.. _config: ******************* Configuration files ******************* Overview ======== There are several configuration files in ESMValCore: * ``config-user.yml``: sets a number of user-specific options like desired graphical output format, root paths to data, etc.; * ``config-developer.yml``: sets a number of standardized file-naming and paths to data formatting; and one configuration file which is distributed with ESMValTool: * ``config-references.yml``: stores information on diagnostic and recipe authors and scientific journals references; .. _user configuration file: User configuration file ======================= The ``config-user.yml`` configuration file contains all the global level information needed by ESMValTool. It can be reused as many times the user needs to before changing any of the options stored in it. This file is essentially the gateway between the user and the machine-specific instructions to ``esmvaltool``. By default, esmvaltool looks for it in the home directory, inside the ``.esmvaltool`` folder. Users can get a copy of this file with default values by running .. code-block:: bash esmvaltool config get-config-user --path=${TARGET_FOLDER} If the option ``--path`` is omitted, the file will be created in ``${HOME}/.esmvaltool`` The following shows the default settings from the ``config-user.yml`` file with explanations in a commented line above each option. If only certain values are allowed for an option, these are listed after ``---``. The option in square brackets is the default value, i.e., the one that is used if this option is omitted in the file. .. code-block:: yaml # Destination directory where all output will be written # Includes log files and performance stats. output_dir: ~/esmvaltool_output # Auxiliary data directory # Used by some recipes to look for additional datasets. auxiliary_data_dir: ~/auxiliary_data # Automatic data download from ESGF --- [never]/when_missing/always # Use automatic download of missing CMIP3, CMIP5, CMIP6, CORDEX, and obs4MIPs # data from ESGF. ``never`` disables this feature, which is useful if you are # working on a computer without an internet connection, or if you have limited # disk space. ``when_missing`` enables the automatic download for files that # are not available locally. ``always`` will always check ESGF for the latest # version of a file, and will only use local files if they correspond to that # latest version. search_esgf: never # Directory for storing downloaded climate data # Make sure to use a directory where you can store multiple GBs of data. Your # home directory on a HPC is usually not suited for this purpose, so please # change the default value in this case! download_dir: ~/climate_data # Rootpaths to the data from different projects # This default setting will work if files have been downloaded by ESMValTool # via ``search_esgf``. Lists are also possible. For site-specific entries, # see the default ``config-user.yml`` file that can be installed with the # command ``esmvaltool config get_config_user``. For each project, this can # be either a single path or a list of paths. Comment out these when using a # site-specific path. rootpath: default: ~/climate_data # Directory structure for input data --- [default]/ESGF/BADC/DKRZ/ETHZ/etc. # This default setting will work if files have been downloaded by ESMValTool # via ``search_esgf``. See ``config-developer.yml`` for definitions. Comment # out/replace as per needed. drs: CMIP3: ESGF CMIP5: ESGF CMIP6: ESGF CORDEX: ESGF obs4MIPs: ESGF # Run at most this many tasks in parallel --- [null]/1/2/3/4/... # Set to ``null`` to use the number of available CPUs. If you run out of # memory, try setting max_parallel_tasks to ``1`` and check the amount of # memory you need for that by inspecting the file ``run/resource_usage.txt`` in # the output directory. Using the number there you can increase the number of # parallel tasks again to a reasonable number for the amount of memory # available in your system. max_parallel_tasks: null # Log level of the console --- debug/[info]/warning/error # For much more information printed to screen set log_level to ``debug``. log_level: info # Exit on warning --- true/[false] # Only used in NCL diagnostic scripts. exit_on_warning: false # Plot file format --- [png]/pdf/ps/eps/epsi output_file_type: png # Remove the ``preproc`` directory if the run was successful --- [true]/false # By default this option is set to ``true``, so all preprocessor output files # will be removed after a successful run. Set to ``false`` if you need those files. remove_preproc_dir: true # Use netCDF compression --- true/[false] compress_netcdf: false # Save intermediary cubes in the preprocessor --- true/[false] # Setting this to ``true`` will save the output cube from each preprocessing # step. These files are numbered according to the preprocessing order. save_intermediary_cubes: false # Use a profiling tool for the diagnostic run --- [false]/true # A profiler tells you which functions in your code take most time to run. # For this purpose we use ``vprof``, see below for notes. Only available for # Python diagnostics. profile_diagnostic: false # Path to custom ``config-developer.yml`` file # This can be used to customise project configurations. See # ``config-developer.yml`` for an example. Set to ``null`` to use the default. config_developer_file: null The ``search_esgf`` setting can be used to disable or enable automatic downloads from ESGF. If ``search_esgf`` is set to ``never``, the tool does not download any data from the ESGF. If ``search_esgf`` is set to ``when_missing``, the tool will download any CMIP3, CMIP5, CMIP6, CORDEX, and obs4MIPs data that is required to run a recipe but not available locally and store it in ``download_dir`` using the ``ESGF`` directory structure defined in the :ref:`config-developer`. If ``search_esgf`` is set to ``always``, the tool will first check the ESGF for the needed data, regardless of any local data availability; if the data found on ESGF is newer than the local data (if any) or the user specifies a version of the data that is available only from the ESGF, then that data will be downloaded; otherwise, local data will be used. The ``auxiliary_data_dir`` setting is the path to place any required additional auxiliary data files. This is necessary because certain Python toolkits, such as cartopy, will attempt to download data files at run time, typically geographic data files such as coastlines or land surface maps. This can fail if the machine does not have access to the wider internet. This location allows the user to specify where to find such files if they can not be downloaded at runtime. The example user configuration file already contains two valid locations for ``auxiliary_data_dir`` directories on CEDA-JASMIN and DKRZ, and a number of such maps and shapefiles (used by current diagnostics) are already there. You will need ``esmeval`` group workspace membership to access the JASMIN one (see `instructions `_ how to gain access to the group workspace. .. warning:: This setting is not for model or observational datasets, rather it is for extra data files such as shapefiles or other data sources needed by the diagnostics. The ``profile_diagnostic`` setting triggers profiling of Python diagnostics, this will tell you which functions in the diagnostic took most time to run. For this purpose we use `vprof `_. For each diagnostic script in the recipe, the profiler writes a ``.json`` file that can be used to plot a `flame graph `__ of the profiling information by running .. code-block:: bash vprof --input-file esmvaltool_output/recipe_output/run/diagnostic/script/profile.json Note that it is also possible to use vprof to understand other resources used while running the diagnostic, including execution time of different code blocks and memory usage. A detailed explanation of the data finding-related sections of the ``config-user.yml`` (``rootpath`` and ``drs``) is presented in the :ref:`data-retrieval` section. This section relates directly to the data finding capabilities of ESMValTool and are very important to be understood by the user. .. note:: You can choose your ``config-user.yml`` file at run time, so you could have several of them available with different purposes. One for a formalised run, another for debugging, etc. You can even provide any config user value as a run flag ``--argument_name argument_value`` .. _config-dask: Dask distributed configuration ============================== The :ref:`preprocessor functions ` and many of the :ref:`Python diagnostics in ESMValTool ` make use of the :ref:`Iris ` library to work with the data. In Iris, data can be either :ref:`real or lazy `. Lazy data is represented by `dask arrays `_. Dask arrays consist of many small `numpy arrays `_ (called chunks) and if possible, computations are run on those small arrays in parallel. In order to figure out what needs to be computed when, Dask makes use of a '`scheduler `_'. The default scheduler in Dask is rather basic, so it can only run on a single computer and it may not always find the optimal task scheduling solution, resulting in excessive memory use when using e.g. the :func:`esmvalcore.preprocessor.multi_model_statistics` preprocessor function. Therefore it is recommended that you take a moment to configure the `Dask distributed `_ scheduler. A Dask scheduler and the 'workers' running the actual computations, are collectively called a 'Dask cluster'. In ESMValCore, the Dask cluster can configured by creating a file called ``~/.esmvaltool/dask.yml``, where ``~`` is short for your home directory. In this file, under the ``client`` keyword, the arguments to :obj:`distributed.Client` can be provided. Under the ``cluster`` keyword, the type of cluster (e.g. :obj:`distributed.LocalCluster`), as well as any arguments required to start the cluster can be provided. Extensive documentation on setting up Dask Clusters is available `here `__. .. warning:: The format of the ``~/.esmvaltool/dask.yml`` configuration file is not yet fixed and may change in the next release of ESMValCore. .. note:: If not all preprocessor functions support lazy data, computational performance may be best with the default scheduler. See :issue:`674` for progress on making all preprocessor functions lazy. **Example configurations** *Personal computer* Create a Dask distributed cluster on the computer running ESMValCore using all available resources: .. code:: yaml cluster: type: distributed.LocalCluster this should work well for most personal computers. .. note:: Note that, if running this configuration on a shared node of an HPC cluster, Dask will try and use as many resources it can find available, and this may lead to overcrowding the node by a single user (you)! *Shared computer* Create a Dask distributed cluster on the computer running ESMValCore, with 2 workers with 4 threads/4 GiB of memory each (8 GiB in total): .. code:: yaml cluster: type: distributed.LocalCluster n_workers: 2 threads_per_worker: 4 memory_limit: 4 GiB this should work well for shared computers. *Computer cluster* Create a Dask distributed cluster on the `Levante `_ supercomputer using the `Dask-Jobqueue `_ package: .. code:: yaml cluster: type: dask_jobqueue.SLURMCluster queue: shared account: bk1088 cores: 8 memory: 7680MiB processes: 2 interface: ib0 local_directory: "/scratch/b/b381141/dask-tmp" n_workers: 24 This will start 24 workers with ``cores / processes = 4`` threads each, resulting in ``n_workers / processes = 12`` Slurm jobs, where each Slurm job will request 8 CPU cores and 7680 MiB of memory and start ``processes = 2`` workers. This example will use the fast infiniband network connection (called ``ib0`` on Levante) for communication between workers running on different nodes. It is `important to set the right location for temporary storage `__, in this case the ``/scratch`` space is used. It is also possible to use environmental variables to configure the temporary storage location, if you cluster provides these. A configuration like this should work well for larger computations where it is advantageous to use multiple nodes in a compute cluster. See `Deploying Dask Clusters on High Performance Computers `_ for more information. *Externally managed Dask cluster* Use an externally managed cluster, e.g. a cluster that you started using the `Dask Jupyterlab extension `_: .. code:: yaml client: address: '' See `here `_ for an example of how to configure this on a remote system. For debugging purposes, it can be useful to start the cluster outside of ESMValCore because then `Dask dashboard `_ remains available after ESMValCore has finished running. **Advice on choosing performant configurations** The threads within a single worker can access the same memory locations, so they may freely pass around chunks, while communicating a chunk between workers is done by copying it, so this is (a bit) slower. Therefore it is beneficial for performance to have multiple threads per worker. However, due to limitations in the CPython implementation (known as the Global Interpreter Lock or GIL), only a single thread in a worker can execute Python code (this limitation does not apply to compiled code called by Python code, e.g. numpy), therefore the best performing configurations will typically not use much more than 10 threads per worker. Due to limitations of the NetCDF library (it is not thread-safe), only one of the threads in a worker can read or write to a NetCDF file at a time. Therefore, it may be beneficial to use fewer threads per worker if the computation is very simple and the runtime is determined by the speed with which the data can be read from and/or written to disk. .. _config-esgf: ESGF configuration ================== The ``esmvaltool run`` command can automatically download the files required to run a recipe from ESGF for the projects CMIP3, CMIP5, CMIP6, CORDEX, and obs4MIPs. The downloaded files will be stored in the ``download_dir`` specified in the :ref:`user configuration file`. To enable automatic downloads from ESGF, set ``search_esgf: when_missing`` or ``search_esgf: always`` in the :ref:`user configuration file`, or provide the corresponding command line arguments ``--search_esgf=when_missing`` or ``--search_esgf=always`` when running the recipe. .. note:: When running a recipe that uses many or large datasets on a machine that does not have any data available locally, the amount of data that will be downloaded can be in the range of a few hundred gigabyte to a few terrabyte. See :ref:`esmvaltool:inputdata` for advice on getting access to machines with large datasets already available. A log message will be displayed with the total amount of data that will be downloaded before starting the download. If you see that this is more than you would like to download, stop the tool by pressing the ``Ctrl`` and ``C`` keys on your keyboard simultaneously several times, edit the recipe so it contains fewer datasets and try again. For downloading some files, you may need to log in to be able to download the data. See the `ESGF user guide `_ for instructions on how to create an ESGF OpenID account if you do not have one yet. Note that the OpenID account consists of 3 components instead of the usual two, in addition a username and password you also need the hostname of the provider of the ID; for example `esgf-data.dkrz.de `_. Even though the account is issued by a particular host, the same OpenID account can be used to download data from all hosts in the ESGF. Next, configure your system so the ``esmvaltool`` can use your credentials. This can be done using the keyring_ package or they can be stored in a :ref:`configuration file `. .. _keyring: Storing credentials in keyring ------------------------------ First install the keyring package. Note that this requires a supported backend that may not be available on compute clusters, see the `keyring documentation `__ for more information. .. code-block:: bash pip install keyring Next, set your username and password by running the commands: .. code-block:: bash keyring set ESGF hostname keyring set ESGF username keyring set ESGF password for example, if you created an account on the host `esgf-data.dkrz.de`_ with username 'cookiemonster' and password 'Welcome01', run the command .. code-block:: bash keyring set ESGF hostname this will display the text .. code-block:: bash Password for 'hostname' in 'ESGF': type ``esgf-data.dkrz.de`` (the characters will not be shown) and press ``Enter``. Repeat the same procedure with ``keyring set ESGF username``, type ``cookiemonster`` and press ``Enter`` and ``keyring set ESGF password``, type ``Welcome01`` and press ``Enter``. To check that you entered your credentials correctly, run: .. code-block:: bash keyring get ESGF hostname keyring get ESGF username keyring get ESGF password .. _config_esgf_pyclient: Configuration file ------------------ An optional configuration file can be created for configuring how the tool uses `esgf-pyclient `_ to find and download data. The name of this file is ``~/.esmvaltool/esgf-pyclient.yml``. Logon ````` In the ``logon`` section you can provide arguments that will be passed on to :py:meth:`pyesgf.logon.LogonManager.logon`. For example, you can store the hostname, username, and password or your OpenID account in the file like this: .. code-block:: yaml logon: hostname: "your-hostname" username: "your-username" password: "your-password" for example .. code-block:: yaml logon: hostname: "esgf-data.dkrz.de" username: "cookiemonster" password: "Welcome01" if you created an account on the host `esgf-data.dkrz.de`_ with username 'cookiemonster' and password 'Welcome01'. Alternatively, you can configure an interactive log in: .. code-block:: yaml logon: interactive: true Note that storing your password in plain text in the configuration file is less secure. On shared systems, make sure the permissions of the file are set so only you and administrators can read it, i.e. .. code-block:: bash ls -l ~/.esmvaltool/esgf-pyclient.yml shows permissions ``-rw-------``. Search `````` Any arguments to :py:obj:`pyesgf.search.connection.SearchConnection` can be provided in the section ``search_connection``, for example: .. code-block:: yaml search_connection: expire_after: 2592000 # the number of seconds in a month to keep cached search results for a month. The default settings are: .. code-block:: yaml urls: - 'https://esgf.ceda.ac.uk/esg-search' - 'https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/esg-search' - 'https://esgf-data.dkrz.de/esg-search' - 'https://esgf-node.ipsl.upmc.fr/esg-search' - 'https://esg-dn1.nsc.liu.se/esg-search' - 'https://esgf.nci.org.au/esg-search' - 'https://esgf.nccs.nasa.gov/esg-search' - 'https://esgdata.gfdl.noaa.gov/esg-search' distrib: true timeout: 120 # seconds cache: '~/.esmvaltool/cache/pyesgf-search-results' expire_after: 86400 # cache expires after 1 day Note that by default the tool will try the `ESGF index nodes `_ in the order provided in the configuration file and use the first one that is online. Some ESGF index nodes may return search results faster than others, so you may be able to speed up the search for files by experimenting with placing different index nodes at the top of the list. If you experience errors while searching, it sometimes helps to delete the cached results. Download statistics ------------------- The tool will maintain statistics of how fast data can be downloaded from what host in the file ~/.esmvaltool/cache/esgf-hosts.yml and automatically select hosts that are faster. There is no need to manually edit this file, though it can be useful to delete it if you move your computer to a location that is very different from the place where you previously downloaded data. An entry in the file might look like this: .. code-block:: yaml esgf2.dkrz.de: duration (s): 8 error: false size (bytes): 69067460 speed (MB/s): 7.9 The tool only uses the duration and size to determine the download speed, the speed shown in the file is not used. If ``error`` is set to ``true``, the most recent download request to that host failed and the tool will automatically try this host only as a last resort. .. _config-developer: Developer configuration file ============================ Most users and diagnostic developers will not need to change this file, but it may be useful to understand its content. It will be installed along with ESMValCore and can also be viewed on GitHub: `esmvalcore/config-developer.yml `_. This configuration file describes the file system structure and CMOR tables for several key projects (CMIP6, CMIP5, obs4MIPs, OBS6, OBS) on several key machines (e.g. BADC, CP4CDS, DKRZ, ETHZ, SMHI, BSC), and for native output data for some models (ICON, IPSL, ... see :ref:`configure_native_models`). CMIP data is stored as part of the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) and the standards for file naming and paths to files are set out by CMOR and DRS. For a detailed description of these standards and their adoption in ESMValCore, we refer the user to :ref:`CMOR-DRS` section where we relate these standards to the data retrieval mechanism of the ESMValCore. By default, esmvaltool looks for it in the home directory, inside the '.esmvaltool' folder. Users can get a copy of this file with default values by running .. code-block:: bash esmvaltool config get-config-developer --path=${TARGET_FOLDER} If the option ``--path`` is omitted, the file will be created in ```${HOME}/.esmvaltool``. .. note:: Remember to change your config-user file if you want to use a custom config-developer. Example of the CMIP6 project configuration: .. code-block:: yaml CMIP6: input_dir: default: '/' BADC: '{activity}/{institute}/{dataset}/{exp}/{ensemble}/{mip}/{short_name}/{grid}/{version}' DKRZ: '{activity}/{institute}/{dataset}/{exp}/{ensemble}/{mip}/{short_name}/{grid}/{version}' ETHZ: '{exp}/{mip}/{short_name}/{dataset}/{ensemble}/{grid}/' input_file: '{short_name}_{mip}_{dataset}_{exp}_{ensemble}_{grid}*.nc' output_file: '{project}_{dataset}_{mip}_{exp}_{ensemble}_{short_name}' cmor_type: 'CMIP6' cmor_strict: true Input file paths ---------------- When looking for input files, the ``esmvaltool`` command provided by ESMValCore replaces the placeholders ``{item}`` in ``input_dir`` and ``input_file`` with the values supplied in the recipe. ESMValCore will try to automatically fill in the values for institute, frequency, and modeling_realm based on the information provided in the CMOR tables and/or extra_facets_ when reading the recipe. If this fails for some reason, these values can be provided in the recipe too. The data directory structure of the CMIP projects is set up differently at each site. As an example, the CMIP6 directory path on BADC would be: .. code-block:: yaml '{activity}/{institute}/{dataset}/{exp}/{ensemble}/{mip}/{short_name}/{grid}/{version}' The resulting directory path would look something like this: .. code-block:: bash CMIP/MOHC/HadGEM3-GC31-LL/historical/r1i1p1f3/Omon/tos/gn/latest Please, bear in mind that ``input_dirs`` can also be a list for those cases in which may be needed: .. code-block:: yaml - '{exp}/{ensemble}/original/{mip}/{short_name}/{grid}/{version}' - '{exp}/{ensemble}/computed/{mip}/{short_name}/{grid}/{version}' In that case, the resultant directories will be: .. code-block:: bash historical/r1i1p1f3/original/Omon/tos/gn/latest historical/r1i1p1f3/computed/Omon/tos/gn/latest For a more in-depth description of how to configure ESMValCore so it can find your data please see :ref:`CMOR-DRS`. Preprocessor output files ------------------------- The filename to use for preprocessed data is configured in a similar manner using ``output_file``. Note that the extension ``.nc`` (and if applicable, a start and end time) will automatically be appended to the filename. .. _cmor_table_configuration: Project CMOR table configuration -------------------------------- ESMValCore comes bundled with several CMOR tables, which are stored in the directory `esmvalcore/cmor/tables `_. These are copies of the tables available from `PCMDI `_. For every ``project`` that can be used in the recipe, there are four settings related to CMOR table settings available: * ``cmor_type``: can be ``CMIP5`` if the CMOR table is in the same format as the CMIP5 table or ``CMIP6`` if the table is in the same format as the CMIP6 table. * ``cmor_strict``: if this is set to ``false``, the CMOR table will be extended with variables from the :ref:`custom_cmor_tables` (by default loaded from the ``esmvalcore/cmor/tables/custom`` directory) and it is possible to use variables with a ``mip`` which is different from the MIP table in which they are defined. Note that this option is always enabled for :ref:`derived ` variables. * ``cmor_path``: path to the CMOR table. Relative paths are with respect to `esmvalcore/cmor/tables`_. Defaults to the value provided in ``cmor_type`` written in lower case. * ``cmor_default_table_prefix``: Prefix that needs to be added to the ``mip`` to get the name of the file containing the ``mip`` table. Defaults to the value provided in ``cmor_type``. .. _custom_cmor_tables: Custom CMOR tables ------------------ As mentioned in the previous section, the CMOR tables of projects that use ``cmor_strict: false`` will be extended with custom CMOR tables. For derived variables (the ones with ``derive: true`` in the recipe), the custom CMOR tables will always be considered. By default, these custom tables are loaded from `esmvalcore/cmor/tables/custom `_. However, by using the special project ``custom`` in the ``config-developer.yml`` file with the option ``cmor_path``, a custom location for these custom CMOR tables can be specified. In this case, the default custom tables are extended with those entries from the custom location (in case of duplication, the custom location tables take precedence). Example: .. code-block:: yaml custom: cmor_path: ~/my/own/custom_tables This path can be given as relative path (relative to `esmvalcore/cmor/tables`_) or as absolute path. Other options given for this special table will be ignored. Custom tables in this directory need to follow the naming convention ``CMOR_{short_name}.dat`` and need to be given in CMIP5 format. Example for the file ``CMOR_asr.dat``: .. code-block:: SOURCE: CMIP5 !============ variable_entry: asr !============ modeling_realm: atmos !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: units: W m-2 cell_methods: time: mean cell_measures: area: areacella long_name: Absorbed shortwave radiation !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude time type: real positive: down !---------------------------------- ! It is also possible to use a special coordinates file ``CMOR_coordinates.dat``, which will extend the entries from the default one (`esmvalcore/cmor/tables/custom/CMOR_coordinates.dat `_). .. _filterwarnings_config-developer: Filter preprocessor warnings ---------------------------- It is possible to ignore specific warnings of the preprocessor for a given ``project``. This is particularly useful for native datasets which do not follow the CMOR standard by default and consequently produce a lot of warnings when handled by Iris. This can be configured in the ``config-developer.yml`` file for some steps of the preprocessing chain. Currently supported preprocessor steps: * :func:`~esmvalcore.preprocessor.load` Here is an example on how to ignore specific warnings during the preprocessor step ``load`` for all datasets of project ``EMAC`` (taken from the default ``config-developer.yml`` file): .. code-block:: yaml ignore_warnings: load: - {message: 'Missing CF-netCDF formula term variable .*, referenced by netCDF variable .*', module: iris} - {message: 'Ignored formula of unrecognised type: .*', module: iris} The keyword arguments specified in the list items are directly passed to :func:`warnings.filterwarnings` in addition to ``action=ignore`` (may be overwritten in ``config-developer.yml``). .. _configure_native_models: Configuring datasets in native format ------------------------------------- ESMValCore can be configured for handling native model output formats and specific reanalysis/observation datasets without preliminary reformatting. These datasets can be either hosted under the ``native6`` project (mostly native reanalysis/observational datasets) or under a dedicated project, e.g., ``ICON`` (mostly native models). Example: .. code-block:: yaml native6: cmor_strict: false input_dir: default: 'Tier{tier}/{dataset}/{version}/{frequency}/{short_name}' input_file: default: '*.nc' output_file: '{project}_{dataset}_{type}_{version}_{mip}_{short_name}' cmor_type: 'CMIP6' cmor_default_table_prefix: 'CMIP6_' ICON: cmor_strict: false input_dir: default: - '{exp}' - '{exp}/outdata' input_file: default: '{exp}_{var_type}*.nc' output_file: '{project}_{dataset}_{exp}_{var_type}_{mip}_{short_name}' cmor_type: 'CMIP6' cmor_default_table_prefix: 'CMIP6_' A detailed description on how to add support for further native datasets is given :ref:`here `. .. hint:: When using native datasets, it might be helpful to specify a custom location for the :ref:`custom_cmor_tables`. This allows reading arbitrary variables from native datasets. Note that this requires the option ``cmor_strict: false`` in the :ref:`project configuration ` used for the native model output. .. _config-ref: References configuration file ============================= The `esmvaltool/config-references.yml `__ file contains the list of ESMValTool diagnostic and recipe authors, references and projects. Each author, project and reference referred to in the documentation section of a recipe needs to be in this file in the relevant section. For instance, the recipe ``recipe_ocean_example.yml`` file contains the following documentation section: .. code-block:: yaml documentation: authors: - demo_le maintainer: - demo_le references: - demora2018gmd projects: - ukesm These four items here are named people, references and projects listed in the ``config-references.yml`` file. .. _extra_facets: Extra Facets ============ It can be useful to automatically add extra key-value pairs to variables or datasets in the recipe. These key-value pairs can be used for :ref:`finding data ` or for providing extra information to the functions that :ref:`fix data ` before passing it on to the preprocessor. To support this, we provide the extra facets facilities. Facets are the key-value pairs described in :ref:`Datasets`. Extra facets allows for the addition of more details per project, dataset, mip table, and variable name. More precisely, one can provide this information in an extra yaml file, named `{project}-something.yml`, where `{project}` corresponds to the project as used by ESMValTool in :ref:`Datasets` and "something" is arbitrary. Format of the extra facets files -------------------------------- The extra facets are given in a yaml file, whose file name identifies the project. Inside the file there is a hierarchy of nested dictionaries with the following levels. At the top there is the `dataset` facet, followed by the `mip` table, and finally the `short_name`. The leaf dictionary placed here gives the extra facets that will be made available to data finder and the fix infrastructure. The following example illustrates the concept. .. _extra-facets-example-1: .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Extra facet example file `native6-era5.yml` ERA5: Amon: tas: {source_var_name: "t2m", cds_var_name: "2m_temperature"} The three levels of keys in this mapping can contain `Unix shell-style wildcards `_. The special characters used in shell-style wildcards are: +------------+----------------------------------------+ |Pattern | Meaning | +============+========================================+ | ``*`` | matches everything | +------------+----------------------------------------+ | ``?`` | matches any single character | +------------+----------------------------------------+ | ``[seq]`` | matches any character in ``seq`` | +------------+----------------------------------------+ | ``[!seq]`` | matches any character not in ``seq`` | +------------+----------------------------------------+ where ``seq`` can either be a sequence of characters or just a bunch of characters, for example ``[A-C]`` matches the characters ``A``, ``B``, and ``C``, while ``[AC]`` matches the characters ``A`` and ``C``. For example, this is used to automatically add ``product: output1`` to any variable of any CMIP5 dataset that does not have a ``product`` key yet: .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Extra facet example file `cmip5-product.yml `_ '*': '*': '*': {product: output1} Location of the extra facets files ---------------------------------- Extra facets files can be placed in several different places. When we use them to support a particular use-case within the ESMValTool project, they will be provided in the sub-folder `extra_facets` inside the package :mod:`esmvalcore.config`. If they are used from the user side, they can be either placed in `~/.esmvaltool/extra_facets` or in any other directory of the users choosing. In that case this directory must be added to the `config-user.yml` file under the `extra_facets_dir` setting, which can take a single directory or a list of directories. The order in which the directories are searched is 1. The internal directory `esmvalcore.config/extra_facets` 2. The default user directory `~/.esmvaltool/extra_facets` 3. The custom user directories in the order in which they are given in `config-user.yml`. The extra facets files within each of these directories are processed in lexicographical order according to their file name. In all cases it is allowed to supersede information from earlier files in later files. This makes it possible for the user to effectively override even internal default facets, for example to deal with local particularities in the data handling. Use of extra facets ------------------- For extra facets to be useful, the information that they provide must be applied. There are fundamentally two places where this comes into play. One is :ref:`the datafinder`, the other are :ref:`fixes`.