Source code for esmvalcore.experimental.recipe

"""Recipe metadata."""

import logging
import os
import pprint
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional

import yaml

from esmvalcore._recipe import Recipe as RecipeEngine
from esmvalcore.experimental.config import Session

from . import CFG
from ._logging import log_to_dir
from .recipe_info import RecipeInfo
from .recipe_output import RecipeOutput

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]class Recipe(): """API wrapper for the esmvalcore Recipe object. This class can be used to inspect and run the recipe. Parameters ---------- path : pathlike Path to the recipe. """ def __init__(self, path: os.PathLike): self.path = Path(path) if not self.path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Cannot find recipe: `{path}`.') self._engine: Optional[RecipeEngine] = None self._data: Optional[Dict] = None self.last_session: Optional[Session] = None = RecipeInfo(, def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return canonical string representation.""" return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({!r})' def __str__(self) -> str: """Return string representation.""" return str( def _repr_html_(self) -> str: """Return html representation.""" return self.render()
[docs] def render(self, template=None): """Render output as html. template : :obj:`Template` An instance of :py:class:`jinja2.Template` can be passed to customize the output. """ return
@property def name(self): """Return the name of the recipe.""" return @property def data(self) -> dict: """Return dictionary representation of the recipe.""" if self._data is None: self._data = yaml.safe_load(open(self.path, 'r')) return self._data def _load(self, session: Session) -> RecipeEngine: """Load the recipe. This method loads the recipe into the internal ESMValCore Recipe format. Parameters ---------- session : :obj:`Session` Defines the config parameters and location where the recipe output will be stored. If ``None``, a new session will be started automatically. Returns ------- recipe : :obj:`esmvalcore._recipe.Recipe` Return an instance of the Recipe """ config_user = session.to_config_user() return RecipeEngine(, config_user=config_user, recipe_file=self.path)
[docs] def run(self, task: str = None, session: Session = None): """Run the recipe. This function loads the recipe into the ESMValCore recipe format and runs it. Parameters ---------- task : str Specify the name of the diagnostic or preprocessor to run a single task. session : :obj:`Session`, optional Defines the config parameters and location where the recipe output will be stored. If ``None``, a new session will be started automatically. Returns ------- output : dict Returns output of the recipe as instances of :obj:`OutputItem` grouped by diagnostic task. """ if session is None: session = CFG.start_session(self.path.stem) self.last_session = session if task: session['diagnostics'] = task with log_to_dir(session.run_dir): self._engine = self._load(session=session) shutil.copy2(self.path, session.run_dir) output = self.get_output() output.write_html() return output
[docs] def get_output(self) -> RecipeOutput: """Get output from recipe. Returns ------- output : dict Returns output of the recipe as instances of :obj:`OutputFile` grouped by diagnostic task. """ if self._engine is None: raise AttributeError('Run the recipe first using `.run()`.') output = self._engine.get_output() task_output = output['task_output'] return RecipeOutput( task_output=task_output, session=self.last_session,, )