Source code for esmvalcore.preprocessor._units

"""Metadata operations on data cubes.

Allows for unit conversions.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging

import dask.array as da
import iris
import numpy as np
from cf_units import Unit
from iris.coords import AuxCoord, DimCoord
from iris.cube import Cube

from esmvalcore.iris_helpers import _try_special_unit_conversions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def convert_units(cube: Cube, units: str | Unit) -> Cube: """Convert the units of a cube to new ones (in-place). Note ---- Allows special unit conversions which transforms one quantity to another (physically related) quantity, which may also change the input cube's :attr:`~iris.cube.Cube.standard_name`. These quantities are identified via their ``standard_name`` and their ``units`` (units convertible to the ones defined are also supported). For example, this enables conversions between precipitation fluxes measured in ``kg m-2 s-1`` and precipitation rates measured in ``mm day-1`` (and vice versa). Currently, the following special conversions are supported: * ``precipitation_flux`` (``kg m-2 s-1``) -- ``lwe_precipitation_rate`` (``mm day-1``) * ``equivalent_thickness_at_stp_of_atmosphere_ozone_content`` (``m``) -- ``equivalent_thickness_at_stp_of_atmosphere_ozone_content`` (``DU``) Names in the list correspond to ``standard_names`` of the input data. Conversions are allowed from each quantity to any other quantity given in a bullet point. The corresponding target quantity is inferred from the desired target units. In addition, any other units convertible to the ones given are also supported (e.g., instead of ``mm day-1``, ``m s-1`` is also supported). Note that for precipitation variables, a water density of ``1000 kg m-3`` is assumed. Parameters ---------- cube: Input cube (modified in place). units: New units. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Converted cube. Just returned for convenience; input cube is modified in place. Raises ------ iris.exceptions.UnitConversionError Old units are unknown. ValueError Old units are not convertible to new units. """ try: cube.convert_units(units) except ValueError: if not _try_special_unit_conversions(cube, units): raise return cube
[docs] def accumulate_coordinate( cube: Cube, coordinate: str | DimCoord | AuxCoord, ) -> Cube: """Weight data using the bounds from a given coordinate. The resulting cube will then have units given by ``cube_units * coordinate_units``. Parameters ---------- cube: Data cube for the flux. coordinate: Name of the coordinate that will be used as weights. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Cube with the aggregated data. Raises ------ ValueError If the coordinate is not found in the cube. NotImplementedError If the coordinate is multidimensional. """ try: coord = cube.coord(coordinate) except iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError as err: raise ValueError( f"Requested coordinate {coordinate} not found in cube " f"{cube.summary(shorten=True)}", ) from err if coord.ndim > 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"Multidimensional coordinate {coord} not supported." ) array_module = da if coord.has_lazy_bounds() else np factor = AuxCoord( array_module.diff(coord.core_bounds())[..., -1], var_name=coord.var_name, long_name=coord.long_name, units=coord.units, ) result = cube * factor unit = result.units.format().split(" ")[-1] result.convert_units(unit) result.long_name = f"{cube.long_name} * {factor.long_name}" return result