Source code for esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared.iris_helpers

"""Convenience functions for :mod:`iris` objects."""
import logging
import warnings
from pprint import pformat

import iris
import numpy as np
from cf_units import Unit
from iris import NameConstraint
from iris.exceptions import CoordinateNotFoundError

from esmvaltool import ESMValToolDeprecationWarning

from ._base import group_metadata

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _transform_coord_to_ref(cubes, ref_coord):
    """Transform coordinates of cubes to reference."""
        # Convert AuxCoord to DimCoord if necessary and possible
        ref_coord = iris.coords.DimCoord.from_coord(ref_coord)
    except ValueError:
    if not np.array_equal(np.unique(ref_coord.points), np.sort(
        raise ValueError(
            f"Expected unique coordinate '{}', got "
    coord_name =
    new_cubes = iris.cube.CubeList()
    for cube in cubes:
        coord = cube.coord(coord_name)
        if not np.all(np.isin(coord.points, ref_coord.points)):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Coordinate {coord} of cube\n{cube}\nis not subset of "
                f"reference coordinate {ref_coord}")
        new_data = np.full(ref_coord.shape, np.nan)
        indices = np.where(np.in1d(ref_coord.points, coord.points))
        new_data[indices] =, np.nan)
        new_cube = iris.cube.Cube(
        if isinstance(ref_coord, iris.coords.DimCoord):
            new_cube.add_dim_coord(ref_coord, 0)
            new_cube.add_aux_coord(ref_coord, 0)
        for aux_coord in cube.coords(dim_coords=False):
            if aux_coord.shape in ((), (1, )):
                new_cube.add_aux_coord(aux_coord, [])
        new_cube.metadata = cube.metadata
    check_coordinate(new_cubes, coord_name)
    logger.debug("Successfully unified coordinate '%s' to %s", coord_name,
    logger.debug("of cubes")
    return new_cubes

[docs]def check_coordinate(cubes, coord_name): """Compare coordinate of cubes and raise error if not identical. Parameters ---------- cubes : iris.cube.CubeList Cubes to be compared. coord_name : str Name of the coordinate. Returns ------- numpy.array Points of the coordinate. Raises ------ iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError Coordinate ``coord_name`` is not a coordinate of one of the cubes. ValueError Given coordinate differs for the input cubes. """ coord = None for cube in cubes: try: new_coord = cube.coord(coord_name) except CoordinateNotFoundError: raise CoordinateNotFoundError( f"'{coord_name}' is not a coordinate of cube\n{cube}") if coord is None: coord = new_coord else: if new_coord != coord: raise ValueError( f"Expected cubes with identical coordinates " f"'{coord_name}', got {new_coord} and {coord}") logger.debug("Successfully checked coordinate '%s' of cubes", coord_name) logger.debug(pformat(cubes)) return coord.points
[docs]def convert_to_iris(dict_): """Change all appearances of ``short_name`` to ``var_name``. Parameters ---------- dict_ : dict Dictionary to convert. Returns ------- dict Converted dictionary. Raises ------ KeyError :obj:`dict` contains keys``'short_name'`` **and** ``'var_name'``. """ dict_ = dict(dict_) if 'short_name' in dict_: if 'var_name' in dict_: raise KeyError( f"Cannot replace 'short_name' by 'var_name', dictionary " f"already contains 'var_name' (short_name = " f"'{dict_['short_name']}', var_name = '{dict_['var_name']}')") dict_['var_name'] = dict_.pop('short_name') return dict_
[docs]def get_mean_cube(datasets): """Get mean cube of a list of datasets. Parameters ---------- datasets : list of dict List of datasets (given as metadata :obj:`dict`). Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Mean cube. """ cubes = iris.cube.CubeList() for dataset in datasets: path = dataset['filename'] cube = iris.load_cube(path) prepare_cube_for_merging(cube, path) cubes.append(cube) mean_cube = cubes.merge_cube() if len(cubes) > 1: mean_cube = mean_cube.collapsed(['cube_label'], iris.analysis.MEAN) mean_cube.remove_coord('cube_label') return mean_cube
[docs]def iris_project_constraint(projects, input_data, negate=False): """Create :class:`iris.Constraint` to select specific projects from data. Parameters ---------- projects : list of str Projects to be selected. input_data : list of dict List of dataset metadata used to extract all relevant datasets belonging to given ``projects``. negate : bool, optional (default: False) Negate constraint (``False``: select all elements that fit ``projects``, `True``: select all elements that do **not** fit ``projects``). Returns ------- iris.Constraint constraint for coordinate ``dataset``. """ datasets = [] grouped_data = group_metadata(input_data, 'project') for project in projects: datasets.extend([d['dataset'] for d in grouped_data.get(project, [])]) def project_constraint(cell): """Constraint function.""" if negate: return cell not in datasets return cell in datasets return iris.Constraint(dataset=project_constraint)
[docs]def intersect_dataset_coordinates(cubes): """Compare dataset coordinates of cubes and match them if necessary. Use intersection of coordinate 'dataset' of all given cubes and remove elements which are not given in all cubes. Parameters ---------- cubes : iris.cube.CubeList Cubes to be compared. Returns ------- iris.cube.CubeList Transformed cubes. Raises ------ iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError Coordinate ``dataset`` is not a coordinate of one of the cubes. ValueError At least one of the cubes contains a ``dataset`` coordinate with duplicate elements or the cubes do not share common elements. """ common_elements = None # Get common elements for cube in cubes: try: coord_points = cube.coord('dataset').points except CoordinateNotFoundError: raise CoordinateNotFoundError( f"'dataset' is not a coordinate of cube\n{cube}") if len(set(coord_points)) != len(coord_points): raise ValueError( f"Coordinate 'dataset' of cube\n{cube}\n contains duplicate " f"elements") if common_elements is None: common_elements = set(coord_points) else: common_elements = common_elements.intersection(set(coord_points)) common_elements = list(common_elements) # Save new cubes new_cubes = iris.cube.CubeList() for cube in cubes: cube = cube.extract(iris.Constraint(dataset=common_elements)) if cube is None: raise ValueError(f"Cubes {cubes} do not share common elements") sorted_idx = np.argsort(cube.coord('dataset').points) new_cubes.append(cube[sorted_idx]) check_coordinate(new_cubes, 'dataset') logger.debug("Successfully matched 'dataset' coordinate to %s", sorted(common_elements)) logger.debug("of cubes") logger.debug(pformat(cubes)) return new_cubes
[docs]def prepare_cube_for_merging(cube, cube_label): """Prepare single :class:`iris.cube.Cube` in order to merge it later. Parameters ---------- cube : iris.cube.Cube Cube to be pre-processed. cube_label : str Label for the new scalar coordinate ``cube_label``. """ cube.attributes = {} cube.cell_methods = () for coord in cube.coords(dim_coords=True): coord.attributes = {} for coord in cube.coords(dim_coords=False): cube.remove_coord(coord) cube_label_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(cube_label, var_name='cube_label', long_name='cube_label') cube.add_aux_coord(cube_label_coord, [])
[docs]def unify_1d_cubes(cubes, coord_name): """Unify 1D cubes by transforming them to identical coordinates. Use union of all coordinates as reference and transform other cubes to it by adding missing values. Parameters ---------- cubes : iris.cube.CubeList Cubes to be processed. coord_name : str Name of the coordinate. Returns ------- iris.cube.CubeList Transformed cubes. Raises ------ ValueError Cubes are not 1D, coordinate name differs or not all cube coordinates are subsets of longest coordinate. """ ref_coord = None # Get reference coordinate for cube in cubes: if cube.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"Dimension of cube\n{cube}\nis not 1") try: new_coord = cube.coord(coord_name) except CoordinateNotFoundError: raise CoordinateNotFoundError( f"'{coord_name}' is not a coordinate of cube\n{cube}") if not np.array_equal(np.unique(new_coord.points), np.sort(new_coord.points)): raise ValueError( f"Coordinate '{coord_name}' of cube\n{cube}\n is not unique, " f"unifying not possible") if ref_coord is None: ref_coord = new_coord else: new_points = np.union1d(ref_coord.points, new_coord.points) ref_coord = ref_coord.copy(new_points) if coord_name == 'time': iris.util.unify_time_units(cubes) # Transform all cubes return _transform_coord_to_ref(cubes, ref_coord)
[docs]def unify_time_coord(cube, target_units='days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00'): """Unify time coordinate of cube in-place. Parameters ---------- cube: iris.cube.Cube Cube whose time coordinate is transformed in-place. target_units: str or cf_units.Unit, optional Target time units. Raises ------ iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError Cube does not contain coordinate ``time``. """ if not cube.coords('time'): raise CoordinateNotFoundError( f"Coordinate 'time' not found in cube " f"{cube.summary(shorten=True)}") # Convert points and (if possible) bounds to new units target_units = Unit(target_units) # works if target_units already is Unit time_coord = cube.coord('time') new_points = target_units.date2num( time_coord.units.num2date(time_coord.points)) if time_coord.bounds is None: new_bounds = None else: new_bounds = target_units.date2num( time_coord.units.num2date(time_coord.bounds)) # Create new coordinate and add it to the cube new_time_coord = iris.coords.DimCoord( new_points, bounds=new_bounds, var_name='time', standard_name='time', long_name='time', units=target_units, ) coord_dims = cube.coord_dims('time') cube.remove_coord('time') cube.add_dim_coord(new_time_coord, coord_dims)
[docs]def var_name_constraint(var_name): """:class:`iris.Constraint` using ``var_name``. Warning ------- .. deprecated:: 2.6.0 This function has been deprecated in ESMValTool version 2.6.0 and is scheduled for removal in version 2.8.0. Please use the function :class:`iris.NameConstraint` with the argument ``var_name`` instead: this is an exact replacement. Parameters ---------- var_name: str ``var_name`` used for the constraint. Returns ------- iris.Constraint Constraint. """ deprecation_msg = ( "The function ``var_name_constraint`` has been deprecated in " "ESMValTool version 2.6.0 and is scheduled for removal in version " "2.8.0. Please use the function ``iris.NameConstraint`` with the " "argument ``var_name`` instead: this is an exact replacement." ) warnings.warn(deprecation_msg, ESMValToolDeprecationWarning) return NameConstraint(var_name=var_name)