Source code for esmvalcore.preprocessor._mask

"""Mask module.

Module that performs a number of masking operations that include:
masking with ancillary variables, masking with Natural Earth shapefiles
(land or ocean), masking on thresholds, missing values masking.

import logging
import os

import as shpreader
import dask.array as da
import iris
import numpy as np
import shapely.vectorized as shp_vect
from iris.analysis import Aggregator
from iris.util import rolling_window

from ._supplementary_vars import register_supplementaries

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_fx_mask(fx_data, fx_option, mask_type):
    """Build a percentage-thresholded mask from an fx file."""
    inmask = da.zeros_like(fx_data, bool)
    if mask_type == 'sftlf':
        if fx_option == 'land':
            # Mask land out
            inmask[fx_data > 50.] = True
        elif fx_option == 'sea':
            # Mask sea out
            inmask[fx_data <= 50.] = True
    elif mask_type == 'sftof':
        if fx_option == 'land':
            # Mask land out
            inmask[fx_data < 50.] = True
        elif fx_option == 'sea':
            # Mask sea out
            inmask[fx_data >= 50.] = True
    elif mask_type == 'sftgif':
        if fx_option == 'ice':
            # Mask ice out
            inmask[fx_data > 50.] = True
        elif fx_option == 'landsea':
            # Mask landsea out
            inmask[fx_data <= 50.] = True

    return inmask

def _apply_fx_mask(fx_mask, var_data):
    """Apply the fx data extracted mask on the actual processed data."""
    # Apply mask across
    old_mask =
    mask = old_mask | fx_mask
    var_data =, mask=mask)
    # maybe fill_value=1e+20

    return var_data

[docs] @register_supplementaries( variables=['sftlf', 'sftof'], required='prefer_at_least_one', ) def mask_landsea(cube, mask_out): """Mask out either land mass or sea (oceans, seas and lakes). It uses dedicated ancillary variables (sftlf or sftof) or, in their absence, it applies a `Natural Earth <>`_ mask (land or ocean contours). Note that the Natural Earth masks have different resolutions: 10m for land, and 50m for seas. These are more than enough for masking climate model data. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube data cube to be masked. If the cube has an :class:`iris.coords.AncillaryVariable` with standard name ``'land_area_fraction'`` or ``'sea_area_fraction'`` that will be used. If both are present, only the 'land_area_fraction' will be used. If the ancillary variable is not available, the mask will be calculated from Natural Earth shapefiles. mask_out: str either "land" to mask out land mass or "sea" to mask out seas. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Returns the masked iris cube. Raises ------ ValueError Error raised if masking on irregular grids is attempted without an ancillary variable. Irregular grids are not currently supported for masking with Natural Earth shapefile masks. """ # Dict to store the Natural Earth masks cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) # ne_10m_land is fast; ne_10m_ocean is very slow shapefiles = { 'land': os.path.join(cwd, 'ne_masks/ne_10m_land.shp'), 'sea': os.path.join(cwd, 'ne_masks/ne_50m_ocean.shp') } # preserve importance order: try stflf first then sftof fx_cube = None try: fx_cube = cube.ancillary_variable('land_area_fraction') except iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError: try: fx_cube = cube.ancillary_variable('sea_area_fraction') except iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError: logger.debug('Ancillary variables land/sea area fraction not ' 'found in cube. Check fx_file availability.') if fx_cube: fx_cube_data = da.broadcast_to(fx_cube.core_data(), cube.shape) landsea_mask = _get_fx_mask(fx_cube_data, mask_out, fx_cube.var_name) = _apply_fx_mask(landsea_mask, cube.core_data()) logger.debug("Applying land-sea mask: %s", fx_cube.var_name) else: if cube.coord('longitude').points.ndim < 2: cube = _mask_with_shp(cube, shapefiles[mask_out], [ 0, ]) logger.debug( "Applying land-sea mask from Natural Earth shapefile: \n%s", shapefiles[mask_out], ) else: msg = ("Use of shapefiles with irregular grids not yet " "implemented, land-sea mask not applied.") raise ValueError(msg) return cube
[docs] @register_supplementaries( variables=['sftgif'], required='require_at_least_one', ) def mask_landseaice(cube, mask_out): """Mask out either landsea (combined) or ice. Function that masks out either landsea (land and seas) or ice (Antarctica, Greenland and some glaciers). It uses dedicated ancillary variables (sftgif). Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube data cube to be masked. It should have an :class:`iris.coords.AncillaryVariable` with standard name ``'land_ice_area_fraction'``. mask_out: str either "landsea" to mask out landsea or "ice" to mask out ice. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Returns the masked iris cube with either land or ice masked out. Raises ------ ValueError Error raised if landsea-ice mask not found as an ancillary variable. """ # sftgif is the only one so far but users can set others fx_cube = None try: fx_cube = cube.ancillary_variable('land_ice_area_fraction') except iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError: logger.debug('Ancillary variable land ice area fraction ' 'not found in cube. Check fx_file availability.') if fx_cube: fx_cube_data = da.broadcast_to(fx_cube.core_data(), cube.shape) landice_mask = _get_fx_mask(fx_cube_data, mask_out, fx_cube.var_name) = _apply_fx_mask(landice_mask, cube.core_data()) logger.debug("Applying landsea-ice mask: sftgif") else: msg = "Landsea-ice mask could not be found. Stopping. " raise ValueError(msg) return cube
[docs] def mask_glaciated(cube, mask_out: str = "glaciated"): """Mask out glaciated areas. It applies a Natural Earth mask. Note that for computational reasons only the 10 largest polygons are used for masking. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube data cube to be masked. mask_out: str "glaciated" to mask out glaciated areas Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Returns the masked iris cube. Raises ------ ValueError Error raised if masking on irregular grids is attempted or if mask_out has a wrong value. """ # Dict to store the Natural Earth masks cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) # read glaciated shapefile shapefiles = { 'glaciated': os.path.join(cwd, 'ne_masks/ne_10m_glaciated_areas.shp'), } if mask_out == 'glaciated': cube = _mask_with_shp(cube, shapefiles[mask_out], [ 1859, 1860, 1861, 1857, 1858, 1716, 1587, 1662, 1578, 1606, ]) logger.debug( "Applying glaciated areas mask from Natural Earth" " shapefile: \n%s", shapefiles[mask_out]) else: msg = (f"Invalid argument mask_out: {mask_out}") raise ValueError(msg) return cube
def _get_geometries_from_shp(shapefilename): """Get the mask geometries out from a shapefile.""" reader = shpreader.Reader(shapefilename) # Index 0 grabs the lowest resolution mask (no zoom) geometries = list(reader.geometries()) if not geometries: msg = "Could not find any geometry in {}".format(shapefilename) raise ValueError(msg) # TODO might need this for a later, more enhanced, version # geometries = sorted(geometries, key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True) return geometries def _mask_with_shp(cube, shapefilename, region_indices=None): """Apply a Natural Earth land/sea mask. Apply a pre-made land or sea mask that is extracted form a Natural Earth shapefile (proprietary file format). The masking process is performed by checking if any given (x, y) point from the data cube lies within the desired geometries (eg land, sea) stored in the shapefile (this is done via shapefle vectorization and is fast). region_indices is a list of indices that the user will want to index the regions on (select a region by its index as it is listed in the shapefile). """ # Create the region regions = _get_geometries_from_shp(shapefilename) if region_indices: regions = [regions[idx] for idx in region_indices] # Create a set of x,y points from the cube # 1D regular grids if cube.coord('longitude').points.ndim < 2: x_p, y_p = da.meshgrid( cube.coord(axis='X').points, cube.coord(axis='Y').points) # 2D irregular grids; spit an error for now else: msg = ("No fx-files found (sftlf or sftof)!" "2D grids are suboptimally masked with " "Natural Earth masks. Exiting.") raise ValueError(msg) # Wrap around longitude coordinate to match data x_p_180 = da.where(x_p >= 180., x_p - 360., x_p) # the NE mask has no points at x = -180 and y = +/-90 # so we will fool it and apply the mask at (-179, -89, 89) instead x_p_180 = da.where(x_p_180 == -180., x_p_180 + 1., x_p_180) y_p_0 = da.where(y_p == -90., y_p + 1., y_p) y_p_90 = da.where(y_p_0 == 90., y_p_0 - 1., y_p_0) mask = None for region in regions: # Build mask with vectorization if mask is None: mask = shp_vect.contains(region, x_p_180, y_p_90) else: mask |= shp_vect.contains(region, x_p_180, y_p_90) mask = da.array(mask) iris.util.broadcast_to_shape(mask, cube.shape, cube.coord_dims('latitude') + cube.coord_dims('longitude')) old_mask = mask = old_mask | mask =, mask=mask) return cube def count_spells(data, threshold, axis, spell_length): """Count data occurrences. Define a function to perform the custom statistical operation. Note: in order to meet the requirements of iris.analysis.Aggregator, it must do the calculation over an arbitrary (given) data axis. Function to calculate the number of points in a sequence where the value has exceeded a threshold value for at least a certain number of timepoints. Generalised to operate on multiple time sequences arranged on a specific axis of a multidimensional array. Parameters ---------- data: ndarray raw data to be compared with value threshold. threshold: float threshold point for 'significant' datapoints. axis: int number of the array dimension mapping the time sequences. (Can also be negative, e.g. '-1' means last dimension) spell_length: int number of consecutive times at which value > threshold to "count". Returns ------- int Number of counts. """ if axis < 0: # just cope with negative axis numbers axis += data.ndim # Threshold the data to find the 'significant' points. if not threshold: data_hits = np.ones_like(data, dtype=bool) else: data_hits = data > float(threshold) # Make an array with data values "windowed" along the time axis. ############################################################### # WARNING: default step is = window size i.e. no overlapping # if you want overlapping windows set the step to be m*spell_length # where m is a float ############################################################### hit_windows = rolling_window(data_hits, window=spell_length, step=spell_length, axis=axis) # Find the windows "full of True-s" (along the added 'window axis'). full_windows = np.all(hit_windows, axis=axis + 1) # Count points fulfilling the condition (along the time axis). spell_point_counts = np.sum(full_windows, axis=axis, dtype=int) return spell_point_counts
[docs] def mask_above_threshold(cube, threshold): """Mask above a specific threshold value. Takes a value 'threshold' and masks off anything that is above it in the cube data. Values equal to the threshold are not masked. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube iris cube to be thresholded. threshold: float threshold to be applied on input cube data. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube thresholded cube. """ = ( > threshold, cube.core_data())) return cube
[docs] def mask_below_threshold(cube, threshold): """Mask below a specific threshold value. Takes a value 'threshold' and masks off anything that is below it in the cube data. Values equal to the threshold are not masked. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube iris cube to be thresholded threshold: float threshold to be applied on input cube data. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube thresholded cube. """ = ( < threshold, cube.core_data())) return cube
[docs] def mask_inside_range(cube, minimum, maximum): """Mask inside a specific threshold range. Takes a MINIMUM and a MAXIMUM value for the range, and masks off anything that's between the two in the cube data. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube iris cube to be thresholded minimum: float lower threshold to be applied on input cube data. maximum: float upper threshold to be applied on input cube data. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube thresholded cube. """ =, minimum, maximum) return cube
[docs] def mask_outside_range(cube, minimum, maximum): """Mask outside a specific threshold range. Takes a MINIMUM and a MAXIMUM value for the range, and masks off anything that's outside the two in the cube data. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube iris cube to be thresholded minimum: float lower threshold to be applied on input cube data. maximum: float upper threshold to be applied on input cube data. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube thresholded cube. """ =, minimum, maximum) return cube
def _get_shape(cubes): """Check and get shape of cubes.""" shapes = {cube.shape for cube in cubes} if len(shapes) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Expected cubes with identical shapes, got shapes {shapes}") return list(shapes)[0] def _multimodel_mask_cubes(cubes, shape): """Apply common mask to all cubes in-place.""" # Create mask mask = da.full(shape, False, dtype=bool) for cube in cubes: new_mask = mask |= new_mask # Apply common mask for cube in cubes: =, mask=mask) return cubes def _multimodel_mask_products(products, shape): """Apply common mask to all cubes of products in-place.""" # Create mask and get products used for mask mask = da.full(shape, False, dtype=bool) used_products = set() for product in products: for cube in product.cubes: new_mask = mask |= new_mask if da.any(new_mask): used_products.add(product) # Apply common mask and update provenance information used_products = {p.copy_provenance() for p in used_products} for product in products: for cube in product.cubes: =, mask=mask) for other_product in used_products: if other_product.filename != product.filename: product.wasderivedfrom(other_product) return products
[docs] def mask_multimodel(products): """Apply common mask to all datasets (using logical OR). Parameters ---------- products : iris.cube.CubeList or list of PreprocessorFile Data products/cubes to be masked. Returns ------- iris.cube.CubeList or list of PreprocessorFile Masked data products/cubes. Raises ------ ValueError Datasets have different shapes. TypeError Invalid input data. """ if not products: return products # Check input types if all(isinstance(p, iris.cube.Cube) for p in products): cubes = products shape = _get_shape(cubes) return _multimodel_mask_cubes(cubes, shape) if all(type(p).__name__ == 'PreprocessorFile' for p in products): # Avoid circular input: cubes = iris.cube.CubeList() for product in products: cubes.extend(product.cubes) if not cubes: return products shape = _get_shape(cubes) return _multimodel_mask_products(products, shape) product_types = {type(p) for p in products} raise TypeError( f"Input type for mask_multimodel not understood. Expected " f"iris.cube.Cube or esmvalcore.preprocessor.PreprocessorFile, " f"got {product_types}")
[docs] def mask_fillvalues(products, threshold_fraction, min_value=None, time_window=1): """Compute and apply a multi-dataset fillvalues mask. Construct the mask that fills a certain time window with missing values if the number of values in that specific window is less than a given fractional threshold. This function is the extension of _get_fillvalues_mask and performs the combination of missing values masks from each model (of multimodels) into a single fillvalues mask to be applied to each model. Parameters ---------- products: iris.cube.Cube data products to be masked. threshold_fraction: float fractional threshold to be used as argument for Aggregator. Must be between 0 and 1. min_value: float minimum value threshold; default None If default, no thresholding applied so the full mask will be selected. time_window: float time window to compute missing data counts; default set to 1. Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Masked iris cubes. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Implementation missing for data with higher dimensionality than 4. """ combined_mask = None logger.debug("Creating fillvalues mask") used = set() for product in products: for cube in product.cubes: =, copy=False) mask = _get_fillvalues_mask(cube, threshold_fraction, min_value, time_window) if combined_mask is None: combined_mask = np.zeros_like(mask) # Select only valid (not all masked) pressure levels n_dims = len(mask.shape) if n_dims == 2: valid = ~np.all(mask) if valid: combined_mask |= mask used.add(product) elif n_dims == 3: valid = ~np.all(mask, axis=(1, 2)) combined_mask[valid] |= mask[valid] if np.any(valid): used.add(product) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unable to handle {n_dims} dimensional data" ) if np.any(combined_mask): logger.debug("Applying fillvalues mask") used = {p.copy_provenance() for p in used} for product in products: for cube in product.cubes: |= combined_mask for other in used: if other.filename != product.filename: product.wasderivedfrom(other) return products
def _get_fillvalues_mask(cube, threshold_fraction, min_value, time_window): """Compute the per-model missing values mask. Construct the mask that fills a certain time window with missing values if the number of values in that specific window is less than a given fractional threshold; it uses a custom iris Aggregator function that aggregates the cube data by a given time window and counts the number of valid (unmasked) data points within that window; a simple value thresholding is also applied if needed. """ # basic checks if threshold_fraction < 0 or threshold_fraction > 1.0: raise ValueError( f"Fraction of missing values {threshold_fraction} should be " f"between 0 and 1.0" ) nr_time_points = len(cube.coord('time').points) if time_window > nr_time_points: msg = "Time window (in time units) larger than total time span. Stop." raise ValueError(msg) max_counts_per_time_window = nr_time_points / time_window # round to lower integer counts_threshold = int(max_counts_per_time_window * threshold_fraction) # Make an aggregator spell_count = Aggregator('spell_count', count_spells, units_func=lambda units: 1) # Calculate the statistic. counts_windowed_cube = cube.collapsed('time', spell_count, threshold=min_value, spell_length=time_window) # Create mask mask = < counts_threshold if mask = | mask.mask return mask