Monitoring diagnostic to plot arbitrary preprocessor output

Diagnostic to plot preprocessor output.


This diagnostic can be used to visualize arbitrary preprocessor output.

Currently supported plot types (use the option plots to specify them):
  • Climatology (plot type clim): Plots climatology. Supported coordinates: (latitude, longitude, month_number).

  • Seasonal climatologies (plot type seasonclim): It produces a multi panel (2x2) plot with the seasonal climatologies. Supported coordinates: (latitude, longitude, month_number).

  • Monthly climatologies (plot type monclim): It produces a multi panel (3x4) plot with the monthly climatologies. Can be customized to show only certain months and to rearrange the number of columns and rows. Supported coordinates: (latitude, longitude, month_number).

  • Time series (plot type timeseries): Generate time series plots. It will always generate the full period time series, but if the period is longer than 75 years, it will also generate two extra time series for the first and last 50 years. It will produce multi panel plots for data with shape_id or region coordinates of length > 1. Supported coordinates: time, shape_id (optional) and region (optional).

  • Annual cycle (plot type annual_cycle): Generate an annual cycle plot (timeseries like climatological from January to December). It will produce multi panel plots for data with shape_id or region coordinates of length > 1. Supported coordinates: time, shape_id (optional) and region (optional).

Configuration options in recipe

cartopy_data_dir: str, optional (default: None)

Path to cartopy data dir. Defaults to None. See

config_file: str, optional

Path to the monitor configuration file. Defaults to monitor_config.yml in the same folder as the diagnostic script. More information on the monitor configuration file can be found here.

plots: dict, optional

Plot types plotted by this diagnostic (see list above). Dictionary keys must be clim, seasonclim, monclim, timeseries or annual_cycle. Dictionary values are dictionaries used as options for the corresponding plot. The allowed options for the different plot types are given below.

plot_filename: str, optional

Filename pattern for the plots. Defaults to {plot_type}_{real_name}_{dataset}_{mip}_{exp}_{ensemble}. All tags (i.e., the entries in curly brackets, e.g., {dataset}, are replaced with the corresponding tags).

plot_folder: str, optional

Path to the folder to store figures. Defaults to {plot_dir}/../../{dataset}/{exp}/{modeling_realm}/{real_name}. All tags (i.e., the entries in curly brackets, e.g., {dataset}, are replaced with the corresponding tags). {plot_dir} is replaced with the default ESMValTool plot directory (i.e., output_dir/plots/diagnostic_name/script_name/, see User configuration file).

rasterize_maps: bool, optional (default: True)

If True, use rasterization for map plots to produce smaller files. This is only relevant for vector graphics (e.g., output_file_type=pdf,svg,ps).

In the variable definitions, users can set the attribute plot_name to fix the variable name that will be used for the plot’s title. If it is not set, mapgenerator will try to choose a sensible one from the name attributes (long_name, standard_name and var_name).

Configuration options for plot type clim

maps: list of str, optional (default: [‘global’])

List of maps to plot, as defined in the monitor configuration file.

Configuration options for plot type seasonclim

maps: list of str, optional (default: [‘global’])

List of maps to plot, as defined in the monitor configuration file.

Configuration options for plot type monclim

maps: list of str, optional (default: [‘global’])

List of maps to plot, as defined in the monitor configuration file.

months: list of int, optional

Select only specific months. Defaults to None (i.e. show all months).

plot_size: tuple of int, optional (default: (5, 4))

Size of each individual figure.

columns: int, optional (default: 3)

Number of columns in the plot.

rows: int, optional (default: 4)

Number of rows in the plot.

Configuration options for plot type timeseries


Configuration options for plot type annual_cycle



Extra arguments given to the recipe are ignored, so it is safe to use yaml anchors to share the configuration of common arguments with other monitor diagnostic script.