Source code for esmvalcore.preprocessor._io

"""Functions for loading and saving cubes."""
import copy
import logging
import os
import shutil
from itertools import groupby
from warnings import catch_warnings, filterwarnings

import iris
import iris.aux_factory
import iris.exceptions
import numpy as np
import yaml
from cf_units import suppress_errors

from .._task import write_ncl_settings
from ._time import extract_time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)



def _fix_aux_factories(cube):
    """Fix :class:`iris.aux_factory.AuxCoordFactory` after concatenation.

    Necessary because of bug in :mod:`iris` (see issue #2478).
    coord_names = [ for coord in cube.coords()]

    # Hybrid sigma pressure coordinate
    # TODO possibly add support for other hybrid coordinates
    if 'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' in coord_names:
        new_aux_factory = iris.aux_factory.HybridPressureFactory(
        for aux_factory in cube.aux_factories:
            if isinstance(aux_factory, iris.aux_factory.HybridPressureFactory):

    # Hybrid sigma height coordinate
    if 'atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate' in coord_names:
        new_aux_factory = iris.aux_factory.HybridHeightFactory(
        for aux_factory in cube.aux_factories:
            if isinstance(aux_factory, iris.aux_factory.HybridHeightFactory):

    # Atmosphere sigma coordinate
    if 'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate' in coord_names:
        new_aux_factory = iris.aux_factory.AtmosphereSigmaFactory(
        for aux_factory in cube.aux_factories:
            if isinstance(aux_factory,

def _get_attr_from_field_coord(ncfield, coord_name, attr):
    if coord_name is not None:
        attrs = ncfield.cf_group[coord_name].cf_attrs()
        attr_val = [value for (key, value) in attrs if key == attr]
        if attr_val:
            return attr_val[0]
    return None

def concatenate_callback(raw_cube, field, _):
    """Use this callback to fix anything Iris tries to break."""
    # Remove attributes that cause issues with merging and concatenation
        ('creation_date', 'tracking_id', 'history', 'comment')
    for coord in raw_cube.coords():
        # Iris chooses to change longitude and latitude units to degrees
        # regardless of value in file, so reinstating file value
        if coord.standard_name in ['longitude', 'latitude']:
            units = _get_attr_from_field_coord(field, coord.var_name, 'units')
            if units is not None:
                coord.units = units
        # CMOR sometimes adds a history to the coordinates.
        _delete_attributes(coord, ('history', ))

def _delete_attributes(iris_object, atts):
    for att in atts:
        if att in iris_object.attributes:
            del iris_object.attributes[att]

[docs]def load(file, callback=None, ignore_warnings=None): """Load iris cubes from files. Parameters ---------- file: str File to be loaded. callback: callable or None, optional (default: None) Callback function passed to :func:`iris.load_raw`. ignore_warnings: list of dict or None, optional (default: None) Keyword arguments passed to :func:`warnings.filterwarnings` used to ignore warnings issued by :func:`iris.load_raw`. Each list element corresponds to one call to :func:`warnings.filterwarnings`. Returns ------- iris.cube.CubeList Loaded cubes. Raises ------ ValueError Cubes are empty. """ logger.debug("Loading:\n%s", file) if ignore_warnings is None: ignore_warnings = [] # Avoid duplication of ignored warnings when load() is called more often # than once ignore_warnings = list(ignore_warnings) # Default warnings ignored for every dataset ignore_warnings.append({ 'message': "Missing CF-netCDF measure variable .*", 'category': UserWarning, 'module': 'iris', }) ignore_warnings.append({ 'message': "Ignoring netCDF variable '.*' invalid units '.*'", 'category': UserWarning, 'module': 'iris', }) # Filter warnings with catch_warnings(): for warning_kwargs in ignore_warnings: warning_kwargs.setdefault('action', 'ignore') filterwarnings(**warning_kwargs) # Suppress UDUNITS-2 error messages that cannot be ignored with # warnings.filterwarnings # (see with suppress_errors(): raw_cubes = iris.load_raw(file, callback=callback) logger.debug("Done with loading %s", file) if not raw_cubes: raise ValueError(f'Can not load cubes from {file}') for cube in raw_cubes: cube.attributes['source_file'] = file return raw_cubes
def _fix_cube_attributes(cubes): """Unify attributes of different cubes to allow concatenation.""" attributes = {} for cube in cubes: for (attr, val) in cube.attributes.items(): if attr not in attributes: attributes[attr] = val else: if not np.array_equal(val, attributes[attr]): attributes[attr] = '{};{}'.format(str(attributes[attr]), str(val)) for cube in cubes: cube.attributes = attributes def _by_two_concatenation(cubes): """Perform a by-2 concatenation to avoid gaps.""" concatenated = iris.cube.CubeList(cubes).concatenate() if len(concatenated) == 1: return concatenated[0] concatenated = _concatenate_overlapping_cubes(concatenated) if len(concatenated) == 2: _get_concatenation_error(concatenated) else: return concatenated[0] def _get_concatenation_error(cubes): """Raise an error for concatenation.""" # Concatenation not successful -> retrieve exact error message try: iris.cube.CubeList(cubes).concatenate_cube() except iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError as exc: msg = str(exc) logger.error('Can not concatenate cubes into a single one: %s', msg) logger.error('Resulting cubes:') for cube in cubes: logger.error(cube) time = cube.coord("time") logger.error('From %s to %s', time.cell(0), time.cell(-1)) raise ValueError(f'Can not concatenate cubes: {msg}')
[docs]def concatenate(cubes): """Concatenate all cubes after fixing metadata.""" if not cubes: return cubes if len(cubes) == 1: return cubes[0] _fix_cube_attributes(cubes) if len(cubes) > 1: # order cubes by first time point try: cubes = sorted(cubes, key=lambda c: c.coord("time").cell(0).point) except iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError as exc: msg = "One or more cubes {} are missing".format(cubes) + \ " time coordinate: {}".format(str(exc)) raise ValueError(msg) # iteratively concatenate starting with first cube result = cubes[0] for cube in cubes[1:]: result = _by_two_concatenation([result, cube]) _fix_aux_factories(result) return result
[docs]def save(cubes, filename, optimize_access='', compress=False, alias='', **kwargs): """Save iris cubes to file. Parameters ---------- cubes: iterable of iris.cube.Cube Data cubes to be saved filename: str Name of target file optimize_access: str Set internal NetCDF chunking to favour a reading scheme Values can be map or timeseries, which improve performance when reading the file one map or time series at a time. Users can also provide a coordinate or a list of coordinates. In that case the better performance will be avhieved by loading all the values in that coordinate at a time compress: bool, optional Use NetCDF internal compression. alias: str, optional Var name to use when saving instead of the one in the cube. Returns ------- str filename Raises ------ ValueError cubes is empty. """ if not cubes: raise ValueError(f"Cannot save empty cubes '{cubes}'") # Rename some arguments kwargs['target'] = filename kwargs['zlib'] = compress dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) if (os.path.exists(filename) and all(cube.has_lazy_data() for cube in cubes)): logger.debug( "Not saving cubes %s to %s to avoid data loss. " "The cube is probably unchanged.", cubes, filename) return filename logger.debug("Saving cubes %s to %s", cubes, filename) if optimize_access: cube = cubes[0] if optimize_access == 'map': dims = set( cube.coord_dims('latitude') + cube.coord_dims('longitude')) elif optimize_access == 'timeseries': dims = set(cube.coord_dims('time')) else: dims = tuple() for coord_dims in (cube.coord_dims(dimension) for dimension in optimize_access.split(' ')): dims += coord_dims dims = set(dims) kwargs['chunksizes'] = tuple( length if index in dims else 1 for index, length in enumerate(cube.shape)) kwargs['fill_value'] = GLOBAL_FILL_VALUE if alias: for cube in cubes: logger.debug('Changing var_name from %s to %s', cube.var_name, alias) cube.var_name = alias, **kwargs) return filename
def _get_debug_filename(filename, step): """Get a filename for debugging the preprocessor.""" dirname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] if os.path.exists(dirname) and os.listdir(dirname): num = int(sorted(os.listdir(dirname)).pop()[:2]) + 1 else: num = 0 filename = os.path.join(dirname, '{:02}_{}.nc'.format(num, step)) return filename
[docs]def cleanup(files, remove=None): """Clean up after running the preprocessor.""" if remove is None: remove = [] for path in remove: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) elif os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) return files
def write_metadata(products, write_ncl=False): """Write product metadata to file.""" output_files = [] for output_dir, prods in groupby(products, lambda p: os.path.dirname(p.filename)): sorted_products = sorted( prods, key=lambda p: ( p.attributes.get('recipe_dataset_index', 1e6), p.attributes.get('dataset', ''), ), ) metadata = {} for product in sorted_products: if isinstance(product.attributes.get('exp'), (list, tuple)): product.attributes = dict(product.attributes) product.attributes['exp'] = '-'.join(product.attributes['exp']) if 'original_short_name' in product.attributes: del product.attributes['original_short_name'] metadata[product.filename] = product.attributes output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'metadata.yml') output_files.append(output_filename) with open(output_filename, 'w') as file: yaml.safe_dump(metadata, file) if write_ncl: output_files.append(_write_ncl_metadata(output_dir, metadata)) return output_files def _write_ncl_metadata(output_dir, metadata): """Write NCL metadata files to output_dir.""" variables = [copy.deepcopy(v) for v in metadata.values()] info = {'input_file_info': variables} # Split input_file_info into dataset and variable properties # dataset keys and keys with non-identical values will be stored # in dataset_info, the rest in variable_info variable_info = {} info['variable_info'] = [variable_info] info['dataset_info'] = [] for variable in variables: dataset_info = {} info['dataset_info'].append(dataset_info) for key in variable: dataset_specific = any(variable[key] != var.get(key, object()) for var in variables) if ((dataset_specific or key in DATASET_KEYS) and key not in VARIABLE_KEYS): dataset_info[key] = variable[key] else: variable_info[key] = variable[key] filename = os.path.join(output_dir, variable_info['short_name'] + '_info.ncl') write_ncl_settings(info, filename) return filename def _concatenate_overlapping_cubes(cubes): """Concatenate time-overlapping cubes (two cubes only).""" # we arrange [cube1, cube2] so that cube1.start <= cube2.start if cubes[0].coord('time').points[0] <= cubes[1].coord('time').points[0]: cubes = [cubes[0], cubes[1]] logger.debug( "Will attempt to concatenate cubes %s " "and %s in this order", cubes[0], cubes[1]) else: cubes = [cubes[1], cubes[0]] logger.debug( "Will attempt to concatenate cubes %s " "and %s in this order", cubes[1], cubes[0]) # get time end points time_1 = cubes[0].coord('time') time_2 = cubes[1].coord('time') if time_1.units != time_2.units: raise ValueError( f"Cubes\n{cubes[0]}\nand\n{cubes[1]}\ncan not be concatenated: " f"time units {time_1.units}, calendar {time_1.units.calendar} " f"and {time_2.units}, calendar {time_2.units.calendar} differ") data_start_1 = time_1.cell(0).point data_start_2 = time_2.cell(0).point data_end_1 = time_1.cell(-1).point data_end_2 = time_2.cell(-1).point # case 1: both cubes start at the same time -> return longer cube if data_start_1 == data_start_2: if data_end_1 <= data_end_2: logger.debug( "Both cubes start at the same time but cube %s " "ends before %s", cubes[0], cubes[1]) logger.debug("Cube %s contains all needed data so using it fully", cubes[1]) cubes = [cubes[1]] else: logger.debug( "Both cubes start at the same time but cube %s " "ends before %s", cubes[1], cubes[0]) logger.debug("Cube %s contains all needed data so using it fully", cubes[0]) cubes = [cubes[0]] # case 2: cube1 starts before cube2 else: # find time overlap, if any start_overlap = next((time_1.units.num2date(t) for t in time_1.points if t in time_2.points), None) # case 2.0: no overlap (new iris implementation does allow # concatenation of cubes with no overlap) if not start_overlap: logger.debug( "Unable to concatenate non-overlapping cubes\n%s\nand\n%s" "separated in time.", cubes[0], cubes[1]) # case 2.1: cube1 ends after cube2 -> return cube1 elif data_end_1 > data_end_2: cubes = [cubes[0]] logger.debug("Using only data from %s", cubes[0]) # case 2.2: cube1 ends before cube2 -> use full cube2 and shorten cube1 else: logger.debug( "Extracting time slice between %s and %s from cube %s to use " "it for concatenation with cube %s", "-".join([ str(data_start_1.year), str(data_start_1.month), str( ]), "-".join([ str(start_overlap.year), str(start_overlap.month), str( ]), cubes[0], cubes[1]) c1_delta = extract_time(cubes[0], data_start_1.year, data_start_1.month,, start_overlap.year, start_overlap.month, # convert c1_delta scalar cube to vector cube, if needed if == (): c1_delta = iris.util.new_axis(c1_delta, scalar_coord="time") cubes = iris.cube.CubeList([c1_delta, cubes[1]]) logger.debug("Attempting concatenatenation of %s with %s", c1_delta, cubes[1]) try: cubes = [iris.cube.CubeList(cubes).concatenate_cube()] except iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError as ex: logger.error('Can not concatenate cubes: %s', ex) logger.error('Cubes:') for cube in cubes: logger.error(cube) raise ex return cubes