Evaluate residuals#

Simple evaluation of residuals (coming from MLR model output).


This diagnostic evaluates residuals created by MLR models.


Manuel Schlund (DLR, Germany)



Configuration options in recipe#

ignore: list of dict, optional

Ignore specific datasets by specifying multiple dict s of metadata.

mse_plot: dict, optional

Additional options for plotting the mean square errors (MSE). Specify additional keyword arguments for seaborn.boxplot() by plot_kwargs and plot appearance options by pyplot_kwargs (processed as functions of matplotlib.pyplot).

pattern: str, optional

Pattern matched against ancestor file names.

rmse_plot: dict, optional

Additional options for plotting the root mean square errors (RMSE). Specify additional keyword arguments for seaborn.boxplot() by plot_kwargs and plot appearance options by pyplot_kwargs (processed as functions of matplotlib.pyplot).

savefig_kwargs: dict, optional

Keyword arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.savefig().

seaborn_settings: dict, optional

Options for seaborn.set_theme() (affects all plots).

weighted_samples: dict

If specified, use weighted root mean square error. The given keyword arguments are directly passed to esmvaltool.diag_scripts.mlr.get_all_weights() to calculate the sample weights. By default, area weights and time weights are used.