.. _private_repository: Moving work from the private to the public repository ***************************************************** In case you develop a new diagnostic with the ESMValTool, and you plan on publishing the results of the diagnostic in a peer-reviewed paper, you might want to develop the diagnostic in a slightly less open setting than the ESMValTool-public repository. That is what the ESMValTool-private repository is for. It would be great, though, if you would make the diagnostic available for the whole community after your paper was accepted. The steps that you need to take to develop a diagnostic in the private repository and then open a pull request for it in the public repository are described in the following: 1. Clone the private repository =============================== For example, to clone a repository called esmvaltool-private, you would run: ``git clone git@github.com:esmvalgroup/esmvaltool-private`` or ``git clone https://github.com/esmvalgroup/esmvaltool-private`` 2. Make a branch to develop your recipe and diagnostic ====================================================== ``git checkout main`` ``git pull`` ``git checkout -b my-awesome-diagnostic`` 3. Develop your diagnostic in that branch and push it to the private repository =============================================================================== ``git push -u origin my-awesome-diagnostic`` the first time and ``git push`` any other time 4. Write and submit your paper ============================== 5. Push your branch to the public repository ============================================ Add the public repository as a remote ``git remote add public git@github.com:esmvalgroup/esmvaltool`` or ``git remote add public https://github.com/esmvalgroup/esmvaltool`` and push your branch to the public repository ``git push -u public my-awesome-diagnostic`` 6. Make a pull request in the public repository =============================================== Go to https://github.com/esmalgroup/esmvaltool/pulls and click the 'New pull request button'. Process reviewer comments and get it merged as described in :ref:`reviewing`. 7. Obtain a DOI for your code and add it to your paper ====================================================== Wait for a new release of ESMValTool. Releases are scheduled normally every four months. Find the release schedule here: :ref:`release_schedule`. With the next release, your diagnostic recipe and source code will automatically be included in the archive on Zenodo and you can add the DOI from Zenodo to your paper: https://zenodo.org/record/3698045