Source code for esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._validation

"""Load functions needed by diags with CONTROL and EXPERIMENT."""
import logging
import os
import sys

import iris
from esmvalcore.preprocessor import climate_statistics

from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared import select_metadata

logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))

def _disentagle_iden_datasets(dat_selection):
    Disentangle identical dataset names for CONTROL and EXPERIMENT.

    This func takes a list of exactly two dictionaries
    that have the same value for `dataset` key and returns a composite
    dataset name assembled from the actual dataset name + parameter that
    is different between the two dicts (e.g. mip or exp or grid etc.)
    orig_ctrl, orig_exper = dat_selection
    dif_pars = [
        key for key in orig_ctrl.keys() & orig_exper
        if orig_ctrl[key] != orig_exper[key]

    # do not populate dataset name with these (long) params
    unwanted_pars = ['filename', 'alias', 'recipe_dataset_index']
    dif_pars = [
        dif_par for dif_par in dif_pars if dif_par not in unwanted_pars
    if not dif_pars:
        logger.error("Your CONTROL and EXPERIMENT "
                     "datasets are completely identical, your analysis "
                     "will output garbage, exiting.")

    # assemble new dataset names
    new_ctrl = [str(orig_ctrl[k]) for k in dif_pars]
    new_ctrl = orig_ctrl['dataset'] + "-" + "-".join(new_ctrl)
    new_exper = [str(orig_exper[k]) for k in dif_pars]
    new_exper = orig_exper['dataset'] + "-" + "-".join(new_exper)

    # recast the new names in the old dicts
    orig_ctrl['dataset'] = new_ctrl
    orig_exper['dataset'] = new_exper

    return orig_ctrl, orig_exper

[docs]def get_control_exper_obs(short_name, input_data, cfg, cmip_type): """ Get control, exper and obs datasets. This function is used when running recipes that need a clear distinction between a control dataset, an experiment dataset and have optional obs (OBS, obs4MIPs etc) datasets; such recipes include recipe_validation, and all the autoassess ones; short_name: variable short name input_data: dict containing the input data info cfg: config file as used in this module """ # select data per short name and CMIP type dataset_selection = select_metadata( input_data, short_name=short_name, project=cmip_type) # get the obs datasets if specified in recipe if 'observational_datasets' in cfg: obs_selection = [ select_metadata( input_data, short_name=short_name, dataset=obs_dataset)[0] for obs_dataset in cfg['observational_datasets'] ] else: obs_selection = [] # print out OBS's if obs_selection:"Observations dataset(s) %s", [obs['dataset'] for obs in obs_selection]) # determine CONTROL and EXPERIMENT datasets # corner case: they could be the same dataset name if cfg['control_model'] == cfg['exper_model']:"Identical Control/Experiment dataset names: %s", dataset_selection[0]['dataset']) control, experiment = _disentagle_iden_datasets(dataset_selection) return control, experiment, obs_selection # if they're not the same dataset, fire away for model in dataset_selection: if model['dataset'] == cfg['control_model']:"Control dataset %s", model['dataset']) control = model elif model['dataset'] == cfg['exper_model']:"Experiment dataset %s", model['dataset']) experiment = model return control, experiment, obs_selection
# apply supermeans: handy function that loads CONTROL, EXPERIMENT # and OBS (if any) files and applies climate_statistics() to mean the cubes
[docs]def apply_supermeans(ctrl, exper, obs_list): """ Apply supermeans on data components ie MEAN on time. This function is an extension of climate_statistics() meant to ease the time-meaning procedure when dealing with CONTROL, EXPERIMENT and OBS (if any) datasets. ctrl: dictionary of CONTROL dataset exper: dictionary of EXPERIMENT dataset obs_lis: list of dicts for OBS datasets (0, 1 or many) Returns: control and experiment cubes and list of obs cubes """ ctrl_file = ctrl['filename'] exper_file = exper['filename'] ctrl_cube = iris.load_cube(ctrl_file) exper_cube = iris.load_cube(exper_file) ctrl_cube = climate_statistics(ctrl_cube) exper_cube = climate_statistics(exper_cube) if obs_list: obs_cube_list = [] for obs in obs_list: obs_file = obs['filename'] obs_cube = iris.load_cube(obs_file) obs_cube = climate_statistics(obs_cube) obs_cube_list.append(obs_cube) else: obs_cube_list = None return ctrl_cube, exper_cube, obs_cube_list