Source code for esmvalcore.preprocessor._area

"""Area operations on data cubes.

Allows for selecting data subsets using certain latitude and longitude
bounds; selecting geographical regions; constructing area averages; etc.
import logging

import fiona
import iris
import numpy as np
import shapely
import shapely.ops
from dask import array as da
from iris.exceptions import CoordinateNotFoundError

from ._shared import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# slice cube over a restricted area (box)
[docs]def extract_region(cube, start_longitude, end_longitude, start_latitude, end_latitude): """Extract a region from a cube. Function that subsets a cube on a box (start_longitude, end_longitude, start_latitude, end_latitude) This function is a restriction of masked_cube_lonlat(). Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input data cube. start_longitude: float Western boundary longitude. end_longitude: float Eastern boundary longitude. start_latitude: float Southern Boundary latitude. end_latitude: float Northern Boundary Latitude. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube smaller cube. """ if abs(start_latitude) > 90.: raise ValueError(f"Invalid start_latitude: {start_latitude}") if abs(end_latitude) > 90.: raise ValueError(f"Invalid end_latitude: {end_latitude}") if cube.coord('latitude').ndim == 1: # Iris check if any point of the cell is inside the region # To check only the center, ignore_bounds must be set to # True (default) is False region_subset = cube.intersection( longitude=(start_longitude, end_longitude), latitude=(start_latitude, end_latitude), ignore_bounds=True, ) region_subset = region_subset.intersection(longitude=(0., 360.)) return region_subset # Irregular grids lats = cube.coord('latitude').points lons = cube.coord('longitude').points # Convert longitudes to valid range if start_longitude != 360.: start_longitude %= 360. if end_longitude != 360.: end_longitude %= 360. if start_longitude <= end_longitude: select_lons = (lons >= start_longitude) & (lons <= end_longitude) else: select_lons = (lons >= start_longitude) | (lons <= end_longitude) if start_latitude <= end_latitude: select_lats = (lats >= start_latitude) & (lats <= end_latitude) else: select_lats = (lats >= start_latitude) | (lats <= end_latitude) selection = select_lats & select_lons selection = da.broadcast_to(selection, cube.shape) =, cube.core_data()) return cube
[docs]def zonal_statistics(cube, operator): """Compute zonal statistics. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. operator: str, optional Select operator to apply. Available operators: 'mean', 'median', 'std_dev', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'rms'. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Zonal statistics cube. Raises ------ ValueError Error raised if computation on irregular grids is attempted. Zonal statistics not yet implemented for irregular grids. """ if cube.coord('longitude').points.ndim < 2: operation = get_iris_analysis_operation(operator) cube = cube.collapsed('longitude', operation) = cube.core_data().astype(np.float32, casting='same_kind') return cube else: msg = ("Zonal statistics on irregular grids not yet implemnted") raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def meridional_statistics(cube, operator): """Compute meridional statistics. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. operator: str, optional Select operator to apply. Available operators: 'mean', 'median', 'std_dev', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'rms'. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Meridional statistics cube. Raises ------ ValueError Error raised if computation on irregular grids is attempted. Zonal statistics not yet implemented for irregular grids. """ if cube.coord('latitude').points.ndim < 2: operation = get_iris_analysis_operation(operator) cube = cube.collapsed('latitude', operation) = cube.core_data().astype(np.float32, casting='same_kind') return cube else: msg = ("Meridional statistics on irregular grids not yet implemented") raise ValueError(msg)
def tile_grid_areas(cube, fx_files): """Tile the grid area data to match the dataset cube. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. fx_files: dict dictionary of field:filename for the fx_files Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Freshly tiled grid areas cube. """ grid_areas = None if fx_files: for key, fx_file in fx_files.items(): if not fx_file: continue'Attempting to load %s from file: %s', key, fx_file) fx_cube = iris.load_cube(fx_file) grid_areas = fx_cube.core_data() if cube.ndim == 4 and grid_areas.ndim == 2: grid_areas = da.tile(grid_areas, [cube.shape[0], cube.shape[1], 1, 1]) elif cube.ndim == 4 and grid_areas.ndim == 3: grid_areas = da.tile(grid_areas, [cube.shape[0], 1, 1, 1]) elif cube.ndim == 3 and grid_areas.ndim == 2: grid_areas = da.tile(grid_areas, [cube.shape[0], 1, 1]) else: raise ValueError('Grid and dataset number of dimensions not ' 'recognised: {} and {}.' ''.format(cube.ndim, grid_areas.ndim)) return grid_areas # get the area average
[docs]def area_statistics(cube, operator, fx_variables=None): """Apply a statistical operator in the horizontal direction. The average in the horizontal direction. We assume that the horizontal directions are ['longitude', 'latutude']. This function can be used to apply several different operations in the horizontal plane: mean, standard deviation, median variance, minimum and maximum. These options are specified using the `operator` argument and the following key word arguments: +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `mean` | Area weighted mean. | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `median` | Median (not area weighted) | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `std_dev` | Standard Deviation (not area weighted) | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `sum` | Area weighted sum. | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `variance` | Variance (not area weighted) | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `min`: | Minimum value | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `max` | Maximum value | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | `rms` | Area weighted root mean square. | +------------+--------------------------------------------------+ Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube Input cube. operator: str The operation, options: mean, median, min, max, std_dev, sum, variance, rms. fx_variables: dict dictionary of field:filename for the fx_variables Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube collapsed cube. Raises ------ iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError Exception for latitude axis with dim > 2. ValueError if input data cube has different shape than grid area weights """ grid_areas = tile_grid_areas(cube, fx_variables) if not fx_variables and cube.coord('latitude').points.ndim == 2: coord_names = [coord.standard_name for coord in cube.coords()] if 'grid_latitude' in coord_names and 'grid_longitude' in coord_names: cube = guess_bounds(cube, ['grid_latitude', 'grid_longitude']) cube_tmp = cube.copy() cube_tmp.remove_coord('latitude') cube_tmp.coord('grid_latitude').rename('latitude') cube_tmp.remove_coord('longitude') cube_tmp.coord('grid_longitude').rename('longitude') grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(cube_tmp)'Calculated grid area shape: %s', grid_areas.shape) else: logger.error( 'fx_file needed to calculate grid cell area for irregular ' 'grids.') raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError( cube.coord('latitude')) coord_names = ['longitude', 'latitude'] if grid_areas is None or not grid_areas.any(): cube = guess_bounds(cube, coord_names) grid_areas = iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights(cube)'Calculated grid area shape: %s', grid_areas.shape) if cube.shape != grid_areas.shape: raise ValueError('Cube shape ({}) doesn`t match grid area shape ' '({})'.format(cube.shape, grid_areas.shape)) operation = get_iris_analysis_operation(operator) # TODO: implement weighted stdev, median, s var when available in iris. # See iris issue: if operator_accept_weights(operator): return cube.collapsed(coord_names, operation, weights=grid_areas) # Many IRIS analysis functions do not accept weights arguments. return cube.collapsed(coord_names, operation)
[docs]def extract_named_regions(cube, regions): """Extract a specific named region. The region coordinate exist in certain CMIP datasets. This preprocessor allows a specific named regions to be extracted. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. regions: str, list A region or list of regions to extract. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube collapsed cube. Raises ------ ValueError regions is not list or tuple or set. ValueError region not included in cube. """ # Make sure regions is a list of strings if isinstance(regions, str): regions = [regions] if not isinstance(regions, (list, tuple, set)): raise TypeError( 'Regions "{}" is not an acceptable format.'.format(regions)) available_regions = set(cube.coord('region').points) invalid_regions = set(regions) - available_regions if invalid_regions: raise ValueError('Region(s) "{}" not in cube region(s): {}'.format( invalid_regions, available_regions)) constraints = iris.Constraint(region=lambda r: r in regions) cube = cube.extract(constraint=constraints) return cube
def _crop_cube(cube, start_longitude, start_latitude, end_longitude, end_latitude, cmor_coords=True): """Crop cubes on a cartesian grid.""" lon_coord = cube.coord(axis='X') lat_coord = cube.coord(axis='Y') if lon_coord.ndim == 1 and lat_coord.ndim == 1: # add a padding of one cell around the cropped cube lon_bound = lon_coord.core_bounds()[0] lon_step = lon_bound[1] - lon_bound[0] start_longitude -= lon_step if not cmor_coords: if start_longitude < -180.: start_longitude = -180. else: if start_longitude < 0: start_longitude = 0 end_longitude += lon_step if not cmor_coords: if end_longitude > 180.: end_longitude = 180. else: if end_longitude > 360: end_longitude = 360. lat_bound = lat_coord.core_bounds()[0] lat_step = lat_bound[1] - lat_bound[0] start_latitude -= lat_step if start_latitude < -90: start_latitude = -90. end_latitude += lat_step if end_latitude > 90.: end_latitude = 90. cube = extract_region(cube, start_longitude, end_longitude, start_latitude, end_latitude) return cube def _select_representative_point(shape, lon, lat): """Select a representative point for `shape` from `lon` and `lat`.""" representative_point = shape.representative_point() points = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint(np.stack((lon.flat, lat.flat), axis=1)) nearest_point = shapely.ops.nearest_points(points, representative_point)[0] nearest_lon, nearest_lat = nearest_point.coords[0] select = (lon == nearest_lon) & (lat == nearest_lat) return select def _correct_coords_from_shapefile(cube, cmor_coords, pad_north_pole, pad_hawaii): """Get correct lat and lon from shapefile.""" lon = cube.coord(axis='X').points lat = cube.coord(axis='Y').points if cube.coord(axis='X').ndim < 2: lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat, copy=False) if not cmor_coords: # Wrap around longitude coordinate to match data lon = lon.copy() # ValueError: assignment destination is read-only lon[lon >= 180.] -= 360. # the NE mask may not have points at x = -180 and y = +/-90 # so we will fool it and apply the mask at (-179, -89, 89) instead if pad_hawaii: lon = np.where(lon == -180., lon + 1., lon) if pad_north_pole: lat_0 = np.where(lat == -90., lat + 1., lat) lat = np.where(lat_0 == 90., lat_0 - 1., lat_0) return lon, lat def _get_masks_from_geometries(geometries, lon, lat, method='contains', decomposed=False): if method not in {'contains', 'representative'}: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for `method`. Choose from 'contains', ", "'representative'.") selections = dict() for i, item in enumerate(geometries): shape = shapely.geometry.shape(item['geometry']) if method == 'contains': select = shapely.vectorized.contains(shape, lon, lat) if method == 'representative' or not select.any(): select = _select_representative_point(shape, lon, lat) if 'ID' in item['properties']: id_ = int(item['properties']['ID']) elif 'id' in item['properties']: id_ = int(item['properties']['id']) else: id_ = i selections[id_] = select if not decomposed and len(selections) > 1: selection = np.zeros(lat.shape, dtype=bool) for select in selections.values(): selection |= select selections = {0: selection} return selections def fix_coordinate_ordering(cube): """Transpose the dimensions. This is done such that the order of dimension is in standard order, ie: [time] [shape_id] [other_coordinates] latitude longitude where dimensions between brackets are optional. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Cube with dimensions transposed to standard order """ try: time_dim = cube.coord_dims('time') except CoordinateNotFoundError: time_dim = () try: shape_dim = cube.coord_dims('shape_id') except CoordinateNotFoundError: shape_dim = () other = list(range(len(cube.shape))) for dim in [time_dim, shape_dim]: for i in dim: other.remove(i) other = tuple(other) order = time_dim + shape_dim + other cube.transpose(new_order=order) return cube
[docs]def extract_shape(cube, shapefile, method='contains', crop=True, decomposed=False): """Extract a region defined by a shapefile. Note that this function does not work for shapes crossing the prime meridian or poles. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube input cube. shapefile: str A shapefile defining the region(s) to extract. method: str, optional Select all points contained by the shape or select a single representative point. Choose either 'contains' or 'representative'. If 'contains' is used, but not a single grid point is contained by the shape, a representative point will selected. crop: bool, optional Crop the resulting cube using `extract_region()`. Note that data on irregular grids will not be cropped. decomposed: bool, optional Whether or not to retain the sub shapes of the shapefile in the output. If this is set to True, the output cube has a dimension for the sub shapes. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Cube containing the extracted region. See Also -------- extract_region : Extract a region from a cube. """ with as geometries: # get parameters specific to the shapefile (NE used case # eg longitudes [-180, 180] or latitude missing # or overflowing edges) cmor_coords = True pad_north_pole = False pad_hawaii = False if geometries.bounds[0] < 0: cmor_coords = False if geometries.bounds[1] > -90. and geometries.bounds[1] < -85.: pad_north_pole = True if geometries.bounds[0] > -180. and geometries.bounds[0] < 179.: pad_hawaii = True if crop: cube = _crop_cube(cube, *geometries.bounds, cmor_coords=cmor_coords) lon, lat = _correct_coords_from_shapefile(cube, cmor_coords, pad_north_pole, pad_hawaii) selections = _get_masks_from_geometries(geometries, lon, lat, method=method, decomposed=decomposed) cubelist = iris.cube.CubeList() for id_, select in selections.items(): _cube = cube.copy() _cube.add_aux_coord( iris.coords.AuxCoord(id_, units='no_unit', long_name="shape_id")) select = da.broadcast_to(select, _cube.shape) =, _cube.core_data()) cubelist.append(_cube) cube = cubelist.merge_cube() return fix_coordinate_ordering(cube)