Source code for esmvaltool.diag_scripts.ocean.diagnostic_timeseries

Time series diagnostics

Diagnostic to produce figures of the time development of a field from
cubes. These plost show time on the x-axis and cube value (ie temperature) on
the y-axis.

Two types of plots are produced: individual model timeseries plots and
multi model time series plots. The inidivual plots show the results from a
single cube, even if this is a mutli-model mean made by the
preproccessor. The multi model time series plots show several models
on the same axes, where each model is represented by a different line colour.

Note that this diagnostic assumes that the preprocessors do the bulk of the
hard work, and that the cube received by this diagnostic (via the settings.yml
and metadata.yml files) has a time component, no depth component, and no
latitude or longitude coordinates.

An approproate preprocessor for a 3D+time field would be::

    prep_timeseries_1:# For Global Volume Averaged
        operator: mean

An approproate preprocessor for a 3D+time field at the surface would be::

    prep_timeseries_2: # For Global surface Averaged
        levels:  [0., ]
        scheme: linear_extrap
        operator: mean

An approproate preprocessor for a 2D+time field would be::

    prep_timeseries_2: # For Global surface Averaged
        operator: mean

This tool is part of the ocean diagnostic tools package in the ESMValTool.

Author: Lee de Mora (PML)

import logging
import os

import iris
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.ocean import diagnostic_tools as diagtools
from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared import run_diagnostic
from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared import ProvenanceLogger

# This part sends debug statements to stdout
logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))

[docs]def timeplot(cube, **kwargs): """ Create a time series plot from the cube. Note that this function simple does the plotting, it does not save the image or do any of the complex work. This function also takes and of the key word arguments accepted by the matplotlib.pyplot.plot function. These arguments are typically, color, linewidth, linestyle, etc... If there's only one datapoint in the cube, it is plotted as a horizontal line. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube Input cube """ cubedata = if len(cubedata.compressed()) == 1: plt.axhline(cubedata.compressed(), **kwargs) return times = diagtools.cube_time_to_float(cube) plt.plot(times, cubedata, **kwargs)
[docs]def moving_average(cube, window): """ Calculate a moving average. The window is a string which is a number and a measuremet of time. For instance, the following are acceptable window strings: * ``5 days`` * ``12 years`` * ``1 month`` * ``5 yr`` Also note the the value used is the total width of the window. For instance, if the window provided was '10 years', the the moving average returned would be the average of all values within 5 years of the central value. In the case of edge conditions, at the start an end of the data, they only include the average of the data available. Ie the first value in the moving average of a ``10 year`` window will only include the average of the five subsequent years. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube Input cube window: str A description of the window to use for the Returns ---------- iris.cube.Cube: A cube with the movinage average set as the data points. """ window = window.split() window_len = int(window[0]) / 2. win_units = str(window[1]) if win_units not in [ 'days', 'day', 'dy', 'months', 'month', 'mn', 'years', 'yrs', 'year', 'yr' ]: raise ValueError( f'Moving average window units not recognised: {win_units}') times = cube.coord('time').units.num2date(cube.coord('time').points) datetime = diagtools.guess_calendar_datetime(cube) output = [] times = np.array([ datetime(time_itr.year, time_itr.month,, time_itr.hour, time_itr.minute) for time_itr in times ]) for time_itr in times: if win_units in ['years', 'yrs', 'year', 'yr']: tmin = datetime(time_itr.year - window_len, time_itr.month,, time_itr.hour, time_itr.minute) tmax = datetime(time_itr.year + window_len, time_itr.month,, time_itr.hour, time_itr.minute) if win_units in ['months', 'month', 'mn']: tmin = datetime(time_itr.year, time_itr.month - window_len,, time_itr.hour, time_itr.minute) tmax = datetime(time_itr.year, time_itr.month + window_len,, time_itr.hour, time_itr.minute) if win_units in ['days', 'day', 'dy']: tmin = datetime(time_itr.year, time_itr.month, - window_len, time_itr.hour, time_itr.minute) tmax = datetime(time_itr.year, time_itr.month, + window_len, time_itr.hour, time_itr.minute) arr = < tmin) + (times > tmax), output.append(arr.mean()) = np.array(output) return cube
[docs]def make_time_series_plots( cfg, metadata, filename, ): """ Make a simple time series plot for an indivudual model 1D cube. This tool loads the cube from the file, checks that the units are sensible BGC units, checks for layers, adjusts the titles accordingly, determines the ultimate file name and format, then saves the image. Parameters ---------- cfg: dict the opened global config dictionairy, passed by ESMValTool. metadata: dict The metadata dictionairy for a specific model. filename: str The preprocessed model file. """ # Load cube and set up units cube = iris.load_cube(filename) cube = diagtools.bgc_units(cube, metadata['short_name']) # Is this data is a multi-model dataset? multi_model = metadata['dataset'].find('MultiModel') > -1 # Make a dict of cubes for each layer. cubes = diagtools.make_cube_layer_dict(cube) # Load image format extention image_extention = diagtools.get_image_format(cfg) # Making plots for each layer for layer_index, (layer, cube_layer) in enumerate(cubes.items()): layer = str(layer) if 'moving_average' in cfg: cube_layer = moving_average(cube_layer, cfg['moving_average']) if multi_model: timeplot(cube_layer, label=metadata['dataset'], ls=':') else: timeplot(cube_layer, label=metadata['dataset']) # Add title, legend to plots title = ' '.join([metadata['dataset'], metadata['long_name']]) if layer != '': if cube_layer.coords('depth'): z_units = cube_layer.coord('depth').units else: z_units = '' title = ' '.join([title, '(', layer, str(z_units), ')']) plt.title(title) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel(str(cube_layer.units)) # Determine image filename: if multi_model: path = diagtools.get_image_path( cfg, metadata, prefix='MultiModel', suffix='_'.join(['timeseries', str(layer) + image_extention]), metadata_id_list=[ 'field', 'short_name', 'preprocessor', 'diagnostic', 'start_year', 'end_year' ], ) caption = ' '.join([ 'Time series of', metadata["dataset"], metadata["long_name"], 'with MultiModel value', ]) else: path = diagtools.get_image_path( cfg, metadata, suffix='timeseries_' + str(layer_index) + image_extention, ) caption = ' '.join([ 'Time series of', metadata["dataset"], metadata["long_name"], ]) # Saving files'Saving plots to %s', path) plt.savefig(path) plt.close() provenance_record = diagtools.prepare_provenance_record( cfg, caption=caption, statistics=['mean'], domain=['global'], plot_type=['times'], ancestors=filename, ) with ProvenanceLogger(cfg) as provenance_logger: provenance_logger.log(path, provenance_record)
[docs]def multi_model_time_series( cfg, metadata, ): """ Make a time series plot showing several preprocesssed datasets. This tool loads several cubes from the files, checks that the units are sensible BGC units, checks for layers, adjusts the titles accordingly, determines the ultimate file name and format, then saves the image. Parameters ---------- cfg: dict the opened global config dictionairy, passed by ESMValTool. metadata: dict The metadata dictionairy for a specific model. """ #### # Load the data for each layer as a separate cube model_cubes = {} layers = {} for filename in sorted(metadata): if metadata[filename]['frequency'] != 'fx': cube = iris.load_cube(filename) cube = diagtools.bgc_units(cube, metadata[filename]['short_name']) cubes = diagtools.make_cube_layer_dict(cube) model_cubes[filename] = cubes for layer in cubes: layers[layer] = True # Load image format extention image_extention = diagtools.get_image_format(cfg) # Make a plot for each layer for layer in layers: title = '' z_units = '' plot_details = {} cmap ='viridis') # Plot each file in the group for index, filename in enumerate(sorted(metadata)): if len(metadata) > 1: color = cmap(index / (len(metadata) - 1.)) else: color = 'blue' # Take a moving average, if needed. if 'moving_average' in cfg: cube = moving_average(model_cubes[filename][layer], cfg['moving_average']) else: cube = model_cubes[filename][layer] if 'MultiModel' in metadata[filename]['dataset']: timeplot( cube, c=color, # label=metadata[filename]['dataset'], ls=':', lw=2., ) plot_details[filename] = { 'c': color, 'ls': ':', 'lw': 2., 'label': metadata[filename]['dataset'] } else: timeplot( cube, c=color, # label=metadata[filename]['dataset']) ls='-', lw=2., ) plot_details[filename] = { 'c': color, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 2., 'label': metadata[filename]['dataset'] } title = metadata[filename]['long_name'] if layer != '': if model_cubes[filename][layer].coords('depth'): z_units = model_cubes[filename][layer].coord('depth').units else: z_units = '' # Add title, legend to plots if layer: title = ' '.join([title, '(', str(layer), str(z_units), ')']) plt.title(title) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel(str(model_cubes[filename][layer].units)) # Saving files: path = diagtools.get_image_path( cfg, metadata[filename], prefix='MultipleModels_', suffix='_'.join(['timeseries', str(layer) + image_extention]), metadata_id_list=[ 'field', 'short_name', 'preprocessor', 'diagnostic', 'start_year', 'end_year' ], ) # Resize and add legend outside thew axes. plt.gcf().set_size_inches(9., 6.) diagtools.add_legend_outside_right( plot_details, plt.gca(), column_width=0.15)'Saving plots to %s', path) plt.savefig(path) plt.close() provenance_record = diagtools.prepare_provenance_record( cfg, caption=f'Time series of {title}', statistics=['mean'], domain=['global'], plot_type=['times'], ancestors=list(metadata.keys()), ) with ProvenanceLogger(cfg) as provenance_logger: provenance_logger.log(path, provenance_record)
[docs]def main(cfg): """ Load the config file and some metadata, then pass them the plot making tools. Parameters ---------- cfg: dict the opened global config dictionairy, passed by ESMValTool. """ for index, metadata_filename in enumerate(cfg['input_files']):'metadata filename:\t%s', metadata_filename) metadatas = diagtools.get_input_files(cfg, index=index) ####### # Multi model time series multi_model_time_series( cfg, metadatas, ) for filename in sorted(metadatas): if metadatas[filename]['frequency'] != 'fx':'-----------------') 'model filenames:\t%s', filename, ) ###### # Time series of individual model make_time_series_plots(cfg, metadatas[filename], filename)'Success')
if __name__ == '__main__': with run_diagnostic() as config: main(config)