Source code for esmvalcore.preprocessor._multimodel

"""multimodel statistics.

Functions for multi-model operations
supports a multitude of multimodel statistics
computations; the only requisite is the ingested
cubes have (TIME-LAT-LON) or (TIME-PLEV-LAT-LON)
dimensions; and obviously consistent units.

It operates on different (time) spans:
- full: computes stats on full dataset time;
- overlap: computes common time overlap between datasets;


import logging
import re
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial, reduce

import cf_units
import iris
import numpy as np
import scipy

from ._time import regrid_time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_time_offset(time_unit):
    """Return a datetime object equivalent to tunit."""
    # tunit e.g. 'day since 1950-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 UTC'
    cfunit = cf_units.Unit(time_unit, calendar=cf_units.CALENDAR_STANDARD)
    time_offset = cfunit.num2date(0)
    return time_offset

def _plev_fix(dataset, pl_idx):
    """Extract valid plev data.

    this function takes care of situations
    in which certain plevs are completely
    masked due to unavailable interpolation
        # keep only the valid plevs
        if not np.all(dataset.mask[pl_idx]):
            statj =[pl_idx], mask=dataset.mask[pl_idx])
            logger.debug('All vals in plev are masked, ignoring.')
            statj = None
        mask = np.zeros_like(dataset[pl_idx], bool)
        statj =[pl_idx], mask=mask)

    return statj

def _quantile(data, axis, quantile):
    """Calculate quantile.

    Workaround for calling scipy's mquantiles with arrays of >2 dimensions
    Similar to iris' _percentiles function, see their discussion:
    # Ensure that the target axis is the last dimension.
    data = np.rollaxis(data, axis, start=data.ndim)
    shape = data.shape[:-1]
    # Flatten any leading dimensions.
    if shape:
        data = data.reshape([, data.shape[-1]])
    # Perform the quantile calculation.
    result = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(data,
    # Ensure to unflatten any leading dimensions.
    if shape:
        result = result.reshape(shape)
    # Check whether to reduce to a scalar result
    if result.shape == (1, ):
        result = result[0]

    return result

def _compute_statistic(data, statistic_name):
    """Compute multimodel statistic."""
    data =
    statistic = data[0]

    if statistic_name == 'median':
        statistic_function =
    elif statistic_name == 'mean':
        statistic_function =
    elif statistic_name == 'std':
        statistic_function =
    elif statistic_name == 'max':
        statistic_function =
    elif statistic_name == 'min':
        statistic_function =
    elif re.match(r"^(p\d{1,2})(\.\d*)?$", statistic_name):
        # percentiles between p0 and p99.99999...
        quantile = float(statistic_name[1:]) / 100
        statistic_function = partial(_quantile, quantile=quantile)
        raise NotImplementedError

    # no plevs
    if len(data[0].shape) < 3:
        # get all NOT fully masked data - u_data
        # data is per time point
        # so we can safely NOT compute stats for single points
        if data.ndim == 1:
            u_datas = [d for d in data]
            u_datas = [d for d in data if not np.all(d.mask)]
        if len(u_datas) > 1:
            statistic = statistic_function(data, axis=0)
            statistic.mask = True
        return statistic

    # plevs
    for j in range(statistic.shape[0]):
        plev_check = []
        for cdata in data:
            fixed_data = _plev_fix(cdata, j)
            if fixed_data is not None:

        # check for nr datasets
        if len(plev_check) > 1:
            plev_check =
            statistic[j] = statistic_function(plev_check, axis=0)
            statistic.mask[j] = True

    return statistic

def _put_in_cube(template_cube, cube_data, statistic, t_axis):
    """Quick cube building and saving."""
    if t_axis is None:
        times = template_cube.coord('time')
        unit_name = template_cube.coord('time')
        tunits = cf_units.Unit(unit_name, calendar="standard")
        times = iris.coords.DimCoord(t_axis,

    coord_names = [c.long_name for c in template_cube.coords()]
    coord_names.extend([c.standard_name for c in template_cube.coords()])
    if 'latitude' in coord_names:
        lats = template_cube.coord('latitude')
        lats = None
    if 'longitude' in coord_names:
        lons = template_cube.coord('longitude')
        lons = None

    # no plevs
    if len(template_cube.shape) == 3:
        cspec = [(times, 0), (lats, 1), (lons, 2)]
    # plevs
    elif len(template_cube.shape) == 4:
        plev = template_cube.coord('air_pressure')
        cspec = [(times, 0), (plev, 1), (lats, 2), (lons, 3)]
    elif len(template_cube.shape) == 1:
        cspec = [
            (times, 0),
    elif len(template_cube.shape) == 2:
        # If you're going to hardwire air_pressure into this,
        # might as well have depth here too.
        plev = template_cube.coord('depth')
        cspec = [
            (times, 0),
            (plev, 1),

    # correct dspec if necessary
    fixed_dspec =, copy=False, fill_value=1e+20)
    # put in cube
    stats_cube = iris.cube.Cube(fixed_dspec,
    coord_names = [ for coord in template_cube.coords()]
    if 'air_pressure' in coord_names:
        if len(template_cube.shape) == 3:

    stats_cube.var_name = template_cube.var_name
    stats_cube.long_name = template_cube.long_name
    stats_cube.standard_name = template_cube.standard_name
    stats_cube.units = template_cube.units
    return stats_cube

def _datetime_to_int_days(cube):
    """Return list of int(days) converted from cube datetime cells."""
    cube = _align_yearly_axes(cube)
    time_cells = [cell.point for cell in cube.coord('time').cells()]

    # extract date info
    real_dates = []
    for date_obj in time_cells:
        # real_date resets the actual data point day
        # to the 1st of the month so that there are no
        # wrong overlap indices
        real_date = datetime(date_obj.year, date_obj.month, 1, 0, 0, 0)

    # get the number of days starting from the reference unit
    time_unit = cube.coord('time')
    time_offset = _get_time_offset(time_unit)
    days = [(date_obj - time_offset).days for date_obj in real_dates]

    return days

def _align_yearly_axes(cube):
    """Perform a time-regridding operation to align time axes for yr data."""
    years = [cell.point.year for cell in cube.coord('time').cells()]
    # be extra sure that the first point is not in the previous year
    if 0 not in np.diff(years):
        return regrid_time(cube, 'yr')
    return cube

def _get_overlap(cubes):
    Get discrete time overlaps.

    This method gets the bounds of coord time
    from the cube and assembles a continuous time
    axis with smallest unit 1; then it finds the
    overlaps by doing a 1-dim intersect;
    takes the floor of first date and
    ceil of last date.
    all_times = []
    for cube in cubes:
        span = _datetime_to_int_days(cube)
        start, stop = span[0], span[-1]
        all_times.append([start, stop])
    bounds = [range(b[0], b[-1] + 1) for b in all_times]
    time_pts = reduce(np.intersect1d, bounds)
    if len(time_pts) > 1:
        time_bounds_list = [time_pts[0], time_pts[-1]]
        return time_bounds_list

def _slice_cube(cube, t_1, t_2):
    Efficient slicer.

    Simple cube data slicer on indices
    of common time-data elements.
    time_pts = [t for t in cube.coord('time').points]
    converted_t = _datetime_to_int_days(cube)
    idxs = sorted([
        time_pts.index(ii) for ii, jj in zip(time_pts, converted_t)
        if t_1 <= jj <= t_2
    return [idxs[0], idxs[-1]]

def _monthly_t(cubes):
    """Rearrange time points for monthly data."""
    # get original cubes tpoints
    days = {day for cube in cubes for day in _datetime_to_int_days(cube)}
    return sorted(days)

def _full_time_slice(cubes, ndat, indices, ndatarr, t_idx):
    """Construct a contiguous collection over time."""
    for idx_cube, cube in enumerate(cubes):
        # reset mask
        ndat.mask = True
        ndat[indices[idx_cube]] =
            ndat.mask[indices[idx_cube]] =
            ndat.mask[indices[idx_cube]] = False
        ndatarr[idx_cube] = ndat[t_idx]

    # return time slice
    return ndatarr

def _assemble_overlap_data(cubes, interval, statistic):
    """Get statistical data in iris cubes for OVERLAP."""
    start, stop = interval
    sl_1, sl_2 = _slice_cube(cubes[0], start, stop)
    stats_dats =[0].data[sl_1:sl_2 + 1].shape)

    # keep this outside the following loop
    # this speeds up the code by a factor of 15
    indices = [_slice_cube(cube, start, stop) for cube in cubes]

    for i in range(stats_dats.shape[0]):
        time_data = [
  [indx[0]:indx[1] + 1][i]
            for cube, indx in zip(cubes, indices)
        stats_dats[i] = _compute_statistic(time_data, statistic)
    stats_cube = _put_in_cube(cubes[0][sl_1:sl_2 + 1],
    return stats_cube

def _assemble_full_data(cubes, statistic):
    """Get statistical data in iris cubes for FULL."""
    # all times, new MONTHLY data time axis
    time_axis = [float(fl) for fl in _monthly_t(cubes)]

    # new big time-slice array shape
    new_shape = [len(time_axis)] + list(cubes[0].shape[1:])

    # assemble an array to hold all time data
    # for all cubes; shape is (ncubes,(plev), lat, lon)
    new_arr =[len(cubes)] + list(new_shape[1:]))

    # data array for stats computation
    stats_dats =

    # assemble indices list to chop new_arr on
    indices_list = []

    # empty data array to hold time slices
    empty_arr =

    # loop through cubes and populate empty_arr with points
    for cube in cubes:
        time_redone = _datetime_to_int_days(cube)
        oidx = [time_axis.index(s) for s in time_redone]
    for i in range(new_shape[0]):
        # hold time slices only
        new_datas_array = _full_time_slice(cubes, empty_arr, indices_list,
                                           new_arr, i)
        # list to hold time slices
        time_data = []
        for j in range(len(cubes)):
        stats_dats[i] = _compute_statistic(time_data, statistic)
    stats_cube = _put_in_cube(cubes[0], stats_dats, statistic, time_axis)
    return stats_cube

[docs]def multi_model_statistics(products, span, statistics, output_products=None): """ Compute multi-model statistics. Multimodel statistics computed along the time axis. Can be computed across a common overlap in time (set span: overlap) or across the full length in time of each model (set span: full). Restrictive computation is also available by excluding any set of models that the user will not want to include in the statistics (set exclude: [excluded models list]). Restrictions needed by the input data: - model datasets must have consistent shapes, - higher dimensional data is not supported (ie dims higher than four: time, vertical axis, two horizontal axes). Parameters ---------- products: list list of data products or cubes to be used in multimodel stat computation; cube attribute of product is the data cube for computing the stats. span: str overlap or full; if overlap, statitsticss are computed on common time- span; if full, statistics are computed on full time spans, ignoring missing data. output_products: dict dictionary of output products. statistics: str statistical measure to be computed. Available options: mean, median, max, min, std, or pXX.YY (for percentile XX.YY; decimal part optional). Returns ------- list list of data products or cubes containing the multimodel stats computed. Raises ------ ValueError If span is neither overlap nor full. """ logger.debug('Multimodel statistics: computing: %s', statistics) if len(products) < 2:"Single dataset in list: will not compute statistics.") return products if output_products: cubes = [cube for product in products for cube in product.cubes] statistic_products = set() else: cubes = products statistic_products = {} if span == 'overlap': # check if we have any time overlap interval = _get_overlap(cubes) if interval is None:"Time overlap between cubes is none or a single point." "check datasets: will not compute statistics.") return products logger.debug("Using common time overlap between " "datasets to compute statistics.") elif span == 'full': logger.debug("Using full time spans to compute statistics.") else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected value for span {}, choose from 'overlap', 'full'". format(span)) for statistic in statistics: # Compute statistic if span == 'overlap': statistic_cube = _assemble_overlap_data(cubes, interval, statistic) elif span == 'full': statistic_cube = _assemble_full_data(cubes, statistic) =, dtype=np.dtype('float32')) if output_products: # Add to output product and log provenance statistic_product = output_products[statistic] statistic_product.cubes = [statistic_cube] for product in products: statistic_product.wasderivedfrom(product)"Generated %s", statistic_product) statistic_products.add(statistic_product) else: statistic_products[statistic] = statistic_cube if output_products: products |= statistic_products return products return statistic_products