate, which is called altitude
        in the original file.
        # Sometimes Iris will interpret the data as multiple cubes.
        # Good CMOR datasets will only show one but we support the
        # multiple cubes case to be able to fix the errors that are
        # leading to that extra cubes.
        # In our case this means that we can safely assume that the
        # tas cube is the first one
        tas_cube = cubes[0]
        latitude = tas_cube.coord('altitude')

        # Fix the names. Latitude values, units and
        latitude.short_name = 'lat'
        latitude.standard_name = 'latitude'
        latitude.long_name = 'latitude'
        return cubes

This will fix the error. The next time you run ESMValTool you will find that the error is fixed on the fly and, hopefully, your recipe will run free of errors. The cubes argument to the fix_metadata method will contain all cubes loaded from a single input file. Some care may need to be taken that the right cube is selected and fixed in case multiple cubes are created. Usually this happens when a coordinate is mistakenly loaded as a cube, because the input data does not follow the CF Conventions.

Sometimes other errors can appear after you fix the first one because they were hidden by it. In our case, the latitude coordinate could have bad units or values outside the valid range for example. Just extend your fix to address those errors.


Chances are that you are not the only one that wants to use that dataset and variable. Other users could take advantage of your fixes as soon as possible. Please, create a separated pull request for the fix and submit it.

It will also be very helpful if you just scan a couple of other variables from the same dataset and check if they share this error. In case that you find that it is a general one, you can change the fix name to the corresponding mip table name (e.g., Amon, Lmon, Omon, etc.) so it gets executed for all variables in that table in the dataset or to AllVars so it gets executed for all variables in the dataset. If you find that this is shared only by a handful of similar vars you can just make the fix for those new vars derive from the one you just created:

"""Fixes for PERFECT-MODEL."""
from esmvalcore.cmor.fix import Fix

class tas(Fix):
    """Fixes for tas variable."""

    def fix_metadata(self, cubes):
        Fix metadata for tas.

        Fix the name of the latitude coordinate, which is called altitude
        in the original file.
        # Sometimes Iris will interpret the data as multiple cubes.
        # Good CMOR datasets will only show one but we support the
        # multiple cubes case to be able to fix the errors that are
        # leading to that extra cubes.
        # In our case this means that we can safely assume that the
        # tas cube is the first one
        tas_cube = cubes[0]
        latitude = tas_cube.coord('altitude')

        # Fix the names. Latitude values, units and
        latitude.short_name = 'lat'
        latitude.standard_name = 'latitude'
        latitude.long_name = 'latitude'
        return cubes

class ps(tas):
    """Fixes for ps variable."""

Common errors#

The above example covers one of the most common cases: variables / coordinates that have names that do not match the expected. But there are some others that use to appear frequently. This section describes the most common cases.

Bad units declared#

It is quite common that a variable declares to be using some units but the data is stored in another. This can be solved by overwriting the units attribute with the actual data units.

def fix_metadata(self, cubes):
    cube = self.get_cube_from_list(cubes)
    cube.units = 'real_units'

Detecting this error can be tricky if the units are similar enough. It also has a good chance of going undetected until you notice strange results in your diagnostic.

For the above example, it can be useful to access the variable definition and associated coordinate definitions as provided by the CMOR table. For example:

def fix_metadata(self, cubes):
    cube = self.get_cube_from_list(cubes)
    cube.units = self.vardef.units

To learn more about what is available in these definitions, see: esmvalcore.cmor.table.VariableInfo and esmvalcore.cmor.table.CoordinateInfo.

Coordinates missing#

Another common error is to have missing coordinates. Usually it just means that the file does not follow the CF-conventions and Iris can therefore not interpret it.

If this is the case, you should see a warning from the ESMValTool about discarding some cubes in the fix metadata step. Just before that warning you should see the full list of cubes as read by Iris. If that list contains your missing coordinate you can create a fix for this model:

def fix_metadata(self, cubes):
    coord_cube = cubes.extract_cube('COORDINATE_NAME')
    # Usually this will correspond to an auxiliary coordinate
    # because the most common error is to forget adding it to the
    # coordinates attribute
    coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(,

    # It may also have bounds as another cube
    coord.bounds = cubes.extract_cube('BOUNDS_NAME').data

    data_cube = cubes.extract_cube('VAR_NAME')
    data_cube.add_aux_coord(coord, DIMENSIONS_INDEX_TUPLE)
    return [data_cube]

Customizing checker strictness#

The data checker classifies its issues using four different levels of severity. From highest to lowest:

  • CRITICAL: issues that most of the time will have severe consequences.

  • ERROR: issues that usually lead to unexpected errors, but can be safely ignored sometimes.

  • WARNING: something is not up to the standard but is unlikely to have consequences later.

  • DEBUG: any info that the checker wants to communicate. Regardless of checker strictness, those will always be reported as debug messages.

Users can have control about which levels of issues are interpreted as errors, and therefore make the checker fail or warnings or debug messages. For this purpose there is an optional configuration option check_level that can take a number of values, listed below from the lowest level of strictness to the highest:

  • ignore: all issues, regardless of severity, will be reported as warnings. Checker will never fail. Use this at your own risk.

  • relaxed: only CRITICAL issues are treated as errors. We recommend not to rely on this mode, although it can be useful if there are errors preventing the run that you are sure you can manage on the diagnostics or that will not affect you.

  • default: fail if there are any CRITICAL or ERROR issues (DEFAULT); Provides a good measure of safety.

  • strict: fail if there are any warnings, this is the highest level of strictness. Mostly useful for checking datasets that you have produced, to be sure that future users will not be distracted by inoffensive warnings.

Add support for new native datasets#

This section describes how to add support for additional native datasets. You can choose to host this new data source either under a dedicated project or under project native6.


An example of a configuration in config-developer.yml for projects used for native datasets is given here. Make sure to use the option cmor_strict: false for these projects if you want to make use of Custom CMOR tables. This allows reading arbitrary variables from native datasets.

Locate data#

To allow ESMValCore to locate the data files, use the following steps:

  • If you want to use the native6 project (recommended for datasets whose input files can be easily moved to the usual native6 directory structure given by the configuration option rootpath; this is usually the case for native reanalysis/observational datasets):

    The entry native6 of config-developer.yml should be complemented with sub-entries for input_dir and input_file that go under a new key representing the data organization (such as MY_DATA_ORG), and these sub-entries can use an arbitrary list of {placeholders}. Example :

        default: 'Tier{tier}/{dataset}/{version}/{frequency}/{short_name}'
        MY_DATA_ORG: '{dataset}/{exp}/{simulation}/{version}/{type}'
        default: '*.nc'
        MY_DATA_ORG: '{simulation}_*.nc'

    To find your native data (e.g., called MYDATA) that is for example located in {rootpath}/MYDATA/amip/run1/42-0/atm/ ({rootpath} is ESMValTool’s rootpath configuration option for the project native6), use the following dataset entry in your recipe

      - {project: native6, dataset: MYDATA, exp: amip, simulation: run1, version: 42-0, type: atm}

    and make sure to use the following configuration option drs:

      native6: MY_DATA_ORG
  • If you want to use a dedicated project for your native dataset (recommended for datasets for which you cannot control the location of the input files; this is usually the case for native model output):

    A new entry for the project needs to be added to config-developer.yml. For example, for the ICON model, create a new project ICON:

          - '{exp}'
          - '{exp}/outdata'
        default: '{exp}_{var_type}*.nc'

    To find your ICON data that is for example located in files like {rootpath}/amip/ ({rootpath} is ESMValCore’s configuration option rootpath for the project ICON), use the following dataset entry in your recipe:

      - {project: ICON, dataset: ICON, exp: amip}

    Please note the duplication of the name ICON in project and dataset, which is necessary to comply with ESMValTool’s data finding and CMORizing functionalities. For other native models, dataset could also refer to a subversion of the model. Note that it is possible to predefine facets in an extra facets file. In this ICON example, the facet var_type is predefined for many variables.

Fix native data#

To ensure that the native dataset has the correct metadata and data (i.e., that it is CMOR-compliant), use dataset fixes. This is where the actual CMORization takes place. For example, a native6 dataset fix for ERA5 is located here, and the ICON fix is located here.

ESMValTool also provides a base class NativeDatasetFix that provides convenient functions useful for all native dataset fixes. An example for its usage can be found here.

Extra facets for native datasets#

If necessary, provide a so-called extra facets file which allows to cope e.g. with variable naming issues for finding files or additional information that is required for the fixes. See Extra Facets and Use of extra facets in fixes for more details on this. An example of such a file for IPSL-CM6 is given here.

Use of extra facets in fixes#

Extra facets are a mechanism to provide additional information for certain kinds of data. The general approach is described in Extra Facets. Here, we describe how they can be used in fixes to mold data into the form required by the applicable standard. For example, if the input data is part of an observational product that delivers surface temperature with a variable name of t2m inside a file named, but the same variable is called tas in the applicable standard, a fix can be created that reads the original variable from the correct file, and provides a renamed variable to the rest of the processing chain.

Normally, the applicable standard for variables is CMIP6.

For more details, refer to existing uses of this feature as examples, as e.g. for IPSL-CM6.