Source code for esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._diag

"""Convenience classes and functions to implement python diagnostics.

Import and use these basic classes by e.g.::

    import esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared as e
    datasets = e.Datasets(cfg)
    variables = e.Variables(cfg)

An example diagnostic using these classes is given in


import collections
import logging

from . import names as n

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Global variables
DEFAULT_INFO = 'not_specified'

# Variable class containing all relevant information
Variable = collections.namedtuple('Variable', [n.SHORT_NAME,

[docs]class Variables(object): """Class to easily access a recipe's variables in a diagnostic. Examples -------- Get all variables of a recipe configuration `cfg`:: variables = Variables(cfg) Access information of a variable `tas`:: variables.short_name('tas') variables.standard_name('tas') variables.long_name('tas') variables.units('tas') Access :mod:`iris`-suitable dictionary of a variable `tas`:: variables.iris_dict('tas') Check if variables `tas` and `pr` are available:: variables.vars_available('tas', 'pr') """ def __init__(self, cfg=None, **names): """Load variables. Parameters ---------- cfg : dict, optional Configuation dictionary of the recipe. **names : dict or Variable, optional Keyword arguments of the form `short_name=Variable_object` where `Variable_object` can be given as :obj:`dict` or :class:`Variable`. """ self._dict = {} # Add variables from cfg file if cfg is not None: success = True if isinstance(cfg, dict): data = cfg.get(n.INPUT_DATA) if isinstance(data, dict): for info in data.values(): name = info.get(n.SHORT_NAME, DEFAULT_INFO) attr = Variable( name, info.get(n.STANDARD_NAME, DEFAULT_INFO), info.get(n.LONG_NAME, DEFAULT_INFO), info.get(n.UNITS, DEFAULT_INFO)) self._add_to_dict(name, attr) else: success = False else: success = False if not success: logger.warning("%s is not a valid configuration file!", cfg) if not self._dict: logger.warning("Empty recipe configuration: the automatic " "import of variables does not work for chained " "scripts (using 'ancestors' key)") # Add costum variables self.add_vars(**names) if not self._dict: logger.warning("No variables found!") def __repr__(self): """Representation of the class.""" output = '' for (name, attr) in self._dict.items(): output += '{}: {}\n'.format(name, attr) return output def _add_to_dict(self, name, attr): """Add variable to class dictionary. Parameters ---------- name : str `short_name` of the variable. attr : Variable All other information of the variable. """ if name not in self._dict: logger.debug("Added variable '%s' to collection", name) self._dict[name] = attr
[docs] def add_vars(self, **names): """Add costum variables to the class. Parameters ---------- **names : dict or Variable, optional Keyword arguments of the form `short_name=Variable_object` where `Variable_object` can be given as :obj:`dict` or :class:`Variable`. """ for (name, attr) in names.items(): if isinstance(attr, Variable): attr_var = attr else: attr_var = Variable( name, attr.get(n.STANDARD_NAME, DEFAULT_INFO), attr.get(n.LONG_NAME, DEFAULT_INFO), attr.get(n.UNITS, DEFAULT_INFO)) self._add_to_dict(name, attr_var)
[docs] def iris_dict(self, var): """Access :mod:`iris` dictionary of the variable. Parameters ---------- var : str (Short) name of the variable. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing all attributes of the variable which can be used directly in :mod:`iris` (`short_name` replaced by `var_name`). """ iris_dict = self._dict[var]._asdict() iris_dict[n.VAR_NAME] = iris_dict.pop(n.SHORT_NAME) return iris_dict
[docs] def long_name(self, var): """Access long name. Parameters ---------- var : str (Short) name of the variable. Returns ------- str Long name of the variable. """ return getattr(self._dict[var], n.LONG_NAME)
[docs] def modify_var(self, var, **names): """Modify an already existing variable of the class. Parameters ---------- var : str (Short) name of the existing variable. **names Keyword arguments of the form `short_name=tas`. Raises ------ ValueError If `var` is not an existing variable. TypeError If a non-valid keyword argument is given. """ if var not in self._dict: raise ValueError("Variable '{}' does not exist yet and cannot be " "modified".format(var)) old_var = self._dict.pop(var) new_var = {} for name in Variable._fields: new_var[name] = names.pop(name, getattr(old_var, name)) # Check if names is not empty (=non-valid keyword argument given) if names: raise TypeError("Non-valid keyword arguments " "given: {}".format(names)) new_var = Variable(**new_var) self._add_to_dict(var, new_var)
[docs] def short_name(self, var): """Access short name. Parameters ---------- var : str (Short) name of the variable. Returns ------- str Short name of the variable. """ return getattr(self._dict[var], n.SHORT_NAME)
[docs] def short_names(self): """Get list of all `short_names`. Returns ------- list List of all `short_names`. """ return list(self._dict)
[docs] def standard_name(self, var): """Access standard name. Parameters ---------- var : str (Short) name of the variable. Returns ------- str Standard name of the variable. """ return getattr(self._dict[var], n.STANDARD_NAME)
[docs] def standard_names(self): """Get list of all `standard_names`. Returns ------- list List of all `standard_names`. """ return [self.standard_name(name) for name in self._dict]
[docs] def units(self, var): """Access units. Parameters ---------- var : str (Short) name of the variable. Returns ------- str Units of the variable. """ return getattr(self._dict[var], n.UNITS)
[docs] def var_name(self, var): """Access var name. Parameters ---------- var : str (Short) name of the variable. Returns ------- str Var name (=short name) of the variable. """ return getattr(self._dict[var], n.SHORT_NAME)
[docs] def vars_available(self, *args): """Check if given variables are available. Parameters ---------- *args Short names of the variables to be tested. Returns ------- bool `True` if variables are available, `False` if not. """ for var in args: if var not in self._dict: return False return True
[docs]class Datasets(object): """Class to easily access a recipe's datasets in a diagnostic script. Examples -------- Get all variables of a recipe configuration `cfg`:: datasets = Datasets(cfg) Access data of a dataset with path `dataset_path`:: datasets.get_data(path=dataset_path) Access dataset information of the dataset:: datasets.get_dataset_info(path=dataset_path) Access the data of all datasets with `exp=piControl`:: datasets.get_data_list(exp=piControl) """ def __init__(self, cfg): """Load datasets. Load all datasets of the recipe and store them in three internal :obj:`dict`/:obj:`list` containers: `self._paths`, `self._data` and `self._datasets`. Parameters ---------- cfg : dict, optional Configuation dictionary of the recipe. Raises ------ TypeError If recipe configuration dictionary is not valid. """ self._iter_counter = 0 self._paths = [] self._data = {} success = True if isinstance(cfg, dict): input_data = cfg.get(n.INPUT_DATA) if isinstance(input_data, dict): for path in input_data: dataset_info = input_data[path] if not isinstance(dataset_info, dict): success = False break self._paths.append(path) self._data[path] = None self._datasets = input_data else: success = False else: success = False if not success: raise TypeError("{} is not a valid configuration " "file".format(repr(cfg))) self._n_datasets = len(self._paths) if not self._paths: logger.warning("No datasets found!") logger.warning("Note: the automatic import of datasets does not " "work for chained scripts (using 'ancestors' key)") def __repr__(self): """Representation of the class.""" output = '' for path in self._datasets: output += repr(self._datasets[path]) + '\n' return output def __iter__(self): """Allow iteration through class.""" self._iter_counter = 0 return self def __next__(self): """Allow iteration through class.""" if self._iter_counter >= self._n_datasets: raise StopIteration() next_element = self._paths[self._iter_counter] self._iter_counter += 1 return next_element def _is_valid_path(self, path): """Check if path is in class. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to be tested. Returns ------- bool `True` if valid path, `False` if not. """ if path in self._paths: return True logger.warning("%s is not a valid dataset path", path) return False def _extract_paths(self, dataset_info, fail_when_ambiguous=False): """Get all paths matching a given `dataset_info`. Parameters ---------- dataset_info : dict Description of the desired datasets. fail_when_ambiguous : bool, optional Raise an exception when retrieved paths are ambiguous. Returns ------- list All matching paths. Raises ------ RuntimeError If data given by `dataset_info` is ambiguous and `fail_when_ambiguous` is set to `True`. """ paths = list(self._datasets) for info in dataset_info: paths = [path for path in paths if self._datasets[path].get(info) == dataset_info[info]] if not paths: logger.warning("%s does not match any dataset", dataset_info) return paths if not fail_when_ambiguous: return sorted(paths) if len(paths) > 1: msg = 'Given dataset information is ambiguous' logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) return sorted(paths)
[docs] def add_dataset(self, path, data=None, **dataset_info): """Add dataset to class. Parameters ---------- path : str (Unique) path to the dataset. data: optional Arbitrary object to be saved as data for the dataset. **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. """ if path in self._paths: logger.warning("%s already exists! Overwriting old data", path) self._paths.remove(path) self._paths.append(path) self._data[path] = data self._datasets[path] = dataset_info
[docs] def add_to_data(self, data, path=None, **dataset_info): """Add element to a dataset's data. Notes ----- Either `path` or a unique `dataset_info` description have to be given. Fails when given information is ambiguous. Parameters ---------- data Element to be added to the dataset's data. path : str, optional Path to the dataset **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Raises ------ RuntimeError If data given by `dataset_info` is ambiguous. """ if path is not None: if self._is_valid_path(path): self._data[path] += data return None return None paths = self._extract_paths(dataset_info, fail_when_ambiguous=True) if paths: self._data[paths[0]] += data return None
[docs] def get_data(self, path=None, **dataset_info): """Access a dataset's data. Notes ----- Either `path` or a unique `dataset_info` description have to be given. Fails when given information is ambiguous. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Path to the dataset **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Returns ------- `data_object` Data of the selected dataset. Raises ------ RuntimeError If data given by `dataset_info` is ambiguous. """ if path is not None: if self._is_valid_path(path): return self._data.get(path) return None paths = self._extract_paths(dataset_info, fail_when_ambiguous=True) if not paths: return None return self._data[paths[0]]
[docs] def get_data_list(self, **dataset_info): """Access the datasets' data in a list. Notes ----- The returned data is sorted alphabetically respective to the `paths`. Parameters ---------- **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Returns ------- list Data of the selected datasets. """ paths = self._extract_paths(dataset_info) return [self._data[path] for path in paths]
[docs] def get_dataset_info(self, path=None, **dataset_info): """Access a dataset's information. Notes ----- Either `path` or a unique `dataset_info` description have to be given. Fails when given information is ambiguous. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Path to the dataset. **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Returns ------- dict All dataset information. Raises ------ RuntimeError If data given by `dataset_info` is ambiguous. """ if path is not None: if self._is_valid_path(path): return self._datasets.get(path) return None paths = self._extract_paths(dataset_info, fail_when_ambiguous=True) if not paths: return None return self._datasets[paths[0]]
[docs] def get_dataset_info_list(self, **dataset_info): """Access dataset's information in a list. Notes ----- The returned data is sorted alphabetically respective to the `paths`. Parameters ---------- **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Returns ------- list Information dictionaries of the selected datasets. """ paths = self._extract_paths(dataset_info) return [self._datasets[path] for path in paths]
[docs] def get_info(self, key, path=None, **dataset_info): """Access a 'dataset_info`'s `key`. Notes ----- Either `path` or a unique `dataset_info` description have to be given. Fails when given information is ambiguous. If the `dataset_info` does not contain the `key`, returns None. Parameters ---------- key : str Desired dictionary key. path : str Path to the dataset. **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Returns ------- str `key` information of the given dataset. Raises ------ RuntimeError If data given by `dataset_info` is ambiguous. """ if path is not None: if self._is_valid_path(path): output = self._datasets[path].get(key) if output is None: logger.warning("Dataset %s does not contain '%s' " "information", path, key) return output return None paths = self._extract_paths(dataset_info, fail_when_ambiguous=True) if not paths: return None output = self._datasets[paths[0]].get(key) if output is None: logger.warning("Dataset %s does not contain '%s' information", path, key) return output
[docs] def get_info_list(self, key, **dataset_info): """Access `dataset_info`'s `key` values. Notes ----- The returned data is sorted alphabetically respective to the `paths`. Parameters ---------- **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Returns ------- list `key` information of the selected datasets. """ paths = self._extract_paths(dataset_info) output = [self._datasets[path].get(key) for path in paths] if None in output: logger.warning("One or more datasets do not contain '%s' " "information", key) return output
[docs] def get_path(self, **dataset_info): """Access a dataset's path. Notes ----- A unique `dataset_info` description has to be given. Fails when given information is ambiguous. Parameters ---------- **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Returns ------- str Path of the selected dataset. Raises ------ RuntimeError If data given by `dataset_info` is ambiguous. """ paths = self._extract_paths(dataset_info, fail_when_ambiguous=True) if not paths: return None return paths[0]
[docs] def get_path_list(self, **dataset_info): """Access dataset's paths in a list. Notes ----- The returned data is sorted alphabetically respective to the `paths`. Parameters ---------- **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Returns ------- list Paths of the selected datasets. """ return self._extract_paths(dataset_info)
[docs] def set_data(self, data, path=None, **dataset_info): """Set element as a dataset's data. Notes ----- Either `path` or a unique `dataset_info` description have to be given. Fails when if given information is ambiguous. Parameters ---------- data Element to be set as the dataset's data. path : str, optional Path to the dataset. **dataset_info: optional Keyword arguments describing the dataset, e.g. `dataset=CanESM2`, `exp=piControl` or `short_name=tas`. Raises ------ RuntimeError If data given by `dataset_info` is ambiguous. """ if path is not None: if self._is_valid_path(path): self._data[path] = data return None return None paths = self._extract_paths(dataset_info, fail_when_ambiguous=True) if paths: self._data[paths[0]] = data return None