Source code for esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared.plot._plot

"""Common plot functions."""
import logging
import os

import iris.quickplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yaml

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _process_axes_functions(axes, axes_functions):
    """Process axes functions of the form `axes.functions(*args, **kwargs)."""
    if axes_functions is None:
        return None
    output = None
    for (func, attr) in axes_functions.items():
        axes_function = getattr(axes, func)

        # Simple functions (argument directly given)
        if not isinstance(attr, dict):
                out = axes_function(*attr)
            except TypeError:
                out = axes_function(attr)

        # More complicated functions (args and kwargs given)
            args = attr.get('args', [])
            kwargs = attr.get('kwargs', {})

            # Process 'transform' kwargs
            if 'transform' in kwargs:
                kwargs['transform'] = getattr(axes, kwargs['transform'])
            out = axes_function(*args, **kwargs)

        # Return legend if possible
        if func == 'legend':
            output = out
    return output

def _check_size_of_parameters(*args):
    """Check if the size of (array-like) args is identical."""
    if len(args) < 2:
        logger.warning("Less than two arguments given, comparing not possible")
    arg_0 = args[0]
    for arg in args:
            if len(arg_0) != len(arg):
                raise ValueError("Invalid input: array-like parameters need "
                                 "to have the same size")
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("Invalid input: some parameters are not "

[docs]def get_path_to_mpl_style(style_file=None): """Get path to matplotlib style file.""" if style_file is None: style_file = 'default.mplstyle' if not style_file.endswith('.mplstyle'): style_file += '.mplstyle' base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filepath = os.path.join(base_dir, 'styles_python', 'matplotlib', style_file) logger.debug("Using matplotlib style: %s", filepath) return filepath
[docs]def get_dataset_style(dataset, style_file=None): """Retrieve the style information for the given dataset.""" if style_file is None: style_file = 'cmip5.yml' if not style_file.endswith('.yml'): style_file += '.yml' base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) default_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'styles_python') # Check if style_file is valid filepath = os.path.join(default_dir, style_file) if os.path.isfile(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as infile: style = yaml.safe_load(infile) else: raise IOError("Invalid input: could not open style file " "'{}'".format(filepath)) logger.debug("Using style file %s for dataset %s", filepath, dataset) # Check if file has entry for unknown dataset default_dataset = 'default' options = ['color', 'dash', 'thick', 'mark', 'avgstd', 'facecolor'] if default_dataset not in style: raise IOError("Style file '{}' does not contain default information " "for unknown datasets".format(filepath)) for option in options: if option not in style[default_dataset]: raise IOError("Style file '{}' does not contain '{}' default " "information for unknown " "datasets".format(filepath, option)) # Check if dataset is available if not style.get(dataset): logger.warning( "Dataset '%s' not found in style file, using default " "entry", dataset) return style[default_dataset] # Get compulsory information for option in options: if option not in style[dataset]: logger.warning( "No style information '%s' found for dataset " "'%s', using default value for unknown datasets", option, dataset) style[dataset].update({option: style[default_dataset][option]}) return style[dataset]
[docs]def quickplot(cube, filename, plot_type, **kwargs): """Plot a cube using one of the iris.quickplot functions.""" logger.debug("Creating '%s' plot %s", plot_type, filename) plot_function = getattr(iris.quickplot, plot_type) fig = plt.figure() plot_function(cube, **kwargs) # plt.gca().coastlines() fig.savefig(filename) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def multi_dataset_scatterplot(x_data, y_data, datasets, filepath, **kwargs): """Plot a multi dataset scatterplot. Notes ----- Allowed keyword arguments: * `mpl_style_file` (:obj:`str`): Path to the matplotlib style file. * `dataset_style_file` (:obj:`str`): Path to the dataset style file. * `plot_kwargs` (`array-like`): Keyword arguments for the plot (e.g. `label`, `makersize`, etc.). * `save_kwargs` (:obj:`dict`): Keyword arguments for saving the plot. * `axes_functions` (:obj:`dict`): Arbitrary functions for axes, i.e. `axes.set_title('title')`. Parameters ---------- x_data : array-like x data of each dataset. y_data : array-like y data of each dataset. datasets : array-like Names of the datasets. filepath : str Path to which plot is written. **kwargs Keyword arguments. Raises ------ TypeError A non-valid keyword argument is given or `x_data`, `y_data`, `datasets` or (if given) `plot_kwargs` is not array-like. ValueError `x_data`, `y_data`, `datasets` or `plot_kwargs` do not have the same size. """ # Allowed kwargs allowed_kwargs = [ 'mpl_style_file', 'dataset_style_file', 'plot_kwargs', 'save_kwargs', 'axes_functions', ] for kwarg in kwargs: if kwarg not in allowed_kwargs: raise TypeError("{} is not a valid keyword argument".format(kwarg)) # Check parameters _check_size_of_parameters(x_data, y_data, datasets, kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', x_data)) empty_dict = [{} for _ in x_data] # Create matplotlib instances'mpl_style_file'))) (fig, axes) = plt.subplots() # Plot data for (idx, dataset) in enumerate(datasets): style = get_dataset_style(dataset, kwargs.get('dataset_style_file')) # Fix problem when plotting ps file facecolor = style['color'] if filepath.endswith('ps') else \ style['facecolor'] # Plot axes.plot( x_data[idx], y_data[idx], markeredgecolor=style['color'], markerfacecolor=facecolor, marker=style['mark'], **(kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', empty_dict)[idx])) # Costumize plot legend = _process_axes_functions(axes, kwargs.get('axes_functions')) # Save plot fig.savefig( filepath, additional_artists=[legend], **kwargs.get('save_kwargs', {}))"Wrote %s", filepath) plt.close()
[docs]def scatterplot(x_data, y_data, filepath, **kwargs): """Plot a scatterplot. Notes ----- Allowed keyword arguments: * `mpl_style_file` (:obj:`str`): Path to the matplotlib style file. * `plot_kwargs` (`array-like`): Keyword arguments for the plot (e.g. `label`, `makersize`, etc.). * `save_kwargs` (:obj:`dict`): Keyword arguments for saving the plot. * `axes_functions` (:obj:`dict`): Arbitrary functions for axes, i.e. `axes.set_title('title')`. Parameters ---------- x_data : array-like x data of each dataset. y_data : array-like y data of each dataset. filepath : str Path to which plot is written. **kwargs Keyword arguments. Raises ------ TypeError A non-valid keyword argument is given or `x_data`, `y_data` or (if given) `plot_kwargs` is not array-like. ValueError `x_data`, `y_data` or `plot_kwargs` do not have the same size. """ # Allowed kwargs allowed_kwargs = [ 'mpl_style_file', 'plot_kwargs', 'save_kwargs', 'axes_functions', ] for kwarg in kwargs: if kwarg not in allowed_kwargs: raise TypeError("{} is not a valid keyword argument".format(kwarg)) # Check parameters _check_size_of_parameters(x_data, y_data, kwargs.get( 'plot_kwargs', x_data)) empty_dict = [{} for _ in x_data] # Create matplotlib instances'mpl_style_file'))) (fig, axes) = plt.subplots() # Plot data for (idx, x_vals) in enumerate(x_data): plot_kwargs = kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', empty_dict)[idx] # Fix problem when plotting ps file if 'markerfacecolor' in plot_kwargs and filepath.endswith('ps'): plot_kwargs.pop('markerfacecolor') # Plot axes.plot(x_vals, y_data[idx], **(kwargs.get('plot_kwargs', empty_dict)[idx])) # Costumize plot legend = _process_axes_functions(axes, kwargs.get('axes_functions')) # Save plot fig.savefig( filepath, additional_artists=[legend], **kwargs.get('save_kwargs', {}))"Wrote %s", filepath) plt.close()