Source code for esmvalcore.preprocessor._weighting
"""Weighting preprocessor module."""
import logging
import iris
from ._supplementary_vars import register_supplementaries
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_land_fraction(cube):
"""Extract land fraction as :mod:`dask.array`."""
fx_cube = None
land_fraction = None
errors = []
fx_cube = cube.ancillary_variable("land_area_fraction")
except iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError:
fx_cube = cube.ancillary_variable("sea_area_fraction")
except iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError:
"Ancillary variables land/sea area fraction not "
"found in cube. Check ancillary data availability."
return (land_fraction, errors)
if fx_cube.var_name == "sftlf":
land_fraction = fx_cube.core_data() / 100.0
if fx_cube.var_name == "sftof":
land_fraction = 1.0 - fx_cube.core_data() / 100.0
return (land_fraction, errors)
variables=["sftlf", "sftof"],
def weighting_landsea_fraction(cube, area_type):
"""Weight fields using land or sea fraction.
This preprocessor function weights a field with its corresponding land or
sea area fraction (value between 0 and 1). The application of this is
important for most carbon cycle variables (and other land-surface outputs),
which are e.g. reported in units of `kgC m-2`. This actually refers to 'per
square meter of land/sea' and NOT 'per square meter of gridbox'. So in
order to integrate these globally or regionally one has to both area-weight
the quantity but also weight by the land/sea fraction.
cube : iris.cube.Cube
Data cube to be weighted. It should have an
:class:`iris.coords.AncillaryVariable` with standard name
``'land_area_fraction'`` or ``'sea_area_fraction'``. If both are
present, only the ``'land_area_fraction'`` will be used.
area_type : str
Use land (``'land'``) or sea (``'sea'``) fraction for weighting.
Land/sea fraction weighted cube.
``area_type`` is not ``'land'`` or ``'sea'``.
Land/sea fraction variables ``sftlf`` or ``sftof`` not found.
if area_type not in ("land", "sea"):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected 'land' or 'sea' for area_type, got '{area_type}'"
(land_fraction, errors) = _get_land_fraction(cube)
if land_fraction is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Weighting of '{cube.var_name}' with '{area_type}' fraction "
f"failed because of the following errors: {' '.join(errors)}"
core_data = cube.core_data()
if area_type == "land": = core_data * land_fraction
elif area_type == "sea": = core_data * (1.0 - land_fraction)
return cube