This release includes
Fix the conda build on CircleCI (#1883) Bouwe Andela
Pin matplotlib to <3.3 and add compilers (#1898) Bouwe Andela
Pin esmvaltool subpackages to the same version and build as the esmvaltool conda package (#1899) Bouwe Andela
Release notes v2.1.1 (#1932) Valeriu Predoi
This release includes
Add extra steps to diagnostic to make output of hydrology/recipe_lisflood.yml usable by the LISFLOOD model (#1737) Jaro Camphuijsen
Recipe to reproduce the 2014 KNMI Climate Scenarios (kcs). (#1667) Peter Kalverla
Implement the climwip weighting scheme in a recipe and diagnostic (#1648) Jaro Camphuijsen
Remove unreviewed autoassess recipes (#1840) Valeriu Predoi
Changes in shared scripts for Schlund et al., JGR: Biogeosciences, 2020 (#1845) Manuel Schlund
Updated derivation test recipe (#1790) Manuel Schlund
Support for multiple model occurrence in perf main (#1649) Bettina Gier
Add recipe and diagnostics for Schlund et al., JGR: Biogeosciences, 2020 (#1860) Manuel Schlund
Adjust recipe_extract_shape.yml to recent changes in the example (#1880) Bouwe Andela
Add pip installation instructions (#1783) Bouwe Andela
Add installation instruction for R and Julia dependencies tot pip install (#1787) Bouwe Andela
Avoid autodocsumm 0.2.0 and update documentation build dependencies (#1794) Bouwe Andela
Add more information on working on cluster attached to ESGF node (#1821) Bouwe Andela
Add release strategy to community documentation (#1809) Klaus Zimmermann
Update esmvaltool run command everywhere in documentation (#1820) Bouwe Andela
Add more info on documenting a recipe (#1795) Bouwe Andela
Improve the Python example diagnostic and documentation (#1827) Bouwe Andela
Improve description of how to use (#1848) Bouwe Andela
Increase version to 2.1.0 and add release notes (#1868) Valeriu Predoi
Update changelog for release 2.1 (#1886) Valeriu Predoi
Fix R installation in WSL (#1789) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Add pre-commit for linting/formatting (#1796) Stef Smeets
Speed up tests on CircleCI and use pytest to run them (#1804) Bouwe Andela
Move pre-commit excludes to top-level and correct order of lintr and styler (#1805) Stef Smeets
Remove isort setup to fix formatting conflict with yapf (#1815) Stef Smeets
GitHub Actions (#1806) Valeriu Predoi
Fix yapf-isort import formatting conflict (#1822) Stef Smeets
Replace vmprof with vprof as the default profiler (#1829) Bouwe Andela
Update ESMValCore v2.1.0 requirement (#1839) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Pin iris to version 2 (#1881) Bouwe Andela
Pin eccodes to not use eccodes=2.19.0 for cdo to work fine (#1869) Valeriu Predoi
Increase version to 2.1.0 and add release notes (#1868) Valeriu Predoi
Github Actions Build Packages and Deploy tests (conda and PyPi) (#1858) Valeriu Predoi
Observational and re-analysis dataset support¶
Added CMORizer for Scripps-CO2-KUM (#1857) Manuel Schlund
This release includes
Bug fixes¶
Fix pep8-naming errors and fix zmnam diagnostic (#1702) Bouwe Andela
Fix keyword argument in cmorize_obs (#1721) Mattia Righi
Fixed JMA-TRANSCOM CMORizer (#1735) Manuel Schlund
Fix small errors in the arctic_ocean diagnostic (#1722) Nikolay Koldunov
Flatten ancestor lists for diag_spei.R and diag_spi.R. (#1745) katjaweigel
Fix for recipe_ocean_ice_extent.yml (#1744) Mattia Righi
Fix recipe_combined_indices.yml provenance (#1746) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Fix provenance in recipe_multimodel_products (#1747) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Exclude FGOALS-g2 due to ESMValCore issue #728 (#1749) Mattia Righi
Fix recipe_modes_of_variability (#1753) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Flatten lists for ancestors for hyint to prevent nested lists. (#1752) katjaweigel
Fix bug in (#1729) (#1759) Tomas Lovato
Correct mip for clltkisccp in example derive preprocessor recipe (#1768) Bouwe Andela
Update date conversion in recipe_hype.yml (#1769) Bouwe Andela
Fix recipe_correlation.yml (#1767) Bouwe Andela
Add attribute positive: down to plev coordinate in ERA-Interim CMORizer (#1771) Bouwe Andela
Fix sispeed in recipe_preprocessor_derive_test (#1772) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Fix extreme events and extreme index ancestors (#1774) katjaweigel
Correct date in output filenames of ERA5 CMORizer recipe (#1773) Bouwe Andela
Exclude WOA from multi-model stats in recipe_ocean_bgc (#1778) Mattia Righi
Enhancement of the hyint recipe to include etccdi indices (#1133) Enrico Arnone
Add lazy regridding for wflow diagnostic (#1630) Bouwe Andela
Miles default domains to include lat=0 (#1626) Jost von Hardenberg
Miles: selection of reference dataset based on experiment (#1632) Jost von Hardenberg
New recipe/diagnostic: recipe_li17natcc.yml for Axels GMD Paper (#1567) katjaweigel
New recipe/diagnostics: recipe_deangelis_for_gmdpart4.yml for Axels GMD Paper (#1576) katjaweigel
EWaterCycle: Add recipe to prepare input for LISFLOOD (#1298) Stefan Verhoeven
Use area weighted regridding in wflow diagnostic (#1643) Bouwe Andela
Workaround for permetrics recipe until Iris3 (#1674) Mattia Righi
Additional Land perfmetrics (#1641) Bettina Gier
Necessary diagnostic from eyring06jgr for the release of version2 (#1686) Birgit Hassler
Drought characteristics based on Martin2018 and SPI for gmd paper (#1689) katjaweigel
Additional features and bugfixes for recipe anav13clim (#1723) Bettina Gier
Gmd laueretal2020 revisions (#1725) Axel Lauer
IPCC AR5 fig. 9.3 (seasonality) (#1726) Axel Lauer
Added additional emergent constraints on ECS (#1585) Manuel Schlund
A diagnostic to evaluate the turnover times of land ecosystem carbon (#1395) koir-su
Removed multi_model_statistics step in recipe_oceans_example.yml as a workaround (#1779) Valeriu Predoi
Extend getting started instructions to obtain config-user.yml (#1642) Peter Kalverla
Extend information about native6 support on RTD (#1652) Peter Kalverla
Update citation of ESMValTool paper in the doc (#1664) Mattia Righi
Updated references to documentation (now (#1679) Axel Lauer
Replace dead link with ESGF link. (#1681) Mattia Righi
Add all European grants to Zenodo (#1682) Bouwe Andela
Update Sphinx to v3 or later (#1685) Bouwe Andela
Small fix to number of models in ensclus documentation (#1691) Jost von Hardenberg
Move from ESMValCore to here and update (#1701) Bouwe Andela
Improve the installation instructions (#1634) Valeriu Predoi
Improve description of how to implement provenance in diagnostic (#1750) SarahAlidoost
Update command line interface documentation and add links to ESMValCore configuration documentation (#1776) Bouwe Andela
Documentation on how to find shapefiles for hydrology recipes (#1777) Jaro Camphuijsen
Pin flake8<3.8.0 (#1635) Valeriu Predoi
Update conda package path in more places (#1636) Bouwe Andela
Remove curly brackets around issue number in pull request template (#1637) Bouwe Andela
Fix style issue in test (#1639) Bouwe Andela
Update Codacy badges (#1662) Bouwe Andela
Support extra installation methods in R (#1360) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Add ncdf4.helpers package as a dependency again (#1678) Bouwe Andela
Speed up conda installation (#1677) Bouwe Andela
Update CMORizers and recipes for ESMValCore v2.0.0 (#1699) SarahAlidoost
Update for PyPI package (#1700) Bouwe Andela
Cleanup recipe headers before the release (#1740) Mattia Righi
Add colortables as esmvaltool subcommand (#1666) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Increase version to v2.0.0 (#1756) Bouwe Andela
Update job script (#1757) Mattia Righi
Read authors and description from .zenodo.json (#1758) Bouwe Andela
Update docker recipe to install from source (#1651) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Observational and re-analysis dataset support¶
Respectable testing for cmorizers/obs/ and cmorizers/obs/ (#1517) Valeriu Predoi
Fix start year in recipe_check_obs (#1638) Mattia Righi
Cmorizer for the PERSIANN-CDR precipitation data (#1633) Birgit Hassler
Added monthly mean vars (ta, va, zg) to era5 cmorizer via recipe (#1644) Evgenia Galytska
Make format time check more flexible (#1661) Mattia Righi
Exclude od550lt1aer from recipe_check_obs.yml (#1720) Mattia Righi
PERSIANN-CDR cmorizer update: adding the capability to save monthly mean files (#1728) Birgit Hassler
Add standard_name attribute to lon and lat in (#1760) Tomas Lovato
Allow for incomplete months on daily frequency in cmorizer ncl utilities (#1754) Mattia Righi
Fix AURA-TES cmorizer (#1766) Mattia Righi
This release includes
Bug fixes¶
Fix HALOE plev coordinate (#1590) Mattia Righi
Fix tro3 units in HALOE (#1591) Mattia Righi
Applicate sea ice negative feedback (#1299) Javier Vegas-Regidor
Add Russell18jgr ocean diagnostics (#1592) Bouwe Andela
Refactor marrmot recipe and diagnostic to use ERA5 daily data made by new cmorizer (#1600) SarahAlidoost
In recipe_wflow, use daily ERA5 data from the new cmorizer. (#1599) Peter Kalverla
In wflow diagnostic, calculate PET after(!) interpolation and lapse rate correction (#1618) Jerom Aerts
Update portrait_plot.ncl (#1625) Bettina Gier
Restructure documentation (#1587) Bouwe Andela
Add more links to documentation (#1595) Bouwe Andela
Update links in readme (#1598) Bouwe Andela
Minor improvements to installation documentation (#1608) Bouwe Andela
Add info for new mailing list to documentation. (#1607) Björn Brötz
Update making a release documentation (#1627) Bouwe Andela
Avoid broken pytest-html plugin (#1583) Bouwe Andela
Remove reference section in config-references.yml (#1545) SarahAlidoost
Various improvements to development infrastructure (#1570) Bouwe Andela
Install scikit-learn from conda, remove libunwind as a direct dependency (#1611) Valeriu Predoi
Create conda subpackages and enable tests (#1624) Bouwe Andela
Observational and re-analysis dataset support¶
Cmorizer for HALOE (#1581) Mattia Righi
Add CMORizer for CT2019 (#1604) Manuel Schlund
For older releases, see the release notes on