Source code for esmvalcore.esgf._search

"""Module for finding files on ESGF."""
import itertools
import logging
from functools import lru_cache


from .._data_finder import (
from ._download import ESGFFile
from ._logon import get_connection
from .facets import DATASET_MAP, FACETS

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def get_esgf_facets(variable):
    """Translate variable to facets for searching on ESGF."""
    project = variable.get('project', '')
    facets = {'project': project}
    for our_name, esgf_name in FACETS[project].items():
        if our_name in variable:
            values = variable[our_name]

            if isinstance(values, (tuple, list)):
                values = list(values)
                values = [values]

            for i, value in enumerate(values):
                if our_name == 'dataset':
                    # Replace dataset name by ESGF name for dataset
                    values[i] = DATASET_MAP[project].get(value, value)

            facets[esgf_name] = ','.join(values)

    return facets

def select_latest_versions(files):
    """Select only the latest version of files."""
    result = []

    def same_file(file):
        """Return a versionless identifier for a file."""
        # Dataset without the version number
        dataset = file.dataset.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
        return (dataset,

    files = sorted(files, key=same_file)
    for _, versions in itertools.groupby(files, key=same_file):
        versions = sorted(versions, reverse=True)
        latest_version = versions[0]
        if len(versions) > 1:
            logger.debug("Only using the latest version %s, not %s",
                         latest_version, versions[1:])

    return result

def esgf_search_files(facets):
    """Search for files on ESGF.

    facets: :obj:`dict` of :obj:`str`
        Facets to constrain the search.

    list of :py:class:`~ESGFFile`
        The found files.
    logger.debug("Searching for datasets on ESGF using facets=%s", facets)
    connection = get_connection()
    context = connection.new_context(,

    results =

    files = ESGFFile._from_results(results, facets)

    files = select_latest_versions(files)

    msg = 'none' if not files else '\n' + '\n'.join(str(f) for f in files)
    logger.debug("Found the following files matching facets %s: %s", facets,

    return files

def select_by_time(files, timerange):
    """Select files containing data between a timerange."""
    selection = []

    for file in files:
        start_date, end_date = _parse_period(timerange)
            start, end = get_start_end_date(
        except ValueError:
            # If start and end year cannot be read from the filename
            # just select everything.
            start_date, start = _truncate_dates(start_date, start)
            end_date, end = _truncate_dates(end_date, end)
            if start <= end_date and end >= start_date:

    return selection

[docs]def find_files(*, project, short_name, dataset, **facets): """Search for files on ESGF. Parameters ---------- project : str Choose from CMIP3, CMIP5, CMIP6, CORDEX, or obs4MIPs. short_name : str The name of the variable. dataset : str The name of the dataset. **facets: Any other search facets. Values can be strings, list of strings, or 'start_year' and 'end_year' with values of type :obj:`int`. Examples -------- Examples of how to use the search function for all supported projects. Search for a CMIP3 dataset: >>> search( ... project='CMIP3', ... frequency='mon', ... short_name='tas', ... dataset='cccma_cgcm3_1', ... exp='historical', ... ensemble='run1', ... ) # doctest: +SKIP [ESGFFile:cmip3/CCCma/cccma_cgcm3_1/historical/mon/atmos/run1/tas/v1/] Search for a CMIP5 dataset: >>> search( ... project='CMIP5', ... mip='Amon', ... short_name='tas', ... dataset='inmcm4', ... exp='historical', ... ensemble='r1i1p1', ... ) # doctest: +SKIP [ESGFFile:cmip5/output1/INM/inmcm4/historical/mon/atmos/Amon/r1i1p1/v20130207/] Search for a CMIP6 dataset: >>> search( ... project='CMIP6', ... mip='Amon', ... short_name='tas', ... dataset='CanESM5', ... exp='historical', ... ensemble='r1i1p1f1', ... ) # doctest: +SKIP [ESGFFile:CMIP6/CMIP/CCCma/CanESM5/historical/r1i1p1f1/Amon/tas/gn/v20190429/] Search for a CORDEX dataset and limit the search results to files containing data to the years in the range 1990-2000: >>> search( ... project='CORDEX', ... frequency='mon', ... dataset='COSMO-crCLIM-v1-1', ... short_name='tas', ... exp='historical', ... ensemble='r1i1p1', ... domain='EUR-11', ... driver='MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR', ... start_year=1990, ... end_year=2000, ... ) # doctest: +SKIP [ESGFFile:cordex/output/EUR-11/CLMcom-ETH/MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR/historical/r1i1p1/COSMO-crCLIM-v1-1/v1/mon/tas/v20191219/, ESGFFile:cordex/output/EUR-11/CLMcom-ETH/MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR/historical/r1i1p1/COSMO-crCLIM-v1-1/v1/mon/tas/v20191219/] Search for a obs4MIPs dataset: >>> search( ... project='obs4MIPs', ... frequency='mon', ... dataset='CERES-EBAF', ... short_name='rsutcs', ... ) # doctest: +SKIP [ESGFFile:obs4MIPs/NASA-LaRC/CERES-EBAF/atmos/mon/v20160610/] Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :obj:`ESGFFile` A list of files that have been found. """ # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, line-too-long if project not in FACETS: raise ValueError( f"Unable to download from ESGF, because project {project} is not" " on it or is not supported by the esmvalcore.esgf module.") # The project is required for the function to work. facets['project'] = project # The dataset and short_name facet are not strictly required, # but without these it seems likely that the user is requesting # more results than they intended. facets['dataset'] = dataset facets['short_name'] = short_name # Convert lists to tuples to allow caching results for facet, value in facets.items(): if isinstance(value, list): facets[facet] = tuple(value) return cached_search(**facets)
@lru_cache(10000) def cached_search(**facets): """Search for files on ESGF. A cached search function will speed up recipes that use the same variable multiple times. """ esgf_facets = get_esgf_facets(facets) files = esgf_search_files(esgf_facets) _get_timerange_from_years(facets) filter_timerange = (facets.get('frequency', '') != 'fx' and 'timerange' in facets) if filter_timerange: files = select_by_time(files, facets['timerange']) logger.debug("Selected files:\n%s", '\n'.join(str(f) for f in files)) return files