
This section provides information on small tools that are available in the esmvaltool/utils directory.


Script for drafting release notes based on the titles of the GitHub pull requests that have been merged since the previous release.


A tool for checking the style of NCL code, based on pycodestyle. Install ESMValTool in development mode (pip install -e '.[develop]') to make it available. To use it, run

nclcodestyle /path/to/file.ncl


A tool for converting version 1 recipes to version 2 recipes. See the README.md file in the directory esmvaltool/utils/xml2yml for detailed usage instructions.


Tools for testing recipes.

test recipe settings

A tool for generating recipes with various diagnostic settings, to test of those work. Install ESMValTool in development mode (pip install -e '.[develop]') to make it available. To use it, run

test_recipe --help