Source code for esmvalcore.preprocessor._area

"""Area operations on data cubes.

Allows for selecting data subsets using certain latitude and longitude
bounds; selecting geographical regions; constructing area averages; etc.
import logging
import warnings

import fiona
import iris
import numpy as np
import shapely
import shapely.ops
from dask import array as da
from iris.exceptions import CoordinateNotFoundError

from ._ancillary_vars import (
from ._shared import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SHAPE_ID_KEYS = ('name', 'NAME', 'Name', 'id', 'ID')

[docs]def extract_region(cube, start_longitude, end_longitude, start_latitude, end_latitude): """Extract a region from a cube. Function that subsets a cube on a box (start_longitude, end_longitude, start_latitude, end_latitude) Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input data cube. start_longitude: float Western boundary longitude. end_longitude: float Eastern boundary longitude. start_latitude: float Southern Boundary latitude. end_latitude: float Northern Boundary Latitude. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube smaller cube. """ if abs(start_latitude) > 90.: raise ValueError(f"Invalid start_latitude: {start_latitude}") if abs(end_latitude) > 90.: raise ValueError(f"Invalid end_latitude: {end_latitude}") if cube.coord('latitude').ndim == 1: # Iris check if any point of the cell is inside the region # To check only the center, ignore_bounds must be set to # True (default) is False region_subset = cube.intersection( longitude=(start_longitude, end_longitude), latitude=(start_latitude, end_latitude), ignore_bounds=True, ) region_subset = region_subset.intersection(longitude=(0., 360.)) else: region_subset = _extract_irregular_region( cube, start_longitude, end_longitude, start_latitude, end_latitude, ) return region_subset
def _extract_irregular_region(cube, start_longitude, end_longitude, start_latitude, end_latitude): """Extract a region from a cube on an irregular grid.""" # Convert longitudes to valid range if start_longitude != 360.: start_longitude %= 360. if end_longitude != 360.: end_longitude %= 360. # Select coordinates inside the region lats = cube.coord('latitude').points lons = (cube.coord('longitude').points + 360.) % 360. if start_longitude <= end_longitude: select_lons = (lons >= start_longitude) & (lons <= end_longitude) else: select_lons = (lons >= start_longitude) | (lons <= end_longitude) if start_latitude <= end_latitude: select_lats = (lats >= start_latitude) & (lats <= end_latitude) else: select_lats = (lats >= start_latitude) | (lats <= end_latitude) selection = select_lats & select_lons # Crop the selection, but keep rectangular shape i_range, j_range = selection.nonzero() if i_range.size == 0: raise ValueError("No data points available in selected region") i_min, i_max = i_range.min(), i_range.max() j_min, j_max = j_range.min(), j_range.max() i_slice, j_slice = slice(i_min, i_max + 1), slice(j_min, j_max + 1) cube = cube[..., i_slice, j_slice] selection = selection[i_slice, j_slice] # Mask remaining coordinates outside region mask = da.broadcast_to(~selection, cube.shape) =, cube.core_data()) return cube
[docs]def zonal_statistics(cube, operator): """Compute zonal statistics. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. operator: str, optional Select operator to apply. Available operators: 'mean', 'median', 'std_dev', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'rms'. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Zonal statistics cube. Raises ------ ValueError Error raised if computation on irregular grids is attempted. Zonal statistics not yet implemented for irregular grids. """ if cube.coord('longitude').points.ndim < 2: operation = get_iris_analysis_operation(operator) cube = cube.collapsed('longitude', operation) = cube.core_data().astype(np.float32, casting='same_kind') return cube msg = ("Zonal statistics on irregular grids not yet implemnted") raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def meridional_statistics(cube, operator): """Compute meridional statistics. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. operator: str, optional Select operator to apply. Available operators: 'mean', 'median', 'std_dev', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'rms'. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Meridional statistics cube. Raises ------ ValueError Error raised if computation on irregular grids is attempted. Zonal statistics not yet implemented for irregular grids. """ if cube.coord('latitude').points.ndim < 2: operation = get_iris_analysis_operation(operator) cube = cube.collapsed('latitude', operation) = cube.core_data().astype(np.float32, casting='same_kind') return cube msg = ("Meridional statistics on irregular grids not yet implemented") raise ValueError(msg)
def compute_area_weights(cube): """Compute area weights.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: warnings.filterwarnings( 'always', message="Using DEFAULT_SPHERICAL_EARTH_RADIUS.", category=UserWarning, module='iris.analysis.cartography', ) weights = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(cube) for warning in caught_warnings: logger.debug( "%s while computing area weights of the following cube:\n%s", warning.message, cube) return weights
[docs]def area_statistics(cube, operator): """Apply a statistical operator in the horizontal direction. The average in the horizontal direction. We assume that the horizontal directions are ['longitude', 'latutude']. This function can be used to apply several different operations in the horizontal plane: mean, standard deviation, median variance, minimum and maximum. These options are specified using the `operator` argument and the following key word arguments: +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `mean` | Area weighted mean. | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `median` | Median (not area weighted) | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `std_dev` | Standard Deviation (not area weighted) | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `sum` | Area weighted sum. | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `variance` | Variance (not area weighted) | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `min`: | Minimum value | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `max` | Maximum value | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `rms` | Area weighted root mean square. | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube Input cube. operator: str The operation, options: mean, median, min, max, std_dev, sum, variance, rms. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube collapsed cube. Raises ------ iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError Exception for latitude axis with dim > 2. ValueError if input data cube has different shape than grid area weights """ original_dtype = cube.dtype grid_areas = None try: grid_areas = cube.cell_measure('cell_area').core_data() except iris.exceptions.CellMeasureNotFoundError: logger.debug( 'Cell measure "cell_area" not found in cube %s. ' 'Check fx_file availability.', cube.summary(shorten=True)) logger.debug('Attempting to calculate grid cell area...') else: grid_areas = da.broadcast_to(grid_areas, cube.shape) if grid_areas is None and cube.coord('latitude').points.ndim == 2: coord_names = [coord.standard_name for coord in cube.coords()] if 'grid_latitude' in coord_names and 'grid_longitude' in coord_names: cube = guess_bounds(cube, ['grid_latitude', 'grid_longitude']) cube_tmp = cube.copy() cube_tmp.remove_coord('latitude') cube_tmp.coord('grid_latitude').rename('latitude') cube_tmp.remove_coord('longitude') cube_tmp.coord('grid_longitude').rename('longitude') grid_areas = compute_area_weights(cube_tmp) logger.debug('Calculated grid area shape: %s', grid_areas.shape) else: logger.error( 'fx_file needed to calculate grid cell area for irregular ' 'grids.') raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError( cube.coord('latitude')) coord_names = ['longitude', 'latitude'] if grid_areas is None: cube = guess_bounds(cube, coord_names) grid_areas = compute_area_weights(cube) logger.debug('Calculated grid area shape: %s', grid_areas.shape) if cube.shape != grid_areas.shape: raise ValueError('Cube shape ({}) doesn`t match grid area shape ' '({})'.format(cube.shape, grid_areas.shape)) operation = get_iris_analysis_operation(operator) # TODO: implement weighted stdev, median, s var when available in iris. # See iris issue: if operator_accept_weights(operator): result = cube.collapsed(coord_names, operation, weights=grid_areas) else: # Many IRIS analysis functions do not accept weights arguments. result = cube.collapsed(coord_names, operation) new_dtype = result.dtype if original_dtype != new_dtype: logger.debug( "area_statistics changed dtype from " "%s to %s, changing back", original_dtype, new_dtype) = result.core_data().astype(original_dtype) return result
[docs]def extract_named_regions(cube, regions): """Extract a specific named region. The region coordinate exist in certain CMIP datasets. This preprocessor allows a specific named regions to be extracted. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. regions: str, list A region or list of regions to extract. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube collapsed cube. Raises ------ ValueError regions is not list or tuple or set. ValueError region not included in cube. """ # Make sure regions is a list of strings if isinstance(regions, str): regions = [regions] if not isinstance(regions, (list, tuple, set)): raise TypeError( 'Regions "{}" is not an acceptable format.'.format(regions)) available_regions = set(cube.coord('region').points) invalid_regions = set(regions) - available_regions if invalid_regions: raise ValueError('Region(s) "{}" not in cube region(s): {}'.format( invalid_regions, available_regions)) constraints = iris.Constraint(region=lambda r: r in regions) cube = cube.extract(constraint=constraints) return cube
def _crop_cube(cube, start_longitude, start_latitude, end_longitude, end_latitude, cmor_coords=True): """Crop cubes on a cartesian grid.""" lon_coord = cube.coord(axis='X') lat_coord = cube.coord(axis='Y') if lon_coord.ndim == 1 and lat_coord.ndim == 1: # add a padding of one cell around the cropped cube lon_bound = lon_coord.core_bounds()[0] lon_step = lon_bound[1] - lon_bound[0] start_longitude -= lon_step if not cmor_coords: if start_longitude < -180.: start_longitude = -180. else: if start_longitude < 0: start_longitude = 0 end_longitude += lon_step if not cmor_coords: if end_longitude > 180.: end_longitude = 180. else: if end_longitude > 360: end_longitude = 360. lat_bound = lat_coord.core_bounds()[0] lat_step = lat_bound[1] - lat_bound[0] start_latitude -= lat_step if start_latitude < -90: start_latitude = -90. end_latitude += lat_step if end_latitude > 90.: end_latitude = 90. cube = extract_region(cube, start_longitude, end_longitude, start_latitude, end_latitude) return cube def _select_representative_point(shape, lon, lat): """Select a representative point for `shape` from `lon` and `lat`.""" representative_point = shape.representative_point() points = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint( np.stack((np.ravel(lon), np.ravel(lat)), axis=1)) nearest_point = shapely.ops.nearest_points(points, representative_point)[0] nearest_lon, nearest_lat = nearest_point.coords[0] select = (lon == nearest_lon) & (lat == nearest_lat) return select def _correct_coords_from_shapefile(cube, cmor_coords, pad_north_pole, pad_hawaii): """Get correct lat and lon from shapefile.""" lon = cube.coord(axis='X').points lat = cube.coord(axis='Y').points if cube.coord(axis='X').ndim < 2: lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat, copy=False) if not cmor_coords: # Wrap around longitude coordinate to match data lon = lon.copy() # ValueError: assignment destination is read-only lon[lon >= 180.] -= 360. # the NE mask may not have points at x = -180 and y = +/-90 # so we will fool it and apply the mask at (-179, -89, 89) instead if pad_hawaii: lon = np.where(lon == -180., lon + 1., lon) if pad_north_pole: lat_0 = np.where(lat == -90., lat + 1., lat) lat = np.where(lat_0 == 90., lat_0 - 1., lat_0) return lon, lat def _get_masks_from_geometries(geometries, lon, lat, method='contains', decomposed=False, ids=None): if method not in {'contains', 'representative'}: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for `method`. Choose from 'contains', ", "'representative'.") selections = dict() if ids: ids = [str(id_) for id_ in ids] for i, item in enumerate(geometries): for id_prop in SHAPE_ID_KEYS: if id_prop in item['properties']: id_ = str(item['properties'][id_prop]) break else: id_ = str(i) logger.debug('Shape "%s" found', id_) if ids and id_ not in ids: continue selections[id_] = _get_shape(lon, lat, method, item) if ids: missing = set(ids) - set(selections.keys()) if missing: raise ValueError(f'Shapes {" ".join(missing)!r} not found') if not decomposed and len(selections) > 1: return _merge_shapes(selections, lat.shape) return selections def _geometry_matches_ids(geometry: dict, ids: list): """Returns True if `geometry` matches one of the `ids`.""" props = geometry['properties'] geom_id = [props.get(key, None) for key in SHAPE_ID_KEYS] geom_id = [key for key in geom_id if key is not None] if not geom_id: raise KeyError(f'{props} dict has no `name` or `id` key') geom_id = geom_id[0] return geom_id in ids def _get_bounds(geometries, ids=None): """Get bounds from the subset of geometries defined by `ids`. Parameters ---------- geometries : fiona.Collection Fiona collection of shapes (geometries). ids : tuple of str, optional List of ids to select from geometry collection. If None, return global bounds (``geometries.bounds``) Returns ------- lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max Returns coordinates deliminating bounding box for shape ids. """ if not ids: return geometries.bounds subset = [geom for geom in geometries if _geometry_matches_ids(geom, ids)] all_bounds = np.vstack([fiona.bounds(geom) for geom in subset]) lon_max, lat_max = all_bounds[:, 2:].max(axis=0) lon_min, lat_min = all_bounds[:, :2].min(axis=0) return lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max def _get_shape(lon, lat, method, item): shape = shapely.geometry.shape(item['geometry']) if method == 'contains': select = shapely.vectorized.contains(shape, lon, lat) if method == 'representative' or not select.any(): select = _select_representative_point(shape, lon, lat) return select def _merge_shapes(selections, shape): selection = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) for select in selections.values(): selection |= select return {0: selection} def fix_coordinate_ordering(cube): """Transpose the dimensions. This is done such that the order of dimension is in standard order, ie: [time] [shape_id] [other_coordinates] latitude longitude where dimensions between brackets are optional. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Cube with dimensions transposed to standard order """ try: time_dim = cube.coord_dims('time') except CoordinateNotFoundError: time_dim = () try: shape_dim = cube.coord_dims('shape_id') except CoordinateNotFoundError: shape_dim = () other = list(range(len(cube.shape))) for dim in [time_dim, shape_dim]: for i in dim: other.remove(i) other = tuple(other) order = time_dim + shape_dim + other cube.transpose(new_order=order) return cube
[docs]def extract_shape(cube, shapefile, method='contains', crop=True, decomposed=False, ids=None): """Extract a region defined by a shapefile. Note that this function does not work for shapes crossing the prime meridian or poles. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. shapefile: str A shapefile defining the region(s) to extract. method: str, optional Select all points contained by the shape or select a single representative point. Choose either 'contains' or 'representative'. If 'contains' is used, but not a single grid point is contained by the shape, a representative point will selected. crop: bool, optional Crop the resulting cube using `extract_region()`. Note that data on irregular grids will not be cropped. decomposed: bool, optional Whether or not to retain the sub shapes of the shapefile in the output. If this is set to True, the output cube has a dimension for the sub shapes. ids: list(str), optional List of shapes to be read from the file. The ids are assigned from the attributes 'name' or 'id' (in that priority order) if present in the file or correspond to the reading order if not. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Cube containing the extracted region. See Also -------- extract_region : Extract a region from a cube. """ with as geometries: # get parameters specific to the shapefile (NE used case # eg longitudes [-180, 180] or latitude missing # or overflowing edges) cmor_coords = True pad_north_pole = False pad_hawaii = False if geometries.bounds[0] < 0: cmor_coords = False if geometries.bounds[1] > -90. and geometries.bounds[1] < -85.: pad_north_pole = True if geometries.bounds[0] > -180. and geometries.bounds[0] < 179.: pad_hawaii = True if crop: lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max = _get_bounds( geometries=geometries, ids=ids, ) cube = _crop_cube(cube, start_longitude=lon_min, start_latitude=lat_min, end_longitude=lon_max, end_latitude=lat_max, cmor_coords=cmor_coords) lon, lat = _correct_coords_from_shapefile(cube, cmor_coords, pad_north_pole, pad_hawaii) selections = _get_masks_from_geometries(geometries, lon, lat, method=method, decomposed=decomposed, ids=ids) return _mask_cube(cube, selections)
def _mask_cube(cube, selections): cubelist = iris.cube.CubeList() for id_, select in selections.items(): _cube = cube.copy() remove_fx_variables(_cube) _cube.add_aux_coord( iris.coords.AuxCoord(id_, units='no_unit', long_name="shape_id")) select = da.broadcast_to(select, _cube.shape) =, _cube.core_data()) cubelist.append(_cube) result = fix_coordinate_ordering(cubelist.merge_cube()) if cube.cell_measures(): for measure in cube.cell_measures(): add_cell_measure(result, measure, measure.measure) if cube.ancillary_variables(): for ancillary_variable in cube.ancillary_variables(): add_ancillary_variable(result, ancillary_variable) return result