
The ESMValCore package provides the esmvaltool command line tool, which can be used to run a recipe.

To run a recipe, call esmvaltool run with the desired recipe:

esmvaltool run recipe_python.yml

If the configuration file is not in the default location ~/.esmvaltool/config-user.yml, you can pass its path explicitly:

esmvaltool run --config_file /path/to/config-user.yml recipe_python.yml

It is also possible to explicitly change values from the config file using flags:

esmvaltool run --argument_name argument_value recipe_python.yml

To control the strictness of the CMOR checker, use the flag --check_level:

esmvaltool run --check_level=relaxed recipe_python.yml

Possible values are:

  • ignore: all errors will be reported as warnings

  • relaxed: only fail if there are critical errors

  • default: fail if there are any errors

  • strict: fail if there are any warnings

To run a reduced version of the recipe, usually for testing purpose you can use

esmvaltool run --max_datasets=NDATASETS --max_years=NYEARS recipe_python.yml

In this case, the recipe will limit the number of datasets per variable to NDATASETS and the total amount of years loaded to NYEARS. They can also be used separately.

To run a recipe, even if some datasets are not available, use

esmvaltool run --skip_nonexistent=True recipe_python.yml

If Synda is installed (see, it is possible to use it to automatically download the requested data from ESGF if it is not available locally:

esmvaltool run --synda_download=True recipe_python.yml

It is also possible to select only specific diagnostics to be run. To tun only one, just specify its name. To provide more than one diagnostic to filter use the syntax ‘diag1 diag2/script1’ or ‘(“diag1”, “diag2/script1”)’ and pay attention to the quotes.

esmvaltool run --diagnostics=diagnostic1 recipe_python.yml

To get help on additional commands, please use

esmvaltool --help


ESMValTool command line interface is created using the Fire python package. This package supports the creation of completion scripts for the Bash and Fish shells. Go to to learn how to set up them.