Source code for esmvalcore.experimental.config._config_object

"""Importable config object."""

import os
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import yaml

import esmvalcore

from ._config_validators import _validators
from ._validated_config import ValidatedConfig

URL = (''

[docs]class Config(ValidatedConfig): """ESMValTool configuration object. Do not instantiate this class directly, but use :obj:`esmvalcore.experimental.CFG` instead. """ _validate = _validators _warn_if_missing = ( ('drs', URL), ('rootpath', URL), ) @classmethod def _load_user_config(cls, filename: Union[os.PathLike, str], raise_exception: bool = True): """Load user configuration from the given file. The config is cleared and updated in-place. Parameters ---------- filename: pathlike Name of the config file, must be yaml format raise_exception : bool Raise an exception if `filename` can not be found (default). Otherwise, silently pass and use the default configuration. This setting is necessary for the case where `.esmvaltool/config-user.yml` has not been defined (i.e. first start). """ new = cls() try: mapping = _read_config_file(filename) mapping['config_file'] = filename except IOError: if raise_exception: raise mapping = {} new.update(CFG_DEFAULT) new.update(mapping) new.check_missing() return new @classmethod def _load_default_config(cls, filename: Union[os.PathLike, str]): """Load the default configuration.""" new = cls() mapping = _read_config_file(filename) new.update(mapping) return new
[docs] def load_from_file(self, filename: Union[os.PathLike, str]): """Load user configuration from the given file.""" path = Path(filename).expanduser() if not path.exists(): try_path = USER_CONFIG_DIR / filename if try_path.exists(): path = try_path else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Cannot find: `{filename}`' f'locally or in `{try_path}`') self.clear() self.update(Config._load_user_config(path))
[docs] def reload(self): """Reload the config file.""" filename = self.get('config_file', DEFAULT_CONFIG) self.load_from_file(filename)
[docs] def start_session(self, name: str): """Start a new session from this configuration object. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the session. Returns ------- Session """ return Session(config=self.copy(), name=name)
[docs]class Session(ValidatedConfig): """Container class for session configuration and directory information. Do not instantiate this class directly, but use :obj:`CFG.start_session` instead. Parameters ---------- config : dict Dictionary with configuration settings. name : str Name of the session to initialize, for example, the name of the recipe (default='session'). """ _validate = _validators relative_preproc_dir = Path('preproc') relative_work_dir = Path('work') relative_plot_dir = Path('plots') relative_run_dir = Path('run') relative_main_log = Path('run', 'main_log.txt') relative_main_log_debug = Path('run', 'main_log_debug.txt') def __init__(self, config: dict, name: str = 'session'): super().__init__(config) self.session_name: Union[str, None] = None self.set_session_name(name)
[docs] def set_session_name(self, name: str = 'session'): """Set the name for the session. The `name` is used to name the session directory, e.g. `session_20201208_132800/`. The date is suffixed automatically. """ now = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") self.session_name = f"{name}_{now}"
@property def session_dir(self): """Return session directory.""" return self['output_dir'] / self.session_name @property def preproc_dir(self): """Return preproc directory.""" return self.session_dir / self.relative_preproc_dir @property def work_dir(self): """Return work directory.""" return self.session_dir / self.relative_work_dir @property def plot_dir(self): """Return plot directory.""" return self.session_dir / self.relative_plot_dir @property def run_dir(self): """Return run directory.""" return self.session_dir / self.relative_run_dir @property def config_dir(self): """Return user config directory.""" return USER_CONFIG_DIR @property def main_log(self): """Return main log file.""" return self.session_dir / self.relative_main_log @property def main_log_debug(self): """Return main log debug file.""" return self.session_dir / self.relative_main_log_debug
[docs] def to_config_user(self) -> dict: """Turn the `Session` object into a recipe-compatible dict. This dict is compatible with the `config-user` argument in :obj:`esmvalcore._recipe.Recipe`. """ dct = self.copy() dct['run_dir'] = self.run_dir dct['work_dir'] = self.work_dir dct['preproc_dir'] = self.preproc_dir dct['plot_dir'] = self.plot_dir dct['output_dir'] = self.session_dir return dct
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_user(cls, config_user: dict) -> 'Session': """Convert `config-user` dict to API-compatible `Session` object. For example, `_recipe.Recipe._cfg`. """ dct = config_user.copy() dct.pop('run_dir') dct.pop('work_dir') dct.pop('preproc_dir') dct.pop('plot_dir') session = cls(dct) output_dir = Path(dct['output_dir']).parent session_name = Path(dct['output_dir']).name session['output_dir'] = output_dir session.session_name = session_name return session
def _read_config_file(config_file): """Read config user file and store settings in a dictionary.""" config_file = Path(config_file) if not config_file.exists(): raise IOError(f'Config file `{config_file}` does not exist.') with open(config_file, 'r') as file: cfg = yaml.safe_load(file) return cfg DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = Path(esmvalcore.__file__).parent DEFAULT_CONFIG = DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR / 'config-user.yml' USER_CONFIG_DIR = Path.home() / '.esmvaltool' USER_CONFIG = USER_CONFIG_DIR / 'config-user.yml' # initialize placeholders CFG_DEFAULT = Config._load_default_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG) CFG = Config._load_user_config(USER_CONFIG, raise_exception=False)