Source code for esmvalcore.cmor.table

"""CMOR information reader for ESMValTool.

Read variable information from CMOR 2 and CMOR 3 tables and make it
easily available for the other components of ESMValTool
import copy
import errno
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
from collections import Counter
from functools import total_ordering
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Type

import yaml

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CMOR_TABLES: Dict[str, Type['InfoBase']] = {}
"""dict of str, obj: CMOR info objects."""

[docs]def get_var_info(project, mip, short_name): """Get variable information. Parameters ---------- project : str Dataset's project. mip : str Variable's cmor table. short_name : str Variable's short name. """ return CMOR_TABLES[project].get_variable(mip, short_name)
[docs]def read_cmor_tables(cfg_developer=None): """Read cmor tables required in the configuration. Parameters ---------- cfg_developer : dict of str Parsed config-developer file """ if cfg_developer is None: cfg_file = Path(__file__).parents[1] / 'config-developer.yml' with as file: cfg_developer = yaml.safe_load(file) cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) var_alt_names_file = os.path.join(cwd, 'variable_alt_names.yml') with open(var_alt_names_file, 'r') as yfile: alt_names = yaml.safe_load(yfile) CMOR_TABLES.clear() # Try to infer location for custom tables from config-developer.yml file, # if not possible, use default location custom_path = None if 'custom' in cfg_developer: custom_path = cfg_developer['custom'].get('cmor_path') if custom_path is not None: custom_path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(custom_path)) custom = CustomInfo(custom_path) CMOR_TABLES['custom'] = custom install_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) for table in cfg_developer: if table == 'custom': continue CMOR_TABLES[table] = _read_table(cfg_developer, table, install_dir, custom, alt_names)
def _read_table(cfg_developer, table, install_dir, custom, alt_names): project = cfg_developer[table] cmor_type = project.get('cmor_type', 'CMIP5') default_path = os.path.join(install_dir, 'tables', cmor_type.lower()) table_path = project.get('cmor_path', default_path) table_path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(table_path)) cmor_strict = project.get('cmor_strict', True) default_table_prefix = project.get('cmor_default_table_prefix', '') if cmor_type == 'CMIP3': return CMIP3Info( table_path, default=custom, strict=cmor_strict, alt_names=alt_names, ) if cmor_type == 'CMIP5': return CMIP5Info(table_path, default=custom, strict=cmor_strict, alt_names=alt_names) if cmor_type == 'CMIP6': return CMIP6Info( table_path, default=custom, strict=cmor_strict, default_table_prefix=default_table_prefix, alt_names=alt_names, ) raise ValueError(f'Unsupported CMOR type {cmor_type}')
[docs]class InfoBase(): """Base class for all table info classes. This uses CMOR 3 json format Parameters ---------- default: object Default table to look variables on if not found alt_names: list[list[str]] List of known alternative names for variables strict: bool If False, will look for a variable in other tables if it can not be found in the requested one """ def __init__(self, default, alt_names, strict): if alt_names is None: alt_names = "" self.default = default self.alt_names = alt_names self.strict = strict self.tables = {}
[docs] def get_table(self, table): """Search and return the table info. Parameters ---------- table: str Table name Returns ------- TableInfo Return the TableInfo object for the requested table if found, returns None if not """ return self.tables.get(table)
[docs] def get_variable(self, table_name, short_name, derived=False): """Search and return the variable info. Parameters ---------- table_name: str Table name short_name: str Variable's short name derived: bool, optional Variable is derived. Info retrieval for derived variables always look on the default tables if variable is not find in the requested table Returns ------- VariableInfo Return the VariableInfo object for the requested variable if found, returns None if not """ alt_names_list = self._get_alt_names_list(short_name) table = self.get_table(table_name) if table: for alt_names in alt_names_list: try: return table[alt_names] except KeyError: pass var_info = self._look_in_all_tables(alt_names_list) if not var_info: var_info = self._look_in_default(derived, alt_names_list, table_name) if var_info: var_info = var_info.copy() var_info = self._update_frequency_from_mip(table_name, var_info) return var_info
def _look_in_default(self, derived, alt_names_list, table_name): var_info = None if (not self.strict or derived): for alt_names in alt_names_list: var_info = self.default.get_variable(table_name, alt_names) if var_info: break return var_info def _look_in_all_tables(self, alt_names_list): var_info = None if not self.strict: for alt_names in alt_names_list: var_info = self._look_all_tables(alt_names) if var_info: break return var_info def _get_alt_names_list(self, short_name): alt_names_list = [short_name] for alt_names in self.alt_names: if short_name in alt_names: alt_names_list.extend([ alt_name for alt_name in alt_names if alt_name not in alt_names_list ]) return alt_names_list def _update_frequency_from_mip(self, table_name, var_info): mip_info = self.get_table(table_name) if mip_info: var_info.frequency = mip_info.frequency return var_info def _look_all_tables(self, alt_names): for table_vars in sorted(self.tables.values()): if alt_names in table_vars: return table_vars[alt_names] return None
[docs]class CMIP6Info(InfoBase): """Class to read CMIP6-like data request. This uses CMOR 3 json format Parameters ---------- cmor_tables_path: str Path to the folder containing the Tables folder with the json files default: object Default table to look variables on if not found strict: bool If False, will look for a variable in other tables if it can not be found in the requested one """ def __init__(self, cmor_tables_path, default=None, alt_names=None, strict=True, default_table_prefix=''): super().__init__(default, alt_names, strict) cmor_tables_path = self._get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path) self._cmor_folder = os.path.join(cmor_tables_path, 'Tables') if glob.glob(os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, '*_CV.json')): self._load_controlled_vocabulary() self.default_table_prefix = default_table_prefix self.var_to_freq = {} self._load_coordinates() for json_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, '*.json')): if 'CV_test' in json_file or 'grids' in json_file: continue try: self._load_table(json_file) except Exception: msg = f"Exception raised when loading {json_file}" # Logger may not be ready at this stage if logger.handlers: logger.error(msg) else: print(msg) raise @staticmethod def _get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path): if os.path.isdir(cmor_tables_path): return cmor_tables_path cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cmor_tables_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'tables', cmor_tables_path) if os.path.isdir(cmor_tables_path): return cmor_tables_path raise ValueError( 'CMOR tables not found in {}'.format(cmor_tables_path)) def _load_table(self, json_file): with open(json_file) as inf: raw_data = json.loads( if not self._is_table(raw_data): return table = TableInfo() header = raw_data['Header'] = header['table_id'].split(' ')[-1] self.tables[] = table generic_levels = header['generic_levels'].split() table.frequency = header.get('frequency', '') self.var_to_freq[] = {} for var_name, var_data in raw_data['variable_entry'].items(): var = VariableInfo('CMIP6', var_name) var.read_json(var_data, table.frequency) self._assign_dimensions(var, generic_levels) table[var_name] = var self.var_to_freq[][var_name] = var.frequency if not table.frequency: var_freqs = (var.frequency for var in table.values()) table_freq, _ = Counter(var_freqs).most_common(1)[0] table.frequency = table_freq self.tables[] = table def _assign_dimensions(self, var, generic_levels): for dimension in var.dimensions: if dimension in generic_levels: coord = CoordinateInfo(dimension) coord.generic_level = True for name in self.coords: generic_level = self.coords[name].generic_lev_name if dimension in [generic_level]: coord.generic_lev_coords[name] = self.coords[name] else: try: coord = self.coords[dimension] except KeyError: logger.exception( 'Can not find dimension %s for variable %s', dimension, var) raise var.coordinates[dimension] = coord def _load_coordinates(self): self.coords = {} for json_file in glob.glob( os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, '*coordinate*.json')): with open(json_file) as inf: table_data = json.loads( for coord_name in table_data['axis_entry'].keys(): coord = CoordinateInfo(coord_name) coord.read_json(table_data['axis_entry'][coord_name]) self.coords[coord_name] = coord def _load_controlled_vocabulary(self): self.activities = {} self.institutes = {} for json_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, '*_CV.json')): with open(json_file) as inf: table_data = json.loads( try: exps = table_data['CV']['experiment_id'] for exp_id in exps: activity = exps[exp_id]['activity_id'][0].split(' ') self.activities[exp_id] = activity except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass try: sources = table_data['CV']['source_id'] for source_id in sources: institution = sources[source_id]['institution_id'] self.institutes[source_id] = institution except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass
[docs] def get_table(self, table): """Search and return the table info. Parameters ---------- table: str Table name Returns ------- TableInfo Return the TableInfo object for the requested table if found, returns None if not """ try: return self.tables[table] except KeyError: return self.tables.get(''.join((self.default_table_prefix, table)))
@staticmethod def _is_table(table_data): if 'variable_entry' not in table_data: return False if 'Header' not in table_data: return False return True
[docs]@total_ordering class TableInfo(dict): """Container class for storing a CMOR table.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new TableInfo object for storing VariableInfo objects.""" super(TableInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = '' self.frequency = '' self.realm = '' def __eq__(self, other): return (, self.frequency, self.realm) == \ (, other.frequency, other.realm) def __ne__(self, other): return (, self.frequency, self.realm) != \ (, other.frequency, other.realm) def __lt__(self, other): return (, self.frequency, self.realm) < \ (, other.frequency, other.realm)
[docs]class JsonInfo(object): """Base class for the info classes. Provides common utility methods to read json variables """ def __init__(self): self._json_data = {} def _read_json_variable(self, parameter, default=''): """Read a json parameter in json_data. Parameters ---------- parameter: str parameter to read Returns ------- str Option's value or empty string if parameter is not present """ if parameter not in self._json_data: return default return str(self._json_data[parameter]) def _read_json_list_variable(self, parameter): """Read a json list parameter in json_data. Parameters ---------- parameter: str parameter to read Returns ------- str Option's value or empty list if parameter is not present """ if parameter not in self._json_data: return [] return self._json_data[parameter]
[docs]class VariableInfo(JsonInfo): """Class to read and store variable information.""" def __init__(self, table_type, short_name): """Class to read and store variable information. Parameters ---------- short_name: str variable's short name """ super(VariableInfo, self).__init__() self.table_type = table_type self.modeling_realm = [] """Modeling realm""" self.short_name = short_name """Short name""" self.standard_name = '' """Standard name""" self.long_name = '' """Long name""" self.units = '' """Data units""" self.valid_min = '' """Minimum admitted value""" self.valid_max = '' """Maximum admitted value""" self.frequency = '' """Data frequency""" self.positive = '' """Increasing direction""" self.dimensions = [] """List of dimensions""" self.coordinates = {} """Coordinates This is a dict with the names of the dimensions as keys and CoordinateInfo objects as values. """ self._json_data = None
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a shallow copy of VariableInfo. Returns ------- VariableInfo Shallow copy of this object """ return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def read_json(self, json_data, default_freq): """Read variable information from json. Non-present options will be set to empty Parameters ---------- json_data: dict dictionary created by the json reader containing variable information default_freq: str Default frequency to use if it is not defined at variable level """ self._json_data = json_data self.standard_name = self._read_json_variable('standard_name') self.long_name = self._read_json_variable('long_name') self.units = self._read_json_variable('units') self.valid_min = self._read_json_variable('valid_min') self.valid_max = self._read_json_variable('valid_max') self.positive = self._read_json_variable('positive') self.modeling_realm = self._read_json_variable( 'modeling_realm').split() self.frequency = self._read_json_variable('frequency', default_freq) self.dimensions = self._read_json_variable('dimensions').split()
[docs]class CoordinateInfo(JsonInfo): """Class to read and store coordinate information.""" def __init__(self, name): """Class to read and store coordinate information. Parameters ---------- name: str coordinate's name """ super(CoordinateInfo, self).__init__() = name self.generic_level = False self.generic_lev_coords = {} self.axis = "" """Axis""" self.value = "" """Coordinate value""" self.standard_name = "" """Standard name""" self.long_name = "" """Long name""" self.out_name = "" """ Out name This is the name of the variable in the file """ self.var_name = "" """Short name""" self.units = "" """Units""" self.stored_direction = "" """Direction in which the coordinate increases""" self.requested = [] """Values requested""" self.valid_min = "" """Minimum allowed value""" self.valid_max = "" """Maximum allowed value""" self.must_have_bounds = "" """Whether bounds are required on this dimension""" self.generic_lev_name = "" """Generic level name"""
[docs] def read_json(self, json_data): """Read coordinate information from json. Non-present options will be set to empty Parameters ---------- json_data: dict dictionary created by the json reader containing coordinate information """ self._json_data = json_data self.axis = self._read_json_variable('axis') self.value = self._read_json_variable('value') self.out_name = self._read_json_variable('out_name') self.var_name = self._read_json_variable('var_name') self.standard_name = self._read_json_variable('standard_name') self.long_name = self._read_json_variable('long_name') self.units = self._read_json_variable('units') self.stored_direction = self._read_json_variable('stored_direction') self.valid_min = self._read_json_variable('valid_min') self.valid_max = self._read_json_variable('valid_max') self.requested = self._read_json_list_variable('requested') self.must_have_bounds = self._read_json_variable('must_have_bounds') self.generic_lev_name = self._read_json_variable('generic_level_name')
[docs]class CMIP5Info(InfoBase): """Class to read CMIP5-like data request. Parameters ---------- cmor_tables_path: str Path to the folder containing the Tables folder with the json files default: object Default table to look variables on if not found strict: bool If False, will look for a variable in other tables if it can not be found in the requested one """ def __init__(self, cmor_tables_path, default=None, alt_names=None, strict=True): super().__init__(default, alt_names, strict) cmor_tables_path = self._get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path) self._cmor_folder = os.path.join(cmor_tables_path, 'Tables') if not os.path.isdir(self._cmor_folder): raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, "CMOR tables path is not a directory", self._cmor_folder) self.strict = strict self.tables = {} self.coords = {} self._current_table = None self._last_line_read = None for table_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, '*')): if '_grids' in table_file: continue try: self._load_table(table_file) except Exception: msg = f"Exception raised when loading {table_file}" # Logger may not be ready at this stage if logger.handlers: logger.error(msg) else: print(msg) raise @staticmethod def _get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path): if os.path.isdir(cmor_tables_path): return cmor_tables_path cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cmor_tables_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'tables', cmor_tables_path) return cmor_tables_path def _load_table(self, table_file, table_name=''): if table_name and table_name in self.tables: # special case used for updating a table with custom variable file table = self.tables[table_name] else: # default case: table name is first line of table file table = None self._read_table_file(table_file, table) def _read_table_file(self, table_file, table=None): with open(table_file) as self._current_table: self._read_line() while True: key, value = self._last_line_read if key == 'table_id': table = TableInfo() = value[len('Table '):] self.tables[] = table elif key == 'frequency': table.frequency = value elif key == 'modeling_realm': table.realm = value elif key == 'generic_levels': for dim in value.split(' '): coord = CoordinateInfo(dim) coord.generic_level = True coord.axis = 'Z' self.coords[dim] = coord elif key == 'axis_entry': self.coords[value] = self._read_coordinate(value) continue elif key == 'variable_entry': table[value] = self._read_variable(value, table.frequency) continue if not self._read_line(): return def _read_line(self): line = self._current_table.readline() if line == '': return False if line.startswith('!'): return self._read_line() line = line.replace('\n', '') if '!' in line: line = line[:line.index('!')] line = line.strip() if not line: self._last_line_read = ('', '') else: index = line.index(':') self._last_line_read = (line[:index].strip(), line[index + 1:].strip()) return True def _read_coordinate(self, value): coord = CoordinateInfo(value) while self._read_line(): key, value = self._last_line_read if key in ('variable_entry', 'axis_entry'): return coord if key == 'requested': coord.requested.extend( (val for val in value.split(' ') if val)) continue if hasattr(coord, key): setattr(coord, key, value) return coord def _read_variable(self, short_name, frequency): var = VariableInfo('CMIP5', short_name) var.frequency = frequency while self._read_line(): key, value = self._last_line_read if key in ('variable_entry', 'axis_entry'): break if key in ('dimensions', 'modeling_realm'): setattr(var, key, value.split()) elif hasattr(var, key): setattr(var, key, value) for dim in var.dimensions: var.coordinates[dim] = self.coords[dim] return var
[docs] def get_table(self, table): """Search and return the table info. Parameters ---------- table: str Table name Returns ------- TableInfo Return the TableInfo object for the requested table if found, returns None if not """ return self.tables.get(table)
[docs]class CMIP3Info(CMIP5Info): """Class to read CMIP3-like data request. Parameters ---------- cmor_tables_path: str Path to the folder containing the Tables folder with the json files default: object Default table to look variables on if not found strict: bool If False, will look for a variable in other tables if it can not be found in the requested one """ def _read_table_file(self, table_file, table=None): for dim in ('zlevel', ): coord = CoordinateInfo(dim) coord.generic_level = True coord.axis = 'Z' self.coords[dim] = coord super()._read_table_file(table_file, table) def _read_coordinate(self, value): coord = super()._read_coordinate(value) if not coord.out_name: coord.out_name = coord.var_name = return coord def _read_variable(self, short_name, frequency): var = super()._read_variable(short_name, frequency) var.frequency = None var.modeling_realm = None return var
[docs]class CustomInfo(CMIP5Info): """Class to read custom var info for ESMVal. Parameters ---------- cmor_tables_path: str or None Full path to the table or name for the table if it is present in ESMValTool repository """ def __init__(self, cmor_tables_path=None): cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) default_cmor_folder = os.path.join(cwd, 'tables', 'custom') # Get custom location of CMOR tables if possible if cmor_tables_path is None: self._cmor_folder = default_cmor_folder else: self._cmor_folder = self._get_cmor_path(cmor_tables_path) if not os.path.isdir(self._cmor_folder): raise ValueError(f"Custom CMOR tables path {self._cmor_folder} is " f"not a directory") self.tables = {} self.var_to_freq = {} table = TableInfo() = 'custom' self.tables[] = table # Try to read coordinates from custom location, use default location if # not possible coordinates_file = os.path.join( self._cmor_folder, 'CMOR_coordinates.dat', ) if os.path.isfile(coordinates_file): self._coordinates_file = coordinates_file else: self._coordinates_file = os.path.join( default_cmor_folder, 'CMOR_coordinates.dat', ) self.coords = {} self._read_table_file(self._coordinates_file, self.tables['custom']) for dat_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._cmor_folder, '*.dat')): if dat_file == self._coordinates_file: continue try: self._read_table_file(dat_file, self.tables['custom']) except Exception: msg = f"Exception raised when loading {dat_file}" # Logger may not be ready at this stage if logger.handlers: logger.error(msg) else: print(msg) raise
[docs] def get_variable(self, table, short_name, derived=False): """Search and return the variable info. Parameters ---------- table: str Table name short_name: str Variable's short name derived: bool, optional Variable is derived. Info retrieval for derived variables always look on the default tables if variable is not find in the requested table Returns ------- VariableInfo Return the VariableInfo object for the requested variable if found, returns None if not """ return self.tables['custom'].get(short_name, None)
def _read_table_file(self, table_file, table=None): with open(table_file) as self._current_table: self._read_line() while True: key, value = self._last_line_read if key == 'generic_levels': for dim in value.split(' '): coord = CoordinateInfo(dim) coord.generic_level = True coord.axis = 'Z' self.coords[dim] = coord elif key == 'axis_entry': self.coords[value] = self._read_coordinate(value) continue elif key == 'variable_entry': table[value] = self._read_variable(value, '') continue if not self._read_line(): return