Source code for esmvalcore.cmor.table

"""CMOR information reader for ESMValTool.

Read variable information from CMOR 2 and CMOR 3 tables and make it
easily available for the other components of ESMValTool

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import errno
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
from collections import Counter
from functools import lru_cache, total_ordering
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import yaml

from esmvalcore.exceptions import RecipeError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CMORTable = Union["CMIP3Info", "CMIP5Info", "CMIP6Info", "CustomInfo"]

CMOR_TABLES: dict[str, CMORTable] = {}
"""dict of str, obj: CMOR info objects."""


def _update_cmor_facets(facets):
    """Update `facets` with information from CMOR table."""
    project = facets["project"]
    mip = facets["mip"]
    short_name = facets["short_name"]
    derive = facets.get("derive", False)
    table = CMOR_TABLES.get(project)
    if table:
        table_entry = table.get_variable(mip, short_name, derive)
        table_entry = None
    if table_entry is None:
        raise RecipeError(
            f"Unable to load CMOR table (project) '{project}' for variable "
            f"'{short_name}' with mip '{mip}'"
    facets["original_short_name"] = table_entry.short_name
    for key in _CMOR_KEYS:
        if key not in facets:
            value = getattr(table_entry, key, None)
            if value is not None:
                facets[key] = value
                    "Failed to add key %s to variable %s from CMOR table",

def _get_mips(project: str, short_name: str) -> list[str]:
    """Get all available MIP tables in a project."""
    tables = CMOR_TABLES[project].tables
    mips = [mip for mip in tables if short_name in tables[mip]]
    return mips

[docs] def get_var_info( project: str, mip: str, short_name: str, ) -> VariableInfo | None: """Get variable information. Note ---- If `project=CORDEX` and the `mip` ends with 'hr', it is cropped to 'h' since CORDEX X-hourly tables define the `mip` as ending in 'h' instead of 'hr'. Parameters ---------- project: Dataset's project. mip: Variable's CMOR table, i.e., MIP. short_name: Variable's short name. Returns ------- VariableInfo | None `VariableInfo` object for the requested variable if found, ``None`` otherwise. Raises ------ KeyError No CMOR tables available for `project`. """ if project not in CMOR_TABLES: raise KeyError( f"No CMOR tables available for project '{project}'. The following " f"tables are available: {', '.join(CMOR_TABLES)}." ) # CORDEX X-hourly tables define the mip as ending in 'h' instead of 'hr' if project == "CORDEX" and mip.endswith("hr"): mip = mip.replace("hr", "h") return CMOR_TABLES[project].get_variable(mip, short_name)
[docs] def read_cmor_tables(cfg_developer: Optional[Path] = None) -> None: """Read cmor tables required in the configuration. Parameters ---------- cfg_developer: Path to config-developer.yml file. Raises ------ TypeError If `cfg_developer` is not a Path-like object """ if cfg_developer is None: cfg_developer = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "config-developer.yml" elif not isinstance(cfg_developer, Path): raise TypeError( "cfg_developer is not a Path-like object, got ", cfg_developer ) mtime = cfg_developer.stat().st_mtime cmor_tables = _read_cmor_tables(cfg_developer, mtime) CMOR_TABLES.clear() CMOR_TABLES.update(cmor_tables)
@lru_cache def _read_cmor_tables(cfg_file: Path, mtime: float) -> dict[str, CMORTable]: """Read cmor tables required in the configuration. Parameters ---------- cfg_file: pathlib.Path Path to config-developer.yml file. mtime: float Modification time of config-developer.yml file. Only used by the `lru_cache` decorator to make sure the file is read again when it is changed. """ with"r", encoding="utf-8") as file: cfg_developer = yaml.safe_load(file) cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) var_alt_names_file = os.path.join(cwd, "variable_alt_names.yml") with open(var_alt_names_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as yfile: alt_names = yaml.safe_load(yfile) cmor_tables: dict[str, CMORTable] = {} # Try to infer location for custom tables from config-developer.yml file, # if not possible, use default location custom_path = None if "custom" in cfg_developer: custom_path = cfg_developer["custom"].get("cmor_path") if custom_path is not None: custom_path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(custom_path)) custom = CustomInfo(custom_path) cmor_tables["custom"] = custom install_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) for table in cfg_developer: if table == "custom": continue cmor_tables[table] = _read_table( cfg_developer, table, install_dir, custom, alt_names ) return cmor_tables def _read_table(cfg_developer, table, install_dir, custom, alt_names): project = cfg_developer[table] cmor_type = project.get("cmor_type", "CMIP5") default_path = os.path.join(install_dir, "tables", cmor_type.lower()) table_path = project.get("cmor_path", default_path) table_path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(table_path)) cmor_strict = project.get("cmor_strict", True) default_table_prefix = project.get("cmor_default_table_prefix", "") if cmor_type == "CMIP3": return CMIP3Info( table_path, default=custom, strict=cmor_strict, alt_names=alt_names, ) if cmor_type == "CMIP5": return CMIP5Info( table_path, default=custom, strict=cmor_strict, alt_names=alt_names ) if cmor_type == "CMIP6": return CMIP6Info( table_path, default=custom, strict=cmor_strict, default_table_prefix=default_table_prefix, alt_names=alt_names, ) raise ValueError(f"Unsupported CMOR type {cmor_type}")
[docs] class InfoBase: """Base class for all table info classes. This uses CMOR 3 json format Parameters ---------- default: object Default table to look variables on if not found alt_names: list[list[str]] List of known alternative names for variables strict: bool If False, will look for a variable in other tables if it can not be found in the requested one """ def __init__(self, default, alt_names, strict): if alt_names is None: alt_names = "" self.default = default self.alt_names = alt_names self.strict = strict self.tables = {}
[docs] def get_table(self, table): """Search and return the table info. Parameters ---------- table: str Table name Returns ------- TableInfo Return the TableInfo object for the requested table if found, returns None if not """ return self.tables.get(table)
[docs] def get_variable( self, table_name: str, short_name: str, derived: bool = False, ) -> VariableInfo | None: """Search and return the variable information. Parameters ---------- table_name: Table name, i.e., the variable's MIP. short_name: Variable's short name. derived: Variable is derived. Information retrieval for derived variables always looks in the default tables (usually, the custom tables) if variable is not found in the requested table. Returns ------- VariableInfo | None `VariableInfo` object for the requested variable if found, ``None`` otherwise. """ alt_names_list = self._get_alt_names_list(short_name) # First, look in requested table table = self.get_table(table_name) if table: for alt_names in alt_names_list: try: return table[alt_names] except KeyError: pass # If that didn't work, look in all tables (i.e., other MIPs) if # cmor_strict=False or derived=True var_info = self._look_in_all_tables(derived, alt_names_list) # If that didn't work either, look in default table if # cmor_strict=False or derived=True if not var_info: var_info = self._look_in_default( derived, alt_names_list, table_name ) # If necessary, adapt frequency of variable (set it to the one from the # requested MIP). E.g., if the user asked for table `Amon`, but the # variable has been found in `day`, use frequency `mon`. if var_info: var_info = var_info.copy() var_info = self._update_frequency_from_mip(table_name, var_info) return var_info
def _look_in_default(self, derived, alt_names_list, table_name): """Look for variable in default table.""" var_info = None if not self.strict or derived: for alt_names in alt_names_list: var_info = self.default.get_variable(table_name, alt_names) if var_info: break return var_info def _look_in_all_tables(self, derived, alt_names_list): """Look for variable in all tables.""" var_info = None if not self.strict or derived: for alt_names in alt_names_list: var_info = self._look_all_tables(alt_names) if var_info: break return var_info def _get_alt_names_list(self, short_name): """Get list of alternative variable names.""" alt_names_list = [short_name] for alt_names in self.alt_names: if short_name in alt_names: alt_names_list.extend( [ alt_name for alt_name in alt_names if alt_name not in alt_names_list ] ) return alt_names_list def _update_frequency_from_mip(self, table_name, var_info): """Update frequency information of var_info from table.""" mip_info = self.get_table(table_name) if mip_info: var_info.frequency = mip_info.frequency return var_info def _look_all_tables(self, alt_names): """Look for variable in all tables.""" for table_vars in sorted(self.tables.values()): if alt_names in table_vars: return table_vars[alt_names] return None
[docs] class CMIP6Info(InfoBase): """Class to read CMIP6-like data request. This uses CMOR 3 json format Parameters ---------- cmor_tables_path: str Path to the folder containing the Tables folder with the json files default: object Default table to look variables on if not found strict: bool If False, will look for a variable in other tables if it can not be found in the requested one """ def __init__( self, cmor_tables_path, default=None, alt_names=None, strict=True, default_table_prefix="", ): super().__init__(default, alt_names, strict) cmor_tables_path = self._get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path) self._cmor_folder = os.path.join(cmor_tables_path, "Tables") if glob.glob(os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, "*_CV.json")): self._load_controlled_vocabulary() self.default_table_prefix = default_table_prefix self.var_to_freq = {} self._load_coordinates() for json_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, "*.json")): if "CV_test" in json_file or "grids" in json_file: continue try: self._load_table(json_file) except Exception: msg = f"Exception raised when loading {json_file}" # Logger may not be ready at this stage if logger.handlers: logger.error(msg) else: print(msg) raise @staticmethod def _get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path): if os.path.isdir(cmor_tables_path): return cmor_tables_path cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cmor_tables_path = os.path.join(cwd, "tables", cmor_tables_path) if os.path.isdir(cmor_tables_path): return cmor_tables_path raise ValueError( "CMOR tables not found in {}".format(cmor_tables_path) ) def _load_table(self, json_file): with open(json_file, encoding="utf-8") as inf: raw_data = json.loads( if not self._is_table(raw_data): return table = TableInfo() header = raw_data["Header"] = header["table_id"].split(" ")[-1] self.tables[] = table generic_levels = header["generic_levels"].split() table.frequency = header.get("frequency", "") self.var_to_freq[] = {} for var_name, var_data in raw_data["variable_entry"].items(): var = VariableInfo("CMIP6", var_name) var.read_json(var_data, table.frequency) self._assign_dimensions(var, generic_levels) table[var_name] = var self.var_to_freq[][var_name] = var.frequency if not table.frequency: var_freqs = (var.frequency for var in table.values()) table_freq, _ = Counter(var_freqs).most_common(1)[0] table.frequency = table_freq self.tables[] = table def _assign_dimensions(self, var, generic_levels): for dimension in var.dimensions: if dimension in generic_levels: coord = CoordinateInfo(dimension) coord.generic_level = True for name in self.coords: generic_level = self.coords[name].generic_lev_name if dimension in [generic_level]: coord.generic_lev_coords[name] = self.coords[name] else: try: coord = self.coords[dimension] except KeyError: logger.exception( "Can not find dimension %s for variable %s", dimension, var, ) raise var.coordinates[dimension] = coord def _load_coordinates(self): self.coords = {} for json_file in glob.glob( os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, "*coordinate*.json") ): with open(json_file, encoding="utf-8") as inf: table_data = json.loads( for coord_name in table_data["axis_entry"].keys(): coord = CoordinateInfo(coord_name) coord.read_json(table_data["axis_entry"][coord_name]) self.coords[coord_name] = coord def _load_controlled_vocabulary(self): self.activities = {} self.institutes = {} for json_file in glob.glob( os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, "*_CV.json") ): with open(json_file, encoding="utf-8") as inf: table_data = json.loads( try: exps = table_data["CV"]["experiment_id"] for exp_id in exps: activity = exps[exp_id]["activity_id"][0].split(" ") self.activities[exp_id] = activity except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass try: sources = table_data["CV"]["source_id"] for source_id in sources: institution = sources[source_id]["institution_id"] self.institutes[source_id] = institution except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass
[docs] def get_table(self, table): """Search and return the table info. Parameters ---------- table: str Table name Returns ------- TableInfo Return the TableInfo object for the requested table if found, returns None if not """ try: return self.tables[table] except KeyError: return self.tables.get("".join((self.default_table_prefix, table)))
@staticmethod def _is_table(table_data): if "variable_entry" not in table_data: return False if "Header" not in table_data: return False return True
[docs] @total_ordering class TableInfo(dict): """Container class for storing a CMOR table.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new TableInfo object for storing VariableInfo objects.""" super(TableInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = "" self.frequency = "" self.realm = "" def __eq__(self, other): return (, self.frequency, self.realm) == (, other.frequency, other.realm, ) def __ne__(self, other): return (, self.frequency, self.realm) != (, other.frequency, other.realm, ) def __lt__(self, other): return (, self.frequency, self.realm) < (, other.frequency, other.realm, )
[docs] class JsonInfo(object): """Base class for the info classes. Provides common utility methods to read json variables """ def __init__(self): self._json_data = {} def _read_json_variable(self, parameter, default=""): """Read a json parameter in json_data. Parameters ---------- parameter: str parameter to read Returns ------- str Option's value or empty string if parameter is not present """ if parameter not in self._json_data: return default return str(self._json_data[parameter]) def _read_json_list_variable(self, parameter): """Read a json list parameter in json_data. Parameters ---------- parameter: str parameter to read Returns ------- str Option's value or empty list if parameter is not present """ if parameter not in self._json_data: return [] return self._json_data[parameter]
[docs] class VariableInfo(JsonInfo): """Class to read and store variable information.""" def __init__(self, table_type, short_name): """Class to read and store variable information. Parameters ---------- short_name: str Variable's short name. """ super(VariableInfo, self).__init__() self.table_type = table_type self.modeling_realm = [] """Modeling realm""" self.short_name = short_name """Short name""" self.standard_name = "" """Standard name""" self.long_name = "" """Long name""" self.units = "" """Data units""" self.valid_min = "" """Minimum admitted value""" self.valid_max = "" """Maximum admitted value""" self.frequency = "" """Data frequency""" self.positive = "" """Increasing direction""" self.dimensions = [] """List of dimensions""" self.coordinates = {} """Coordinates This is a dict with the names of the dimensions as keys and CoordinateInfo objects as values. """ self._json_data = None
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a shallow copy of VariableInfo. Returns ------- VariableInfo Shallow copy of this object. """ return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def read_json(self, json_data, default_freq): """Read variable information from json. Non-present options will be set to empty Parameters ---------- json_data: dict Dictionary created by the json reader containing variable information. default_freq: str Default frequency to use if it is not defined at variable level. """ self._json_data = json_data self.standard_name = self._read_json_variable("standard_name") self.long_name = self._read_json_variable("long_name") self.units = self._read_json_variable("units") self.valid_min = self._read_json_variable("valid_min") self.valid_max = self._read_json_variable("valid_max") self.positive = self._read_json_variable("positive") self.modeling_realm = self._read_json_variable( "modeling_realm" ).split() self.frequency = self._read_json_variable("frequency", default_freq) self.dimensions = self._read_json_variable("dimensions").split()
[docs] def has_coord_with_standard_name(self, standard_name: str) -> bool: """Check if a coordinate with a given `standard_name` exists. For some coordinates, multiple (slightly different) versions with different dimension names but identical `standard_name` exist. For example, the CMIP6 tables provide 4 different `standard_name=time` dimensions: `time`, `time1`, `time2`, and `time3`. Other examples would be the CMIP6 pressure levels (`plev19`, `plev23`, `plev27`, etc. with standard name `air_pressure`) and the altitudes (`alt16`, `alt40` with standard name `altitude`). This function can be used to check for the existence of a specific coordinate defined by its `standard_name`, not its dimension name. Parameters ---------- standard_name: str Standard name to be checked. Returns ------- bool `True` if there is at least one coordinate with the given `standard_name`, `False` if not. """ for coord in self.coordinates.values(): if coord.standard_name == standard_name: return True return False
[docs] class CoordinateInfo(JsonInfo): """Class to read and store coordinate information.""" def __init__(self, name): """Class to read and store coordinate information. Parameters ---------- name: str coordinate's name """ super(CoordinateInfo, self).__init__() = name self.generic_level = False self.generic_lev_coords = {} self.axis = "" """Axis""" self.value = "" """Coordinate value""" self.standard_name = "" """Standard name""" self.long_name = "" """Long name""" self.out_name = "" """ Out name This is the name of the variable in the file """ self.var_name = "" """Short name""" self.units = "" """Units""" self.stored_direction = "" """Direction in which the coordinate increases""" self.requested = [] """Values requested""" self.valid_min = "" """Minimum allowed value""" self.valid_max = "" """Maximum allowed value""" self.must_have_bounds = "" """Whether bounds are required on this dimension""" self.generic_lev_name = "" """Generic level name"""
[docs] def read_json(self, json_data): """Read coordinate information from json. Non-present options will be set to empty Parameters ---------- json_data: dict dictionary created by the json reader containing coordinate information """ self._json_data = json_data self.axis = self._read_json_variable("axis") self.value = self._read_json_variable("value") self.out_name = self._read_json_variable("out_name") self.var_name = self._read_json_variable("var_name") self.standard_name = self._read_json_variable("standard_name") self.long_name = self._read_json_variable("long_name") self.units = self._read_json_variable("units") self.stored_direction = self._read_json_variable("stored_direction") self.valid_min = self._read_json_variable("valid_min") self.valid_max = self._read_json_variable("valid_max") self.requested = self._read_json_list_variable("requested") self.must_have_bounds = self._read_json_variable("must_have_bounds") self.generic_lev_name = self._read_json_variable("generic_level_name")
[docs] class CMIP5Info(InfoBase): """Class to read CMIP5-like data request. Parameters ---------- cmor_tables_path: str Path to the folder containing the Tables folder with the json files default: object Default table to look variables on if not found strict: bool If False, will look for a variable in other tables if it can not be found in the requested one """ def __init__( self, cmor_tables_path, default=None, alt_names=None, strict=True ): super().__init__(default, alt_names, strict) cmor_tables_path = self._get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path) self._cmor_folder = os.path.join(cmor_tables_path, "Tables") if not os.path.isdir(self._cmor_folder): raise OSError( errno.ENOTDIR, "CMOR tables path is not a directory", self._cmor_folder, ) self.strict = strict self.tables = {} self.coords = {} self._current_table = None self._last_line_read = None for table_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, "*")): if "_grids" in table_file: continue try: self._load_table(table_file) except Exception: msg = f"Exception raised when loading {table_file}" # Logger may not be ready at this stage if logger.handlers: logger.error(msg) else: print(msg) raise @staticmethod def _get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path): if os.path.isdir(cmor_tables_path): return cmor_tables_path cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cmor_tables_path = os.path.join(cwd, "tables", cmor_tables_path) return cmor_tables_path def _load_table(self, table_file, table_name=""): if table_name and table_name in self.tables: # special case used for updating a table with custom variable file table = self.tables[table_name] else: # default case: table name is first line of table file table = None self._read_table_file(table_file, table) def _read_table_file(self, table_file, table=None): with open(table_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as self._current_table: self._read_line() while True: key, value = self._last_line_read if key == "table_id": table = TableInfo() = value[len("Table ") :] self.tables[] = table elif key == "frequency": table.frequency = value elif key == "modeling_realm": table.realm = value elif key == "generic_levels": for dim in value.split(" "): coord = CoordinateInfo(dim) coord.generic_level = True coord.axis = "Z" self.coords[dim] = coord elif key == "axis_entry": self.coords[value] = self._read_coordinate(value) continue elif key == "variable_entry": table[value] = self._read_variable(value, table.frequency) continue if not self._read_line(): return def _read_line(self): line = self._current_table.readline() if line == "": return False if line.startswith("!"): return self._read_line() line = line.replace("\n", "") if "!" in line: line = line[: line.index("!")] line = line.strip() if not line: self._last_line_read = ("", "") else: index = line.index(":") self._last_line_read = ( line[:index].strip(), line[index + 1 :].strip(), ) return True def _read_coordinate(self, value): coord = CoordinateInfo(value) while self._read_line(): key, value = self._last_line_read if key in ("variable_entry", "axis_entry"): return coord if key == "requested": coord.requested.extend( (val for val in value.split(" ") if val) ) continue if hasattr(coord, key): setattr(coord, key, value) return coord def _read_variable(self, short_name, frequency): var = VariableInfo("CMIP5", short_name) var.frequency = frequency while self._read_line(): key, value = self._last_line_read if key in ("variable_entry", "axis_entry"): break if key in ("dimensions", "modeling_realm"): setattr(var, key, value.split()) elif hasattr(var, key): setattr(var, key, value) for dim in var.dimensions: var.coordinates[dim] = self.coords[dim] return var
[docs] def get_table(self, table): """Search and return the table info. Parameters ---------- table: str Table name Returns ------- TableInfo Return the TableInfo object for the requested table if found, returns None if not """ return self.tables.get(table)
[docs] class CMIP3Info(CMIP5Info): """Class to read CMIP3-like data request. Parameters ---------- cmor_tables_path: str Path to the folder containing the Tables folder with the json files default: object Default table to look variables on if not found strict: bool If False, will look for a variable in other tables if it can not be found in the requested one """ def _read_table_file(self, table_file, table=None): for dim in ("zlevel",): coord = CoordinateInfo(dim) coord.generic_level = True coord.axis = "Z" self.coords[dim] = coord super()._read_table_file(table_file, table) def _read_coordinate(self, value): coord = super()._read_coordinate(value) if not coord.out_name: coord.out_name = coord.var_name = return coord def _read_variable(self, short_name, frequency): var = super()._read_variable(short_name, frequency) var.frequency = None var.modeling_realm = None return var
[docs] class CustomInfo(CMIP5Info): """Class to read custom var info for ESMVal. Parameters ---------- cmor_tables_path: Full path to the table or name for the table if it is present in ESMValTool repository. If ``None``, use default tables from `esmvalcore/cmor/tables/custom`. """ def __init__(self, cmor_tables_path: Optional[str | Path] = None) -> None: """Initialize class member.""" self.coords = {} self.tables = {} self.var_to_freq: dict[str, dict] = {} table = TableInfo() = "custom" self.tables[] = table # First, read default custom tables from repository self._cmor_folder = self._get_cmor_path("custom") self._read_table_dir(self._cmor_folder) # Second, if given, update default tables with user-defined custom # tables if cmor_tables_path is not None: self._user_table_folder = self._get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path) if not os.path.isdir(self._user_table_folder): raise ValueError( f"Custom CMOR tables path {self._user_table_folder} is " f"not a directory" ) self._read_table_dir(self._user_table_folder) else: self._user_table_folder = None def _read_table_dir(self, table_dir: str) -> None: """Read CMOR tables from directory.""" # If present, read coordinates coordinates_file = os.path.join(table_dir, "CMOR_coordinates.dat") if os.path.isfile(coordinates_file): self._read_table_file(coordinates_file) # Read other variables for dat_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(table_dir, "*.dat")): if dat_file == coordinates_file: continue try: self._read_table_file(dat_file) except Exception: msg = f"Exception raised when loading {dat_file}" # Logger may not be ready at this stage if logger.handlers: logger.error(msg) else: print(msg) raise
[docs] def get_variable( self, table: str, short_name: str, derived: bool = False ) -> VariableInfo | None: """Search and return the variable info. Parameters ---------- table: Table name. Ignored for custom tables. short_name: Variable's short name. derived: Variable is derived. Info retrieval for derived variables always looks on the default tables if variable is not found in the requested table. Ignored for custom tables. Returns ------- VariableInfo | None `VariableInfo` object for the requested variable if found, returns None if not. """ return self.tables["custom"].get(short_name, None)
def _read_table_file( self, table_file: str, _: Optional[TableInfo] = None, ) -> None: """Read a single table file.""" with open(table_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as self._current_table: self._read_line() while True: key, value = self._last_line_read if key == "generic_levels": for dim in value.split(" "): coord = CoordinateInfo(dim) coord.generic_level = True coord.axis = "Z" self.coords[dim] = coord elif key == "axis_entry": self.coords[value] = self._read_coordinate(value) continue elif key == "variable_entry": self.tables["custom"][value] = self._read_variable( value, "" ) continue if not self._read_line(): return
# Load the default tables on initializing the module. read_cmor_tables()