"""Unstructured grid regridding."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import dask
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from iris.analysis import UnstructuredNearest as IrisUnstructuredNearest
from iris.analysis.trajectory import UnstructuredNearestNeigbourRegridder
from iris.coords import Coord
from iris.cube import Cube
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull, Delaunay
from esmvalcore.iris_helpers import (
from esmvalcore.preprocessor._shared import preserve_float_dtype
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UnstructuredNearest(IrisUnstructuredNearest):
"""Unstructured nearest-neighbor regridding scheme.
This class is a wrapper around :class:`iris.analysis.UnstructuredNearest`
that removes any additional X or Y coordinates prior to regridding if
necessary. It can be used in :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.regrid`.
def regridder(
src_cube: Cube,
tgt_cube: Cube,
) -> UnstructuredNearestNeigbourRegridder:
"""Get regridder.
Cube defining the source grid.
Cube defining the target grid.
Regridder instance.
# Unstructured nearest-neighbor regridding requires exactly one X and
# one Y coordinate (latitude and longitude). Remove any X or Y
# dimensional coordinates if necessary.
for axis in ["x", "y"]:
if src_cube.coords(axis=axis, dim_coords=True):
coord = src_cube.coord(axis=axis, dim_coords=True)
return super().regridder(src_cube, tgt_cube)
class UnstructuredLinearRegridder:
"""Unstructured bilinear regridder.
Supports lazy regridding and weights caching.
This will drop all cell measures, ancillary variables and aux factories,
and any auxiliary coordinate that spans the dimension of the unstrucutred
Cube defining the source grid.
Cube defining the target grid.
def __init__(self, src_cube: Cube, tgt_cube: Cube) -> None:
"""Initialize class instance."""
if not has_unstructured_grid(src_cube):
raise ValueError(
f"Source cube {src_cube.summary(shorten=True)} does not have "
f"unstructured grid"
if not has_regular_grid(tgt_cube):
raise ValueError(
f"Target cube {tgt_cube.summary(shorten=True)} does not have "
f"regular grid"
src_lat = src_cube.coord("latitude").copy()
src_lon = src_cube.coord("longitude").copy()
tgt_lat = tgt_cube.coord("latitude").copy()
tgt_lon = tgt_cube.coord("longitude").copy()
self.src_coords = [src_lat, src_lon]
self.tgt_coords = [tgt_lat, tgt_lon]
self.tgt_n_lat = tgt_lat.core_points().size
self.tgt_n_lon = tgt_lon.core_points().size
# Calculate regridding weights and indices
(self._weights, self._indices, self._convex_hull_idx) = (
self._get_weights_and_idx(src_lat, src_lon, tgt_lat, tgt_lon)
def _get_weights_and_idx(
src_lat: Coord,
src_lon: Coord,
tgt_lat: Coord,
tgt_lon: Coord,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Get regridding weights and indices.
To consider the periodic boundary conditions of a sphere, the source
points are expanded first with all points on their convex hull wrapped
around by -360° and +360° before the weights calculation. This needs to
be considered in the interpolation (see self._interpolate)!
The output arrays will be numpy arrays here (instead of dask) since
resulting arrays are only 2D and will be computed anyway later during
# Make sure that source and target grid have identical units
src_lat = src_lat.copy()
src_lon = src_lon.copy()
tgt_lat = tgt_lat.copy()
tgt_lon = tgt_lon.copy()
# Bring points into correct format
# src_points: (N, 2) where N is the number of source grid points
# tgt_points: (M, 2) where M is the number of target grid points
(src_points, tgt_points) = dask.compute(
np.stack((src_lat.core_points(), src_lon.core_points()), axis=-1),
for tgt_coord in np.meshgrid(
src_points = np.array(src_points) # cannot be masked array
tgt_points = np.array(tgt_points) # cannot be masked array
# Calculate convex hull of source points to consider periodic boundary
# conditions
hull = ConvexHull(src_points)
n_hull = len(hull.vertices)
# Wrap around points on convex hull by -360° and +360° and add them to
# list of source points
src_points_with_convex_hull = self._add_convex_hull_twice(
src_points, hull.vertices
lon_period = np.array(360, dtype=src_points_with_convex_hull.dtype)
src_points_with_convex_hull[-2 * n_hull : -n_hull, 1] -= lon_period
src_points_with_convex_hull[-n_hull:, 1] += lon_period
# Actual weights calculation
(weights, indices) = self._calculate_weights(
src_points_with_convex_hull, tgt_points
return (weights, indices, hull.vertices)
def __call__(self, cube: Cube) -> Cube:
"""Perform regridding.
Cube to be regridded.
Regridded cube.
if not has_unstructured_grid(cube):
raise ValueError(
f"Cube {cube.summary(shorten=True)} does not have "
f"unstructured grid"
coords = [cube.coord("latitude"), cube.coord("longitude")]
if coords != self.src_coords:
raise ValueError(
f"The given cube {cube.summary(shorten=True)} is not defined "
f"on the same source grid as this regridder"
# Get coordinates of regridded cube
# (1) New dimensional coordinates are the ones from the source cube
# (excluding the unstructured grid dimension) plus the (x, y) target
# grid dimensions. All dimensions to the right of the unstructured grid
# dimension need to be shifted to the right by 1.
udim = cube.coord_dims("latitude")[0]
dim_coords_and_dims = [
(c, cube.coord_dims(c)[0])
for c in cube.coords(dim_coords=True)
if udim not in cube.coord_dims(c)
dim_coords_and_dims = [
(c, d) if d < udim else (c, d + 1)
for (c, d) in dim_coords_and_dims
dim_coords_and_dims.append((self.tgt_coords[0], udim))
dim_coords_and_dims.append((self.tgt_coords[1], udim + 1))
# (2) Include all auxiliary coordinates that do not span unstructured
# grid dimension (also make sure to shift all dimensions to the right
# of the unstructured grid to the right by 1)
old_aux_coords_and_dims = [
(c, cube.coord_dims(c))
for c in cube.coords(dim_coords=False)
if udim not in cube.coord_dims(c)
aux_coords_and_dims = []
for aux_coord, dims in old_aux_coords_and_dims:
dims = tuple(d if d < udim else d + 1 for d in dims)
aux_coords_and_dims.append((aux_coord, dims))
# Create new cube with regridded data
regridded_data = preserve_float_dtype(self._get_regridded_data)(cube)
regridded_cube = Cube(
regridded_cube.metadata = cube.metadata
return regridded_cube
def _get_regridded_data(self, cube: Cube) -> np.ndarray | da.Array:
"""Get regridded data."""
udim = cube.coord_dims("latitude")[0]
# Cube must not be chunked along latitude and longitude dimension
rechunk_cube(cube, ["latitude", "longitude"])
# Make sure that masked arrays are filled with nan's so they are
# handled properly
npx = da if cube.has_lazy_data() else np
src_data = npx.ma.filled(cube.core_data(), np.nan)
# Perform actual regridding and assign correct mask
regridded_data: np.ndarray | da.Array
if cube.has_lazy_data():
regridded_data = self._regrid_lazy(
src_data, udim, self._weights.dtype
regridded_data = self._regrid_eager(src_data, udim)
regridded_data = npx.ma.masked_invalid(regridded_data)
return regridded_data
def _regrid_eager(self, data: np.ndarray, axis: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Eager regridding."""
v_interpolate = np.vectorize(
self._interpolate, signature="(i)->(lat,lon)"
# Make sure that interpolation dimension is rightmost dimension and
# change it back after regridding
data = np.moveaxis(data, axis, -1)
regridded_arr = v_interpolate(data)
regridded_arr = np.moveaxis(regridded_arr, -2, axis)
regridded_arr = np.moveaxis(regridded_arr, -1, axis + 1)
return regridded_arr
def _regrid_lazy(
data: da.Array,
axis: int,
dtype: DTypeLike,
) -> da.Array:
"""Lazy regridding."""
regridded_arr = da.apply_gufunc(
axes=[(axis,), (axis, axis + 1)],
output_sizes={"lat": self.tgt_n_lat, "lon": self.tgt_n_lon},
return regridded_arr
def _interpolate(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Interpolate data.
Data to interpolate must be an (N,) array, where N is the number of
source grid points. Indices used to index the data and interpolation
weights must be (M, 3) arrays, where M is the number of target grid
The returned array is of shape (lat, lon), where lat is the number of
latitudes in the target grid, and lon the number of longitudes in the
target grid such that lat x lon = M.
Before the interpolation, the input is extended by the data on the
convex hull to consider the periodic boundary conditions of a sphere
(this has also been done for the weights calculation).
data = self._add_convex_hull_twice(data, self._convex_hull_idx)
interp_data = np.einsum(
"nj,nj->n", np.take(data, self._indices), self._weights
interp_data = interp_data.reshape(self.tgt_n_lat, self.tgt_n_lon)
return interp_data
def _add_convex_hull_twice(arr: np.ndarray, idx: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Expand array with convex hull values (given by indices) twice."""
convex_hull = arr[idx]
return np.concatenate((arr, convex_hull, convex_hull))
def _calculate_weights(
src_points: np.ndarray,
tgt_points: np.ndarray,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Calculate regridding weights using Delaunay triagulation.
Partly taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/20930910.
Output shapes (M: number of target grid points)
- weights: (M, 3)
- indices: (M, 3)
tri = Delaunay(src_points)
simplex = tri.find_simplex(tgt_points)
indices = np.take(tri.simplices, simplex, axis=0)
transform = np.take(tri.transform, simplex, axis=0)
delta = tgt_points - transform[:, 2]
bary = np.einsum("njk,nk->nj", transform[:, :2, :], delta)
weights = np.hstack((bary, 1 - bary.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)))
extra_idx = simplex == -1
weights[extra_idx, :] = np.nan # missing values
return (weights, indices)
class UnstructuredLinear:
"""Unstructured bilinear regridding scheme.
This class can be used in :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.regrid`.
Supports lazy regridding.
This will drop all cell measures, ancillary variables and aux factories,
and any auxiliary coordinate that spans the dimension of the unstrucutred
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return string representation of class."""
return "UnstructuredLinear()"
def regridder(
src_cube: Cube,
tgt_cube: Cube,
) -> UnstructuredLinearRegridder:
"""Get regridder.
Cube defining the source grid.
Cube defining the target grid.
Regridder instance.
return UnstructuredLinearRegridder(src_cube, tgt_cube)